美猴王的故事梗概 翻译成英语的

作者&投稿:祖虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There is a famous mountain called Huaguo Mountain. There is an immortal stone in Huaguo Mountain. The stone is very big. One day, it breaks into stone eggs. Because of weathering, it becomes a stone monkey. The monkey can walk and jump in the mountains. Stay under the rock at night and swim in the cave during the day.

One day, the weather was hot, and the monkeys were playing under the pine trees. The monkey played for a while, but went to the bath. See the magnificent stream. " "The monkeys all said," this water is not known to be the water there, we go along the stream to find the source! " They climb the mountain along the stream, until the source and flow, it is a waterfall spring.
The monkeys said that the one who has the ability to go there to find a source without hurting his body, so the monkeys worshipped him as king. The stone monkey called him in. He jumped into the waterfall spring and looked up, where there was an iron bridge. The water under the bridge runs through the stone orifices and flows upside down to cover the bridge door. It's a good place.
Stone monkey across the middle of the bridge, this walk, that look. There is a stone tablet engraved with "Huaguo Mountain, blessed land, shuilian cave, Dongtian". There are also many stone tools. When the stone monkey jumped out of the curtain, all the monkeys asked him how it was and how deep the water was? Stone monkey said no water, no water! The monkeys went straight in one by one. Go across the bridge, grab the basin and the bowl, occupy the stove and the bowl.
In this way, all the monkeys are called "king of the Millennium". The stone monkey ascended the throne and hid the word "stone", so he was called the monkey king.

美猴王不仅仅是一只普普通通的猴子。事实上,他甚至有时看起来都不像是一只猴子!那是因为他会七十二变,能变化大小形状,能变成各种不同的动物和物体。可是,除非他能藏住他的尾巴,否则他是变不了人的。美猴王用一根魔棍(金箍棒)与坏人们打斗。有时候他能把金箍棒变小,以便他能把它放进他的耳朵里。而在其他时候,他会把它变大变长。 美猴王已经让中国孩子兴奋了许多个年年岁岁了。而且30多年前,这部电视剧一经热播,因为这个聪明的美猴王总是为帮助弱小而战并永不放弃,西方国家的孩子对阅读这个故事产生了浓厚的兴趣。

Note: the original site has a Baidu transcoding, for viewing on mobile devices. 'Monkey King' synopsis _CCTV.com_ Chinese CCTV 'Monkey King' synopsis CCTV.com2008 December 30th 16:32 into the Renaissance forum making source: CCTV.com making larger view on the mountain of flowers and fruit, the monkeys are nervous and a fiend in human shape battle. A bear in the mountain of flowers and fruit for many years of the stone suddenly collapsed, born out of a stone Houlai from inside. In the old king's be good at giving systematic guidance, stone monkey monkey out by until the support for the monkey, but all this is to let the stone monkey friend six ear macaque jealous. In order to better protect the mountain of flowers and fruit, they appealed to the next, small stone monkey decided to learn. The stone monkey came to Lingtai Fangcun mountain Bodhi art. He is not only a success, also referred to the red moon, life, fruit and other new friends, but also has its own name -- Sun Wukong. Art after the success of the Sun Wukong back to the mountain of flowers and fruit, the eradication of a fiend in human shape, and make friends, have hell make the Dragon Temple, the best gold hoop stick as a weapon. He refuses to accept the jurisdiction of heaven, Tianma, put make peach, until the king Li led the divine troops descending from Heaven against Huaguo Mountain, sun

Monkey King Story

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烛垂法乐: [写作提示]1.本文为记叙文,基本时态为一般过去时,主要人称为第一人称.2.写作要点:①活动的策划;②教室的布置;③活动的内容;④你的感想.3.参考词汇:approach v.接近,临近; celebrate v.庆祝; decorate v.装饰.Ms. Li, our ...

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