
作者&投稿:职乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Cinderella was the child of a poor family. The work she did at Fat Lady's home was both tiring and dirty.


At night, the Fat Lady made Cinderella go to bed in the attic. There were six little mice in the attic .


One day, the Fat Lady and her daughter went to the palace to dance. Cinderella also wanted to go.

The Fat Lady said:"You can't go."


Cinderella cried sadly. Then came a fairy, she pointed at Cinderella with a magic stick.


Cinderella's torn clothes imme-diately turned into a beautiful dress. The fairy also gave her a pair of crystal shoes.


The fairy transformed pumpkins into a car-riage, and turned the six little mice into six horses.

Cinderella quickly arrived at the palace by tak-ing the pumpkin carriage.


"Wow, who is that beautiful girl?" The peo-ple were all wondering.


The people dancing were all stunned.


The Fat Lady recognized Cinderella and she rushed to take away Cinderella's crystal shoes.


At that moment, the six horses turned into six small mice again, and ran over to bite the Fat Lady ...

这时,六匹马变成了六只小老鼠,跑来咬胖太太……Cinderella who dressed in a beautiful dress and wore crystal shoes danced with every-one happily.














Once upon a time lived a beautiful girl, called Cinderella.


One day,Prince Charming is having a ball to find his bride!


Her wicked stepmother just laughed mockingly and told her to stay at home in the cinders where she belonged.


Cinderella was very sad.Then, a fairy appeared from out of the glowing light!


The cat had transformed into a coachman,the mice changed into horses.


The fairy kindly and waved her wand again, Cinderella’s rags had disappeared


When Cinderella entered the ball a hush fell and everyone stopped dancing. 


The Prince himself thought that Cinderella was so beautiful that he danced with her all night long.


The clock had begun to strike twelve. 


The Prince tried to chase after Cinderella but he lost sight of her.


The Prince went everywhere trying to find the girl whose the foot would fit into the dainty glass slipper.


Finally, he came to Cinderella’s house.


Cinderella watched as the Prince tried to fit the slipper onto her stepsister’s feet.”May I try the slipper?”.


The slipper fitted Cinderella’s foot perfectly!


The Prince recognized her immediately and asked her then and there to be his bride.






中英双语的,每句英文后接着中文Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.
stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what's more,bring me my breakfast.
?stepsister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold.
?stepsister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish.
Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends.
One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.
The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella's beauty.
Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.
Cinderella: There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing!
Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that.
Cinderella: Oh, but I do.
Godmother: Nonsense, child! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears!
Cinderella: Why then, you must be...
Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let's see, hmm...now...the magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you? got.
你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo。 把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。
Cinderella: Oh, it's beautiful! It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.
Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You'll have only till night and...
Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you.
Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.
Cinderella: Oh, I understand, but...it's more than I ever hoped for.
Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.
At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o'clock-five to twelve!
Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!
Prince: What's the matter?
Cinderella: It's midnight. It's almost midnight.
Prince: Yes, so it is.But why?
Cinderella: Goodbye.
Prince: No, no,wait, you can't go now.
Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.
Prince: But why?
Cinderella: goodbye.
Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don't even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!
Cinderella: Goodbye.
The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try.
Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?
Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.
stepsister1: It's only Cinderella!
stepsister1: She's out of her mind.
stepmother: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.
Duke:Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.
Duke: Oh, no!No!This is terrible. The king! What shall I do?
Cinderella: But perhaps this would help...
Duke: No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing.
Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.
Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.
推荐于 2017-10-13
旧书八成新/灰姑娘/宝宝爱的经典童话+ 吴维维 改编 郅红蒋明佚 绘
旧书九成新/灰姑娘 (德)格林 原著,(英)华兹 绘,杨武能,杨熹
旧书九成新/灰姑娘(插图 中文导读英文版) (德)格林 等
旧书九成新/灰姑娘/萤火虫世界经典童话双语绘本 德格林
140 浏览514702019-11-11
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a wicked stepmother and two unhappy sisters. 译文:从前,有一个美丽的女孩,有一个恶毒的继母和两个心地不好的姐妹。 Girls are often bullied by stepmothers and two sisters, forced to do heavy work, often covered with dust, so they are nicknamed "Cinderella". 译文:女孩经常被继母和两个姐妹欺负,被迫做繁重的工作,经常被尘土覆盖,因此被戏称为“灰姑娘”。 One day, the prince of the city held a dance to invite all the girls in the city, but Cinderella's stepmother and two sisters refused to let Cinderella attend. 译文:有一天,城里的王子举行了一个舞会,邀请全市的姑娘们参加,但灰姑娘的继母和两个姐姐不让灰姑娘参加。 Cinderella was also asked to do a lot of work, which made Cinderella disappointed and sad. 译文:还要求灰姑娘做很多工作,这使灰姑娘失望和悲伤。 Then a fairy appeared and helped Cinderella shake herself into a noble Miss Qianjin, turned mice into drivers, turned pumpkins into carriages, turned into a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella to wear. 译文:这时,一位仙女出现了,帮灰姑娘摇身一变成了一位高贵的千金小姐,把老鼠变成了司机,把南瓜变成了马车,变成了一件漂亮的连衣裙和一双水晶(玻璃)鞋,供灰姑娘穿。 Cinderella was so happy that she rushed to the palace to attend the dance. 译文:灰姑娘高兴极了,赶往皇宫去参加舞会。 Before Cinderella left, the fairy warned Cinderella that Cinderella could not stay until 12 p.m. and the magic would be automatically lifted. 译文:仙女在灰姑娘离开之前警告过灰姑娘,灰姑娘不能呆到下午12点,然后魔法会自动解除。 Cinderella agreed. Cinderella attended the dance. 译文:灰姑娘同意了。灰姑娘参加了舞会。 The prince was fascinated by Cinderella and asked Cinderella to dance as soon as he saw her. 译文:王子被灰姑娘迷住了,一看到灰姑娘就请灰姑娘跳舞。 The time of joy passed quickly. 译文:欢乐的时光过得很快。 It's almost midnight. Cinderella had to leave immediately, leaving a crystal shoe in panic. 译文:快到午夜了。灰姑娘不得不立刻离开,在恐慌中留下一只水晶鞋。 The prince was so sad that he sent ministers all over the country to look for the girl wearing crystal shoes. 译文:王子非常伤心,派大臣到全国各地去寻找那个穿水晶鞋的女孩。 Despite the obstruction of his stepmother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella. 译文:尽管继母和姐姐的阻挠,大臣仍成功的找到了灰姑娘。 The prince was very happy that he proposed to Cinderella. Cinderella agreed. From then on, they lived a happy life. 译文:王子非常高兴王子向灰姑娘求婚。灰姑娘同意了。从此以后二人过着幸福的生活。 扩展资料: 灰姑娘的起源: 灰姑娘的形象可以追溯到很早的时期。希腊历史学家斯特拉波(《Geographica》17,1.33)讲述了公元前一世纪一位嫁到埃及的希腊少女洛多庇斯的故事,这被认为是灰姑娘的最早版本。 《灰姑娘》的另一个版本是中国的叶限,它出现在公元860年左右的小说《酉阳杂俎》中。《灰姑娘》最为流行的一个版本出自法国作家夏尔·佩罗。 参考资料来源:百度百科-灰姑娘 参考资料来源:百度百科-灰姑娘的故事
43 浏览70722019-09-03
124 浏览9142019-11-11
简单介绍灰姑娘的故事 英语版
请在此输 There once was a widower who remarried. His second wife was ill-natured, and she had two daughters who were just as unpleasant as their mother. The man had a beautiful, gentle daughter of his own, and she was soon to become the servant of her evil step-mother and step-sisters. They made her do all the chores around the house, and she was named Cinderella, after the cinders she swept out of the fireplace. The King needed to find a queen for his prince, so he threw a huge ball. The evil step-mother and step-sisters were invited, but Cinderella was not allowed to go. After they left, Cinderellaís fairy godmother appeared and changed her dirty rags into a beautiful gown with glass slippers. Next the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a coach and some mice into footmen. Before Cinderella left, the fairy godmother warned her to be home before midnight, because the spell would only last till then. Cinderella was a hit at the ball. The prince fell in love with her and asked her name. Just then the clock struck midnight, and Cinderella ran away. She was in such a hurry, she lost one of her glass slippers. It was the only clue the prince had to find his true love. He went to every home in the kingdom and had every single young girl try on the slipper to see if it fit. The evil step-sisters couldnít fit the slipper, but Cinderella did. The prince married her and they all lived happily ever after. 入您的回答
13 浏览2590
《灰姑娘》。这个故事主要讲有一个叫仙蒂的小姑娘,失去了妈妈。过了一年之后她爸爸又娶了一个妻子,这个女人还带了她两个女儿来。从此仙蒂就开始受苦了。有一天,国王下令举办舞会,给王子选个妻子。仙蒂央求她继母让她去,但她继母怎么也不给她去。她伤心地哭了起来,突然,一个仙女出现在她面前,仙女变了一条非常漂亮的裙子给她,还给了她一双玻璃鞋。仙蒂就高高兴兴地去了舞会。最后她就和王子一起在城堡里过着幸福快乐的生活。 读了这个故事我体会到了,要做一个善良的人,做好人就一定会有好报
6 浏览5212017-05-23

Once upon a time lived a beautiful girl, called Cinderella.


One day,Prince Charming is having a ball to find his bride!


Her wicked stepmother just laughed mockingly and told her to stay at home in the cinders where she belonged.


Cinderella was very sad.Then, a fairy appeared from out of the glowing light!


The cat had transformed into a coachman,the mice changed into horses.


The fairy kindly and waved her wand again, Cinderella’s rags had disappeared


When Cinderella entered the ball a hush fell and everyone stopped dancing.


The Prince himself thought that Cinderella was so beautiful that he danced with her all night long.


The clock had begun to strike twelve.


The Prince tried to chase after Cinderella but he lost sight of her.


The Prince went everywhere trying to find the girl whose the foot would fit into the dainty glass slipper.


Finally, he came to Cinderella’s house.


Cinderella watched as the Prince tried to fit the slipper onto her stepsister’s feet.”May I try the slipper?”.


The slipper fitted Cinderella’s foot perfectly!


The Prince recognized her immediately and asked her then and there to be his bride.


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There is a girl lived in a poor family in the countryside .Even tough she didn't have any beautiful clothes,she was the most beautiful girl in the countryside.She sings well and likes dance,she is always in a happy mood. People call her Cinderella There is prince who was ...

Once upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were...

As she mama said, life is just a little magic, can become beautiful. A brave and kind heart, she won the fairy mother love is the soul of magic, but in reality we have a beautiful and kind heart is a real magic. When World War II the smoke of the crystal ball like ...

英文版灰姑娘剧本音乐剧本 灰姑娘英语剧本第一场:旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?Alice: Yeah, thank you, Dad. Father: ...


1. 《灰姑娘》英文版的经典句子和单词 The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella's beauty. 可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。 Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appea...

Cinderella Play Script (Characters : Narrator, Cinderella, Stepsister 1, Stepsister 2, Fairy godmother,Guest 1, Guest 2, Prince)Scene 1 (at Cinderella’s home)Narrator: Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. She had two ugly stepsisters who were very ...

楼上已经答得很全了,电影版最后一句话:The world not as it is, but as it could be, if only you believe in courage and kindness and occasionally, just a little bit of magic.善良与勇气再配点魔法,世界就不仅仅是现在这样。

A. 灰姑娘故事的英文版 读出来3~5分钟、、急呀 A Cinderella Story 这个就是灰姑娘的故事的英文版了,至于怎么读3-5分钟,你可以装口吃。 B. 灰姑娘的故事英文版 Previously, in a certain town, a very lovely girl, she is not only beautiful but also intelligent kindhearted and spoke up for the gir...

宁阳县18590255225: 《灰姑娘》英文版的故事要简短,不能太长.千万不要是剧本.最好有中文翻译. -
苍梧帜泰索:[答案] 中英双语的,每句英文后接着中文Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework. 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了....

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苍梧帜泰索: Cinderella arrived at the palace and walked into the dance hall. The Prince saw her. He danced only with Cinderella, and he fell in love with her. A clock chiming reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmother's warning. She ran out of the palace. The ...

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苍梧帜泰索:[答案] Cinderella Once upon a time...there lived an unhappy young girl.Unhappy she was,for her mother was dead,her father had married another woman,a widow with two daughters,and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit.All the nice things,kind thoughts ...

宁阳县18590255225: 用英语讲一下"灰姑娘的故事' -
苍梧帜泰索: Long ago, in a land far away, there lived a beautiful young girl.She was very sad. Her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had two ugly daughters, Esmerelda and Griselda. Soon after, her father also died and life ...

宁阳县18590255225: 灰姑娘的故事(英文版)控制在150字以内 -
苍梧帜泰索: A filial piety and kindness of girl, is abused by stepmother and sisters for a long time, doing in the kitchen maid, every day is totally embarassed dirty, afterwards because treat small animals and filial piety touched by day, so get the help of the fairy in ...

宁阳县18590255225: 《灰姑娘》英语故事,不超过100词 -
苍梧帜泰索: 英双语,每句英文接着文Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework. 从前有位爱善良姑娘父亲早去世了继母经常虐待继母带...

宁阳县18590255225: 灰姑娘的故事英文版(内容概括) -
苍梧帜泰索: Once upon a time, a little girl's mother died. Over the years her father married a wife. The stepmother is evil, she brought two daughters into the little girl's home. After a few days, she let the girl put on the old grey suit. Also let her wear the ugly wooden ...

宁阳县18590255225: 谁有灰姑娘的英文版故事? -
苍梧帜泰索: Previously, in a certain town, a very lovely girl, she is not only beautiful but also intelligent kindhearted and spoke up for the girl.The girl without a mother, because her mother, when she was still small, on the death.The girl's father, his mother married a ...

宁阳县18590255225: 英语灰姑娘一分钟故事 -
苍梧帜泰索:[答案] stepmother:Do the laundry and get on with your duties.Clean the floors right away.And what's more,bring me my breakfast.

宁阳县18590255225: 灰姑娘的故事英文版110词左右 -
苍梧帜泰索: 《灰姑娘》.这个故事主要讲有一个叫仙蒂的小姑娘,失去了妈妈.过了一年之后她爸爸又娶了一个妻子,这个女人还带了她两个女儿来.从此仙蒂就开始受苦了.有一天,国王下令举办舞会,给王子选个妻子.仙蒂央求她继母让她去,但她继母怎么也不给她去.她伤心地哭了起来,突然,一个仙女出现在她面前,仙女变了一条非常漂亮的裙子给她,还给了她一双玻璃鞋.仙蒂就高高兴兴地去了舞会.最后她就和王子一起在城堡里过着幸福快乐的生活. 读了这个故事我体会到了,要做一个善良的人,做好人就一定会有好报

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