翻译英文:别去打扰一个不愿意理你的人,因为他心里那个最重要的人不是你; 不适合的鞋子就不要硬塞了,

作者&投稿:重质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
别去打扰一个不愿意理你的人,因为他心里那个最重要的人不是你; 不适合的鞋子就不要硬塞了,磨的是自己~


Just don't bother the one that doesn't want to talk to you. Otherwise you'll have to be with a flattering smile but get humiliated.


A. Don't go bother someone who doesn't want to respond, because you're not (the most) important to him/her.
B1. Don't bother those who ignore you; you're not of their (utmost) concern
B2. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't care.

A(B). Don't try to wear someone else's glass slipper, it's your foot that'll bleed. (这里引用灰姑娘的故事,用灰姑娘的玻璃鞋来形容不适合的鞋子)

AB. If they don't answer the phone, don't redial; those who care will call back (as soon as they can).

发微信人家不回就不要再发了,想理你的人 再忙也会回一下;
A. when you send him/her a message and they don't reply, just stop; if he/she cared, he/she would find the time for you.
B1. If you don't make the time for me, why should I waste mine on you?
B2. No matter how "busy" a person's life may be, if they "really care", they'll always find time for you.

A. If a restaurant relocated, stop making the journey to eat there, you can't spend all your time pursuing.
B. Don't squander(waste) your life(time) chasing something unimportant.


A. Be it people or matter, just do your best, and don't cling too tight; those that leave are sceneries that pass, those that stay are what's really part of your life.
B. What's truly yours, will eventually be yours, and what's not, no matter how hard you try, will never be.

If someone wants to be a part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it. so don't bother reserving a space (in your heart) for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay.


Let them miss you. Sometimes when you're always available, they take you for granted because they think you'll always stay.


I don't chase people anymore. I learned that I'm here, and I'm important. I'm not going to run after people to prove that I matter.


Never try coming up to disturb a person seemingly keeping you out in that you're not that one the most important in his heart bottom. Just as much as an ancestor says, It's no good to stuff your feet into a wrong size of shoes. That means you don't feel your feet anymore after you did it. What's more, it'd better to stop dialing that number again and again instead of no response because regularly, by no means did individual turn their back to you as long as you are in their eyes for good. Meanwhile, the circumstance in WebChat should be consistent with the former, because no one replies to you until they feel having a little more break-time as usual. None of your friends came up with it for what, either, shouldn't you often cove miles and miles to the restaurant which has been moved months and months. Under no circumstances are you supposed to spend your handles of time on the following way. Questioning yourself. Is it worth grabbing any of them for good? How much people and things will turn up in the world? And why? And how? Thinking about them more, you shall find out that they're in the end gone with the wind. With respect to you, learn to follow your heart and go on and let your real life come back as much as it should be, progressively.

Don't disturb a would not give you the person, because he was the most important person is not you; not suitable for shoes is not hard, grinding his own feet; call not to each other, don't again and again, cherish the people you love will be the first time call; in the letter people not back don't send, want to know you are busy will look back; move restaurant, don't come all the way over to eat, you can not have been spent in the following way; all the people and things, they examine oneself, feeling no shame is good, is not you don't try, anyway. Left, is the scenery, left, is the life!!


我正在学习,请勿打扰 译成英文
我正在学习,请勿打扰 译成英文 2013-09-21 13:36 匿名 | 来自手机知道 | 分类:英语翻译 扫描二维码下载 下载知道APP10分钟有问必答! 建议:可使用微信的“扫一扫”功能扫描下载 分享到: 2013-09-21 13:39 提问者采纳 热心网友 回答 I'm studying, please do not bother.I'm studying, please do not...

我正在学习,请勿打扰 译成英文
I'm studying, please do not bother.I'm studying, please do not disturb.

working, please do not disturb.

关于打扰一下的英文拼读,打扰一下的英文这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、译:excuse me经常用作寻找帮助。2、囗语提问点击采纳。3、谢谢。

打扰一下 英文翻译是什么,马上给好评
excuse me

-- 英汉 - 翻译参考 Excuse me, is there a clothes shop nearby?打扰一下,附近有服装店吗?-- 休闲英语会话 - Shopping ? Jukuu 句酷 查看更多例句... 09新款监控器,送货上门,当面测试 西安亿能手表接收机 售后有保障海词在线词典 打扰一下 Excuse me 例句:对不起打扰一下, 请问去车站...

打扰了”用英语怎么说 打扰了 bother 或 disturb 对不起,打扰了 sorry for the bother 对不起,打扰了你 sorry to have bothered you sorry to have disturbed you 打扰了用英语怎么说 Excuse me hello 打扰了 用英语怎么说 打扰了 excuse me就可以 excuse me翻译很灵活对不起,打扰一下 请原谅 打扰...

直接说excuse me,有了冒昧,打扰一下这个所有意思。英语有时候翻译到中文是很简单的,但是中文成语之类翻译成英文就很长啦

打扰用interrupt把 好一点把!!如果按照上面的,应该是后面一句.boring是乏味的意思是是一个adj.

I am sorry to trouble you

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