
作者&投稿:穆弯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



考试作文,应该这么长就够了吧:The computer is one of the most important human inventions. A highly sophisticated electronic mechanical device, it has done a lot of good to mankind. Without it many human endeavors would be more or less hampered. Today, computers are extensively used, as, for example, in many construction projects. I have a computer, but I don't often use it in solving mathematical problems. Rather than depend on a computer for a quick printout, I would have more occasions to exercise my own brain. Anyway, the value of the computer is undeniable. We should encourage its development so that it may render more service to human beings.
不过invention and creation这个题目太泛,如果上面的用不上,可以用下面的一些短句作为补充:
Describe the most important invention before the computer.
You should say:

What it is.
What it is used for.
What the advantages and disadvantages of it are.

TOPIC 34.1

1. Since its invention, the automobile has become one of the most important means of transport in the world. Automobiles have completely changed the lifestyles of almost all people in the world.

2. On the positive side, people can go anywhere by car more rapidly compared to on foot or riding a horse in the past. And thus people can realize their dreams of traveling to far off places.

3. On the negative side, automobiles are the main source of air pollution in the world. This creates the so-called 揼reen-house?effect, which leads to many serious environmental problems.

As for the applications of the automobile are concerned, I would like to highlight the following:

4. Firstly, it has totally changed the way in which we travel. In the past, animals like horses, mules, and camels were used for traveling and the transportation of goods. Compared to previous ways of traveling, automobiles are more comfortable and faster.

5. In addition, the automobiles have made it possible for us to transport large quantities of goods and people at one time. For example, mega-trucks and busses are well suited for these purposes.

6. Lastly, the invention of the automobile has resulted in many new industries being formed. The repairs and spare-parts industries for example, provide jobs to millions of people all over the world.

TOPIC 34.2

First of all let me say, I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.

1. Since its invention, the telephone has become one of the most important telecommunication instruments in the world. Except for a few undeveloped countries in the world, all modern people use telephones on a daily basis.

2. On the positive side, it enables us to communicate immediately. For example, we
can speak to a friend in a foreign country whenever we would like to.

3. On the negative side, it can be extremely disturbing at times. Anyone who has received repeated calls while sleeping would appreciate what I am trying to say.

As for the applications of the telephone are concerned, I would like to explain by mentioning the following:

4. Firstly, the telephone is a great time-saver. Letters and documents can be faxed to a friend, another office, or a university anywhere in the world.

5. In addition, the telephone is a convenient tool in conducting our daily business. In some cases, business people can place orders, make enquiries, or arrange a meeting. Also we can make emergency calls to the hospital, fire station or police when needed.

6. Lastly, many new developments have taken place around the conventional telephone. For example, mobile phones, videophones, and the Internet are commonly used today.

So, those were some thoughts on the telephone.


1. Since its invention, television (TV as it has become known) has become the most important telecommunication instrument in the world. There are very few communities in the world that do not have a TV in every household.

2. On the positive side, it has made a great contribution to mankind since its invention. For example, documentary programs, such as 揇iscovery?enrich our lives.

3. On the negative side, it has resulted in people not having time to spend with one another. For example, parents and children do not spend so much time talking to each other as in the past.

As for the applications of TV are concerned, I would like to explain by mentioning the following:

4. Firstly, TV is used widely in long distance education. For example, the TV University in China is the largest university in the world. It has millions of students throughout the country, following many diverse programs.

5. In addition, TV is a great source of entertainment. What I mean to say is that we can watch movies, soap operas, TV series, and live performances by artists in the comfort of our own homes.

6. Lastly, today TV is one of the largest sources of information. We can watch vivid pictures of the news, and so get to know what is happening in the world. For example, we can see important events like the Olympic games, conflicts and wars, and speeches as they happen.

7. So, those were some thoughts on TV as the most important invention.





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