
作者&投稿:晁曲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




1 I come Chinese , because I thought US forever can in the there, I all be allowed to go back as necessary, when but certainly isn't I wants to come China to be allowed to come, my that time thought, if my this does not go, future could forever all not have the opportunity again to go
2 Certainly is not all people all has this opportunity

1.i come to China since i know that American is always there and I can go back at any time. On the other side, it's not easy for me to come to China. At that time, I thought that if this time I didn't come to China, then I'll lose the opportunity forever.
2.Not everyone can have this opportunity.

1. I came to China. Because I thought I could go to America whenever I wanted to for it was always there. But China was different. I thought that if I didn't come to China this time, I probably would not have another chance in the future.
2. Not everybody has such an opportunity.

I come to China, because I feel that America will always be where it is, and I could come back at any moment, while I would not always had the opportunity to China. I thought then, that if I didn't go to China then, I would never have another opportunity.

Not everyonde had this opoortunity.

1 “I came to China,because I think America is always there,I can go back anytime,and it's not anytime I can come to China.I thought at that time ,‘if I don't go this time,maybe I will never have the chance to go in the future’.”
2 It's not everybody can have such kind of opportunity.

1, I'm going abroad to college, finish my studies, get a diploma.2. I like math, so I chose to accounting, I am very interested in it.3. This school has a long history of excellent academic style, strong teachers and a beautiful environment.4. My family and friends are ...

求大神帮忙解释一下这个句子为什么这么翻译? Because I like, so rel...
not表否定,就是没有那么的为什么,因此连起来就成这样的翻译了。reluctantly 英 [rɪ'lʌktəntli]   美 [rɪ'lʌktəntli]adv. 不情愿地;勉强地 That child goes out reluctantly to dump rubbish.那小孩不情愿地出去倒垃圾。近义词 grudgingly 英 ['ɡr&...

就不能保持健康和强壮。Fans braved the big windy night, wearing red shirts and holding blue glowing sticks at the Beijing show.在晚上,粉丝们冒着大风,身穿红色衬衣和手持蓝色发光棒,(出现)在北京车展。这一句英文好像不太完整……希望回答对你有所帮助!

在大学毕业以后,我在甘肃省张掖市的河西学院担任了辅导员一职,这份工作培养了我的责任意识和合作精神。After graduating from university, I went to Zhangye, Gansu Province, and worked as a form teacher in Hexi College, from which I culvitated strong sense of responsibility and teamwork....

1. 健康与安全的培训是否提供给员工、实习生?Is health and safety training provided for employees,lnduction and ongoing?2. 那儿有没有医疗设施?Is there access to medical facilities?3. 事故与疾患是否被存档?Are accidents and illness documented?4. 你作为一家公司,是否给高层管理代表派给...

life is like stool,sometimes we take many efforts,but it's just a fart at last

帮忙翻译一下这个句子 。
你是专门为我而造的海洛因 or 你是针对我一个人的致命毒品 这个暮光之城twilight 里的一句话吧 Edward对Bella说的 意思是表明Bella对他一个人的致命诱惑

1.多次组织活动和联谊,锻炼了组织能力和协调能力 Many times organization activity and communication, toughenned an organizational skill to harmoniously adjust ability 2.从小职员升迁至经理,参加了许多大型项目 The employee promoted go to a manager since the childhood and attended many large item...

can broaden your vision and enrich your experience.29.了解一种文化最好的方式就是亲自去体验。The best way to know a culture is to experience it by yourself.30.我想骑自行车旅行会帮助你更好的了解中国。I think travelling by bike will help you get a better understanding of China....

勤谨还温顺灬熊猫 高能答主 2023-08-04 · 认真答题,希望能帮到你 关注 展开全部 "两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天"是唐代诗人杜甫在《绝句》中的描写。这句诗意味着春天的景象和生机勃勃的画面。 黄鹂是一种美丽的鸟,它们会在翠绿的柳树间唱歌。黄鹂的鸣叫声清脆悦耳,与绿色的柳树形成了和谐的画面。这个...

温县18644034259: 请大家帮我翻译一下这几个句子,谢谢了句子不难,我只是不好组织条理,希望能得到精准翻译,谢谢1、In the interest of world peace,we must promote ... -
禤心思吉:[答案] 1、为了世界和平事业,我们应该去促进世界上各个国家与不同社会体系之间的相互了解. 2、公交车按照指定的路线指定的时间表来回运行. 3、据报道说,联合国调定人小组已推出一个他们希望当事人双方都能接受的方案. 4、在我看来,董事会对在...

温县18644034259: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译一下这个句子“或许我可以在下一封信中寄给你一些照片”可不可以这样说Maybe I can sent some photos to you with the next letter. -
禤心思吉:[答案] Maybe I will sent you some photos next time. 你不会只写一句吧,下次就是下封信的意思

温县18644034259: 英语好的请帮忙了请帮忙翻译一下下面几个句子.1.请您收好它.(用于给对方一件东西时说的)2.我要把这张标签贴在您的车上,请您帮下忙.(这句的下半句... -
禤心思吉:[答案] Please keep it safe. I'm going to put this sticker on your car,would you mind giving me a hand? Ok,you're free to go. Hope you will do well.

温县18644034259: 请帮忙用英语翻译一下这个句子
禤心思吉: 你可以用你的能力使你的世界成为一个更好的地方 引申为就是 用你的能力使你的生活更加美好

温县18644034259: 请帮忙翻译成英语.谢谢了 句子也不难吧"我对自己说,你要过的越来越好"
禤心思吉: Talking to myself:you want to be better and better! 呵呵、也希望你越来越好!

温县18644034259: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译2个句子,英文翻成中文.“首先,我要声明,这绝不是一封诈骗信,我是认真的,请您读下去!”"我真的十分的诚恳,请您认真考虑... -
禤心思吉:[答案] First of all,I want to declare,this is not a scam letter,I'm serious,please read on I am really very sincere,can you think about it,please?Thank you

温县18644034259: 请帮忙翻译一下这句英文句子!
禤心思吉: 从不蹙额(皱眉),即使当你不开心的时候,因为你不知道谁会因为你的笑容而爱上你.

温县18644034259: 请帮忙翻译下这个句子谢谢!
禤心思吉: 我将一会也不呆了 shan't =shall not ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

温县18644034259: 请大家帮忙翻译一下这句句子 -
禤心思吉: 抱歉我迟到了,我可能把闹钟关掉又睡着了.

温县18644034259: 各位英语大佬,请帮忙翻译下这个句子~ -
禤心思吉: If you take the side path to the right, here, just by the New Barn, you 'll ...如果你走右边的小路,就在这里,就在新谷仓旁边,你会(将)...

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