
作者&投稿:植浩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This Monday, mother whim, said: Shu he, we want to take a bath in that day sports good?

Get some exercise by running and jumping rope. All right! I was itching to say, when does that start? If you don't take a shower today, maybe tomorrow. Mother said solemnly.

Tuesday came quickly, and I kept thinking about sports all the way home. As soon as I got home, I bent over the desk to do my homework, and in a short time, my homework was finished. I let out a big sigh of relief and threw myself on the sofa, waiting for my mother to come back.

When my mother came back, I told her that I had finished my homework. She looked very happy. After dinner, my mother changed a set of casual clothes, but also put some snacks and fruit upstairs, said: "finished exercise, will be hungry, to take something to eat."

I'll just have to help hold some. After going upstairs, we talked for a while and decided that I would jump rope first and my mother would run first. I wanted to start with my mom, but she was busy juggling plugs and buttons on the treadmill.

I got tired of waiting, so I started. After dozens of jumps, I began to do tricks, running and jumping backwards. I jumped a lot. I thought the floor upstairs was not strong, so I went to the terrace to jump.

But I chose the wrong location, jumping rope often hit the top of the iron, so another way, to find another place to jump rope. I went to a different part of the terrace, which was smaller, but I could skip rope.

Finally, tired of jumping. I sat in a chair, eating fruit and biscuits as if out of place. When it is my turn to run, running up the ankle pain is not good, had to run into a fast walk.

After the exercise, my mother and I sat in the chair, comfortable eating and drinking, and finally at my mother's urging to take a bath. How wonderful it would be if we could exercise so happily every day!










Fitness Plan(1) In this plan you will be exercising for a whole week. On Monday you will do 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 50 skipping ropes, and run 100 meter. You will need to repeat that for half an hour and record how many times you did this. On Tuesday and Wednesday it would be the same, instead your times should have increased. On Thursday you will double what you have done on Monday to Wednesday, this will make your muscles sore but it works, be sure to record your times. On Friday you will go back to doing the Monday to Wednesday procedure, it will make you relax but still get exercise. This will make your body be fit. Fitness Plan (2) This plan is going to take a week's time. Everyday you will wake up at 6:00, then you will be running around your community until seven. After that you will have breakfast for half an hour and then relax for half an hour. After that you will be doing push-ups until you can't move any longer, the number should be around 100. This will take approximately an hour. Then you will do sit-ups for half an hour, do not relax in that time. Now your time should be around 9:30. It is time to do some sports. Pick a sport you like and play it until noon time and eat lunch. When its 1:00 you will head back home a relax for the day.

Fitness Plan(1) In this plan you will be exercising for a whole week. On Monday you will do 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 50 skipping ropes, and run 100 meter. You will need to repeat that for half an hour and record how many times you did this. On Tuesday and Wednesday it would be the same, instead your times should have increased. On Thursday you will double what you have done on Monday to Wednesday, this will make your muscles sore but it works, be sure to record your times. On Friday you will go back to doing the Monday to Wednesday procedure, it will make you relax but still get exercise. This will make your body be fit. Fitness Plan (2) This plan is going to take a week's time. Everyday you will wake up at 6:00, then you will be running around your community until seven. After that you will have breakfast for half an hour and then relax for half an hour. After that you will be doing push-ups until you can't move any longer, the number should be around 100. This will take approximately an hour. Then you will do sit-ups for half an hour, do not relax in that time. Now your time should be around 9:30. It is time to do some sports. Pick a sport you like and play it until noon time and eat lunch. When its 1:00 you will head back home a relax for the day

无论你是把跑步视为一种休闲运动还是心脏的康复锻炼或者是一位竞技 体育运动 员。我们的目标是帮助那些跑步者能够理解自己的身体体质情况,运动水平,如何帮助他们更有效率更科学地实现自己的个人健康,强身和比赛的目标,这里所说的关键词是个人使用心率表让你的训练计划充满智慧促进你尽快实现自己的训练目标。心脏是我们...


二、做必要的伸展运动:当锻炼一处肌肉的时候,它会变得紧绷而缩短,伸展运动就是帮助你放松肌肉,从而防止第二天的肌肉酸痛。做这个动作的最好时间是在完成热身运动之后,同时须持续每个动作20~30秒的节奏,这将有助于肌肉松弛,使健身者获得一个更有意义的伸展运动。 三、做必要的水分补充:正在进行运动时,身体会因...

B.开始位置:仰卧在地上,把小腿平 行地搁在凳上,使大腿垂直于地面,两手可以交叉在胸前或两手交叉互抱于颈后。 C.动作过程:慢慢地使两肩向膝部弯起,直至肩肿骨离地面1~2英时,保持静止一秒钟。然后,回复到开始位置。重复做。 D.训练要点:当屈体收缩时,为了更好的使腹部肌群收缩,使下背紧贴地面。在采用重...

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其次,要定时做运动。身体是革命的本钱,参加运动既能保持身体健康,又能使我快乐放松。我希望这些计划都能在新学期得以实现。初中关于写计划的英语作文范文篇二:Plan for English Learning 英语学习 计划 I’m a middle school student. I love English, but it’s hard for me.Now...


足球(football),有“世界第一运动”的美誉,是全球体育界最具影响力的单项体育运动。标准的11人制足球比赛由两队各派10名球员与1名守门员,总共22人,在长方形的草地球场上对抗、防守、进攻。下面是我收集整理的足球运动员训练计划范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 足球运动员训练计划(一) 足球运动的供能特点据统计,一场高水平...

篮球运动员的健身计划 1、负重体回环 目的:发展腰部和躯干肌群力量。方法:两腿分立,双手持重物于体前,两臂伸直以腰为轴做体回环动作。“要求:两脚固定,保持平衡,速度适宜。练习8~12次\/侧。2、单臂向上或斜上、举物 目的:发展肩部和臂部力量。方法:单手持器械于肩侧,挺胸、伸臂重复练习...

我真盼望明天的决赛... 锻炼计划(作文200字) 每日最佳锻炼时间 国外许多学者研究揭示:人体一昼夜间机体能力状态使变化的。 每天8时-12时,14时-17时是鸡肉速度、力量和耐力处于相对最佳状态的时间,若在此时间里进行健身锻炼和运动训练,将会收到更好的效果。 而3时-5时,12时-14时则处于相对最低态,如果在...

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标拜咖啡: Ann likes sports very much There is going to be a sports meet next month.He will go swimming from 8:30am to 9:30am on wednessday.From 4:00pm to 5:30pm,he will go climbing on Friday .On sunday he will fly a kite from 1:00pm to 2:00 pm.

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