be caught in为什么是in而不是其他介词,是用语习惯吗

作者&投稿:拔砍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

学习方法的英文:learning method
英 [ˈlə:niŋ ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈlɚnɪŋ ˈmɛθəd]
英 [ˈlɜ:nɪŋ] 美 [ˈlɜ:rnɪŋ]
英 [ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈmɛθəd]
1、I have my own foreign language learning method!
2、This paper carried on an experimental study on cooperative learning method of soccer selective course.

英 [næk] 美 [næk]
1、It's easy, once you've got the knack.
2、He's got a real knack for making money.
二、secret of success
英 [ˈsiːkrət ɔv səkˈses] 美 [ˈsiːkrət ʌv səkˈsɛs]
Think big! This is the secret of success!


be caught in 基本解释
be caught in 网络解释
1. 被雨淋:1 当你学习累了时(be tire of ),可以去旅游,领略(enjoy)大自然的美丽(the beauty of nature),呼吸新鲜空气,还可以交友(make friends 2 旅游中有时天气多变,可能被雨淋(be caught in 3 旅游前应准备充分,了解天气情况.
2. 遇(雨陷入(圈套):2.look into 调查 | caught in 遇(雨陷入(圈套) | on hire 失火
3. 遇到,陷入:72 be capable of 有能力干; | 73 be caught in 遇到,陷入 | 101 be tied to 束缚于,捆绑于
4. 遭遇到 agent 旅行社 | caught in 遭遇到 | 13.think twice 三思
be caught in 双语例句
1. It may be the Cat who was close to the hat is now out strolling along the way seeing the sights and smells along the waters edge as it is now all ears open listening to beautiful young lady and dashing handsome young man with much interest in each other, the Cat now intent as he hears dashing young man say as Cat remembers, the man said as the three strolled along the way, there's a sparks of magic in your eyes, candy land appears each time you smile, never thought dreams come true but they come true when I'm near you, all the wonder and surprise, If I could I'd caught a falling star to shine on you so I would know were you are, pull a rainbow down in all your favorite shades to show I love you, your the one I've been waiting for forever, ever my love will keep growing strong, keep growing strong, as Cat sat just for a moment he could hear her say as she turn to dashing handsome young man strolling around the way of this beautiful lake on this late Autumns day, as Cat remembers she said your a genie in disguise, I see the magic in your eyes, and your smile make me smile in candy land with all the wonder and surprise, the moon and stars move across your face, shades of color touching my heart, your the one I've been dreaming of and my love is ever growing stronger, near to you writing our names in the sky, you bring me such joy and happiness forever...
2. He abominated his country's determined land-clearing. In Timor-Leste, to local astonishment, he caught and penned up two crocodiles to stress that they should be respected.
3. In the late spring, the trees` white blossoms will be caught in the still pools that surround the conference center. The sun`s daily journey will be reflected in the waterworks and in tree shadows cast over the gridded walks.
4. White bass are active feeders during the spawn and can be caught in great numbers at this time.
5. Consequently, he is greatly victimized: immersed in the world of thoughts for long, he has no insights in reality; as a result, he is done in by his wife and best friend --- they have committed adultery for years but Herzog hasbeen totally kept in the dark and is divorced without knowing the real reason; after being informed about the twofold betrayal of his wife and best friend, he is caught by irresistible reasoning and thinking, trying to reconsider life and humanity with the help of knowledge in his academic field; nonetheless, it is not until he truly confronts reality that he discerns no theoretic work can give total explanations of the complex humanity and transforming the world with mere theories is no more than a delusion; meanwhile, he comes to see that his potency in the world of thoughts turns out to be impotence in life and that his obsession with thinking after his divorce is in fact an evasion of reality and is attributed to his hatred for his own impotence; eventually he has to admit that his over-reliance on theories is responsible for his victimhood in life.
6. Claud knew that one day he would be caught up in the war, like his friends.
7. It is to be caught in the yarn cut in Fig.
8. It seems to be caught in his heart, gentle simple and moving toward him to say.
9. And it cannot be alive if it is caught in opinions, judgements and values.
10. To me, this is really a frightening prospect, and I don't want to be caught in it; but I still don't know what to do.
11. The mind has the power to create every form of illusion, and to be caught in it seems so unnecessary and immature.
12. Merrill's rush to sell itself was motivated by fear that it might be next to be caught in the stampede.
13. Five Poems from Home1 Remembering: Dorothy Parker[Dedicated to the 1920s Poetess]Let it be said, Dorothy Parker lies dead, cremated to ash and poetry; thus, she died at the ripe old ageof seventy-three-.The tiny woman with a big mouth, w ho got caught in the rain and couldn't get out:continued to play the game, all the same, l ike drops of rainupon a pane.
14. I heard them talking about it yesterday in the tea-house. They all said you were much too smart to be caught. But all the same, someone could always inform the police and pocket the reward. It'd certainly be a nice little windfall.
15. It can only be understood by those who have read the Symposium of Plato, or caught the spirit of a certain grave mood made beautiful for us in Greek marbles.
16. With the world caught in the grip of a financial crisis, NBA team owners and league officials will be watching the balance sheet as closely as the standings when the season starts with the Boston Celtics opening the defence of their crown against LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers.
17. Do not be so caught up in a goal when you know it won`t work.
18. He knew that one day he would be caught up in the wave of the drive.
19. He had no desire to be caught up in political activities.
20. It is not important for you to be caught up in learning the details of the storylines of your other selves.
be caught in 单语例句
1. Several people were caught in elevators when power went out in some buildings and had to be rescued.
2. Authorities in the two regions said that the text messaging function on cell phones would be immediately suspended if they were caught transmitting porn messages.
3. But if the market overheats again the economy will be caught in another vicious circle and all previous efforts willbe wasted.
4. Only in this way can drivers caught jumping red lights be convinced and the public effectively supervise law enforcement.
5. Several property developers could be " caught out " if market conditions turn quickly, credit analyst Bei Fu saidin a report.
6. The dead were believed to be civilians, caught in the crossfire as police fought unidentified gunmen.
7. The donkey was brought into the enclosure to be fed to the wolf, which was caught in the northern Albanian mountains four months ago.
8. No respectable Chinese housewife would be caught without a bottle or two in her pantry.
9. Who will be 2010's star caught in a moment of titillation or stark exposure?
10. A thief has been caught in a police sting that involved a male officer pretending to be a woman.

城厢区19559321294: be caught in为什么是in而不是其他介词,是用语习惯吗 -
长温碘解: 这是固定搭配,就好像两年不说二年一样

城厢区19559321294: be caught with和be caught in的区别 -
长温碘解: with后跟人或物:be caught with note in后跟状态:be caught in the rain

城厢区19559321294: be trapped in 和be caught in ,be lost in 的区别 -
长温碘解: be trapped in 指陷入困境 They were trapped in the burning building. be caught in 指突然遭受 She was caught in an traffic accident. be lost in 指全神贯注;沉浸于 I was lost in thought.

城厢区19559321294: be trapped in 和be caught in的区别是什么呢 -
长温碘解: be trapped in 困住 be caught in 抓住

城厢区19559321294: be caught是什么意思 -
长温碘解: be caught in rain 指被雨淋

城厢区19559321294: be caught in 与be stuck in 和be trapped in 的区别 -
长温碘解: be stuck in 陷入,卡住不动,困住例:" he wailed."My hand will be stuck in this jar for ever. 他哭着说,“我的手会永远卡在罐子里的.” We don't want to be stuck in the market all the afternoon. 我们不想整个下午被困在商场.be caught in = 被捉住,陷入,卷入 be caught in the rain =被困在大雨中/被雨淋湿都有陷入的意思 be stuck in侧重于动作,be caught in侧重于状态

城厢区19559321294: be caught in什么意思,"在回家路上我碰上了大雨."怎么翻译 -
长温碘解: I was caught in a heavy rain on my way home.

城厢区19559321294: be caught__ - 突然遭遇(风暴等). -
长温碘解:[答案] 答案:in 考查翻译填空.根据题意及短语结构,要填入介词.be caught in意为"突然遭遇(风暴等)".例如:I'm afraid we shall be caught in the rain on the way.我担心我们在路上会遇到下雨.

城厢区19559321294: 一个英语选择题(说明缘由)
长温碘解: 选B, be caught in 是一个固定句型,遇上,

城厢区19559321294: 我有点左右为难用英文怎么说?有用到catch? caught.
长温碘解: be caught in 就是陷入某种情况,也可以认为这是一个固定搭配,又如:I am caught in rain.我被雨淋了,

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