“Chinesestyle road crossing" 潍坊市2013年中考英语阅读理解D篇的翻译求大神给下

作者&投稿:吕龚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


English reading comprehension for senior high school entrance examination in Beijing in 2014 D


" Chinese style road crossing" refers to large crowds of Chinese people crossing roads, no matter whether the traffic light is green or red. Maybe you really don't want to cross the road like that in your deep heart but you still do that for some reasons.
Indeed, the phenomenon (现象) of pedestrians running the red light is commonly seen in some cities. It has occurred because people share the common reason that the law cannot be enforced(实施) when everyone is an offender(冒犯者). In the fast-paced life,some people lack of safety awareness and cannot wait for the green light. Therefore, some basic regulations have been thrown aside.
“中国式过马路” 是指不论交通灯是红色还是绿色,都有大群的中国人横穿马路。或许在你内心深处并不想那样过马路但你仍然以相同的理由那样做了。
Today,the design of traffic lights in big cities is friendlier to cars. For example,green light for cars is usually longer than for pedestrians. As roads become wider, many elderly and children cannot cross them even though they run all the way. Therefore, if they don't run the red light when crossing the road,they will be stuck in the middle.
Since the second half of 2012,all kinds of measures have been made to punish those who run the red traffic lights. Shenzhen in Guangdong Province issued a traffic rule in December 2012,that a jaywalker will either be fined 20 yuan or be a temporary traffic assistant to help maintain order by wearing a green vest. In Beijing, starting from May 6,2013,a jaywalker will face a fine of 10 yuan;a non-motorized vehicle will be fined 20 yuan for the same disregard of the rules.
In my opinion, we should analyze (分析) the reasons for running the red light comprehensively (全面地), instead of blindly punishing them. We should strengthen education and awareness of obeying traffic rules, Encourage drivers to learn the driving awareness in developed countries, put the traffic lights in a scientific way and take necessary management measures. In this case,the traffic order in China will be greatly improved.


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