
作者&投稿:伏司 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Kiki is a 13-year-old witch-in-training, living in a small rural village where her mother is the resident herbalist. The film opens at the time traditional for Kiki to leave her home to spend a year alone in a new town to establish herself as a full witch. Kiki therefore flies off on her mother's broom with her closest companion, Jiji, a loquacious black cat. At her departure from home, she has trouble controlling her newly inherited broom, and ricochets off of the trees in her front yard. Wind chimes in the trees chime; one of the neighbors wistfully comments that he will miss the sound of the bells, implying that such incidents have been common.

Soon after leaving, Kiki asks Jiji to turn on the radio. He flips to a lively pop song and the beginning credits roll. After the credits and song finish, Kiki and Jiji meet another witch on her way back home from training. After giving some advice about inner skills, this newcomer flies down yelling, "Ciao!" Seconds after she leaves, Kiki and Jiji are caught in a thunderstorm, from which they take overnight refuge in a train. The next morning, Kiki wakes up and a cow is licking her foot below and she starts laughing. Both Kiki and Jiji soon realize that they rode in a car full of cows. They then leave to find a place to settle in.

Kiki and Jiji (sitting on Kiki's back) flying by the clock tower in Koriko just after arriving. It has been noted that the "vibrant" Stockholm-inspired city gives a sense of safety as well as independence.[4]Kiki settles in the beautiful seaside city of Koriko, and, after initially finding it difficult to adjust to the city's pace of life, starts a delivery service that takes advantage of her ability to fly. Kiki experiences several setbacks, such as slow business, misplaced merchandise, rude customers, and illness. She also must contend with her loneliness, worries, and homesickness.

Having caught the eye of Tombo, a local boy about her age who has an interest in aviation and in Kiki herself, she at first rebuffs then befriends him. Jiji simultaneously courts a local cat named Lily, who had earlier snubbed him.

Because of slowly growing insecurity that finally comes to a head, Kiki's powers diminish and ultimately disappear, to her great shame. She also learns that, because of her loss of powers, Jiji has lost the ability to speak to her. Kiki learns about overcoming such obstacles with the help of a newfound friend, a young artist named Ursula, who gives Kiki advice regarding inspiration that she needs in order to regain her magical abilities.

In a moment of deadly crisis, Tombo is accidentally lifted into the air in a dirigible accident. When she is his only hope of rescue, Kiki finds the inspiration to regain her flying ability. Improvising with a street-sweeper's push broom, Kiki manages to rescue Tombo with considerable difficulty. At that adventure's conclusion, Jiji joins her and can speak again, but keeps this a secret from the people gathered around Kiki. Suddenly famous, she sends home a simple, modest letter to her parents, saying that she is becoming used to her new home and that things are working out well for her.

The story continues through the end titles, as she flies a high-guard formation with Tombo as he flies his human-powered aircraft in a flight sequence obviously inspired by the Gossamer Albatross. Later, she is on the street of her town and notices a little girl walking past, because the little girl has her hair and clothing styled like Kiki's and is even carrying a small deck broom like the one Kiki flew to save Tombo - an indication of her having become a local celebrity. Jiji and Lily are also shown, with several kittens in tow.

相传,魔女家庭的少女要成为一个合格的魔女,必须经过社会实践的考验。必须选择在13岁这一年中的月圆之夜离开自己生活的地方,去陌生的地方生活一年来证明自己的能力。13岁的少女琪琪利用自己会飞行的本领,在柯里柯镇的面包店打工和送快递。完全没有工作经验的她,对一切都充满好奇和不解。她的出现,为平静的小城带来一场不小的风波。经过许多的小波折后,琪琪终于成为了一个合格的魔女,在新的城市里,她将用自己的力量去开创自己的生活道路。   《魔女宅急便》的原作是曾获国际安徒生大奖的日本女作家角野荣子,经过宫崎骏的动画功力,再次将观众带入一个美妙的世界。1989年日本公映后,当即成为了卖座第一的电影,欧洲城镇风味的背景,在视听方面完全让人感受到一种浪漫美妙的情怀。 据说吸引了超过2亿5千万名观众,万人空巷已不足形容当时的盛况了!20年后的今天来看,依然可圈可点,大师手笔,堪为佩叹。   故事主要是讲述琪琪面对困难如何去克服的故事,故事中也有提及琪琪的好朋友乌索拉在绘画能力达到一定水平就不能突破了,但看到琪琪那份自信又再重新燃起信念继续不孜不倦地画下去。   注:1.日本的“宅急便”是指速递服务。“魔女の宅急便”即是魔女的速递服务。   2.这里的魔女,是指可以和动物沟通、驾着扫帚上天,和人类和睦相处的魔女,不是欧洲童话故事里那种树皮样的脸、戴着尖帽子、把男孩变成青蛙的变态哦!这一点请大家一定要分清楚! 魔女宅急便
十三岁的魔女琪琪,在一个晴朗的满月之夜,带着黑猫吉吉至别的城市修行。魔女到了十三岁就必须自立,可是琪琪只稍微懂得骑扫帚的法术,让父母颇为担心。并且,琪琪做事总是毛手毛脚,特别的让妈妈担心。   琪琪兴奋地飞着,途中邂逅一位即将修业完成的魔女前辈,谈到了特长的事。忽然轰隆一响,琪琪竟然遇上暴风雨,眼前只见一列货运火车,她二话不说就钻进了去。湿淋淋的身体加上长途飞行的疲惫,不一会儿就睡着了。   突然一阵急痒,琪琪从睡梦中惊醒,原来是底下的牛在舔脚,探出头看看,已经到了她心目中向往的海边。琪琪飞往海边的大城市,海鸥在一旁飞翔。看到一座美丽的钟塔,琪琪不知不觉爱上了这座城市。向钟塔飞去,与看守钟塔的老伯伯打了声招呼,确认这座城市还没有魔女,琪琪决定住下来了。   琪琪在街上愉快地飞着,保持魔女的标准微笑,却意外地造成交通事故,被警察拦了下来。一位名叫蜻蜓的男孩帮助她溜开,但琪琪却因无法忍受他那随便的态度而飞走了。   由于没有身份证,琪琪不能住旅馆,原本准备另觅一座城市,后来替面包店的老板娘舒诺送客人遗失奶嘴而受她的热情招待。怀着身孕的欧思娜太太很喜欢琪琪,在得知琪琪没有住处后,就让她住了下来。帮助欧丝娜打理面包店。   琪琪在此开始她的新生活。由于没什么专长,她只好开快递公司,其余时间便在店里帮忙。   作快递员最大的好处就是可以认识各色各样的人,想象着收件的人将会用什么样的心情打开它,真的是很有趣的体验。偶尔也会有很古怪的客人要求用古怪的方式送一些古怪的东西到古怪的地方去,可这些对魔女而言,又算得上哪门子古怪呢? 琪琪 魔女宅急便
对这样的生活感到满意。   打扫房间过后,琪琪上街采买生活用品。遇见穿着美丽衣裳的女孩们,琪琪羡慕不已。而女孩子们却对琪琪的衣服指手画脚.回程看到橱窗中一双美丽的红鞋,却再次碰到了蜻蜓,琪琪生气地走开了。   刚进家门,就有第一位客人拜托送生日礼物,那礼物竟是与吉吉长得一样的猫玩偶,装在一个鸟笼中。舒诺和蜻蜓目送琪琪出门。琪琪在飞行途中遇到一群野雁,基基听到野雁说有大风,琪琪一个不小心,被风吹离了航道,鸟笼掉到森林中,落在乌鸦巢旁。她被乌鸦误认为偷蛋贼而赶了出来,却发现猫玩偶不见了,回头找又遭乌鸦的攻击。琪琪没法子,只好让吉吉暂时充当猫玩偶。然后准备找到猫玩偶后在换吉吉出来。   琪琪将东西送达目的地后,赶紧回森林找寻失落的玩偶,结果在一间小木屋中找到了。屋子的主人是一位少女画家,正在描摹乌鸦。归还时却发现玩偶的颈部被乌鸦咬破了,她们便交换条件,琪琪负责帮少女打扫房子,少女画家则负责缝补好猫玩偶。天色渐渐暗了下来,琪琪在狗狗的帮助下,用猫玩偶换回了吉吉,度过了疲累却充实的一天。   翌日
琪琪的生活(5张)下午,琪琪在店里打着瞌睡,终于有送东西的客人上门。琪琪看着地图,蜻蜓却送了飞行俱乐部舞会的邀请函来,使琪琪相当兴奋。琪琪应客人的要求来到一位夫人家,夫人想送鲱鱼南瓜派至孙女的舞会,但因电烤箱失灵而烤不好。夫人坚持付钱给琪琪,琪琪不好意思,看还有一点时间,便使用一旁的旧式烤箱帮助夫人烤制舞会用的南瓜派。没想到夫人家的钟慢了10分钟,琪琪赶紧上路,出门时天空已是乌云密布,没多久就下起雨来。琪琪努力地保护夫人烤制的南瓜派不被雨淋湿,而自己却变成了落汤鸡。琪琪冒雨送东西至舞会,夫人的孙女却一副嫌恶貌,说她最讨厌这道菜了,并气冲冲地关上大门,。蜻蜓在面包店门口等着,因时间太晚终于走了。琪琪默默地回家,到房间内倒头就睡。琪琪患了重感冒,在舒诺妥善地照顾下康复了。吉吉也认识了新朋友白猫莉莉小姐。舒诺拜托琪琪送东西给可坡里先生,却遇到了蜻蜓,更没想到他就是可坡里,他们成了好友。蜻蜓给琪琪看新完成人力飞机的主体,是一辆脚踏车加上螺旋桨。蜻蜓载琪琪至海边看飞行船,路上差点出车祸,却发现脚踏车飞起来了!结果螺旋桨解体,脚踏车也摔烂了。他们俩坐在海边望着飞行船聊天,蜻蜓的朋友开车来问他要不要参观飞行船,琪琪看到了她曾经帮助烤鱼的老婆婆的孙女,琪琪看到她,心里很气愤,便走开了。琪琪因为大病初愈而提不起劲,孤单地过了一整天,突然发觉她听不懂吉吉的话了。琪琪大惊之下,马上抓起扫帚飞行,可是法术变得好弱喔……她努力要恢复,却不小心把妈妈的扫帚弄断了。她十分沮丧,挂了蜻蜓打来的电话,重做新的扫帚。一天,少女画家来到她家拜访,看琪琪无精打采,提议到小木屋住一晚。到了小木屋,琪琪看到一幅天马行空的画,画家请琪琪当画中主角的模特儿。她们谈到画画和法术的心路历程,琪琪颇有感触。原来,这并不是一帆风顺的呀。   隔天琪琪打电话回面包店,舒诺说上次的夫人又找她了,她便在回程时去一趟。夫人送琪琪一个装饰有魔女的蛋糕,感谢上次她的帮忙,琪琪深受感动。当时电视正在转播飞行船起飞,却因一阵暴风出了意外,固定的绳索被吹掉,飞行船像个气球般飞了上去,绳索将蜻蜓和一辆警车一起拉上去。琪琪担心蜻蜓,便立刻去现场看情况。过了一会儿警车掉了下来,蜻蜓更显得岌岌可危。琪琪向旁边的老伯伯借了一把刷子,冲向飞行船。飞行船随风飘荡,撞到了钟塔。钟塔的老伯伯想帮蜻蜓的忙,可惜没有成功。眼见蜻蜓快要撑不住,琪琪在千钧一发之际救了蜻蜓,现场欢声雷动,在电视机旁琪琪的朋友们都高兴极了,舒诺却在此时要生产了!面对记者的采访,蜻蜓显得十分兴奋,琪琪仅偎着吉吉微笑。因为,琪琪又可以飞行了。   蜻蜓试航人力飞机,琪琪在一旁骑着刷子,蜻蜓的朋友们在地上向他们招手。舒诺生了小baby ,莉莉也生了小猫咪。琪琪与大家成了好友,更妙的是在琪琪欣赏橱窗美丽的服饰时,却看到有小朋友模仿她的服装呢!琪琪写信回家,说她开始有信心了,很喜欢这个城市。不准备离开了。   琪琪的咒语,那就是:「おちこんだりもしたけれど、私はげんきです。」“I was really down for a while, but I'm ok now!”

This article is about the anime film. For Eiko Kadono's original novel, see Kiki's Delivery Service (novel).

Kiki's Delivery Service (魔女の宅急便, Majo no Takkyūbin?, translated "Witch's Delivery Service") is a 1989 Japanese animated fantasy film produced, written, and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It was the fourth theatrically released Studio Ghibli film.

The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1989. Kiki's Delivery Service is loosely based on Eiko Kadono's novel of the same name, which is the first in a series published by Fukuinkan Shoten in 1985.

According to Miyazaki the movie touches on the gulf that exists between independence and reliance in Japanese teenage girls. Going far beyond coming of age themes, the work deals with the nature of creativity and talent, and the central difficulty every person faces in becoming themselves, whether through luck, hard work or confidence: the inner film explores the same questions as the later Whisper of the Heart.

It was the first Studio Ghibli movie released under the Disney/Studio Ghibli partnership; Disney recorded an English dub in 1997, which premiered theatrically in the United States at the Seattle International Film Festival May 23, 1998. It was released on home video in the U.S. on September 1, 1998.
Kiki is a 13-year-old witch-in-training, living in a village where her mother is the resident herbalist. It's traditional for witches to live for a year alone when they reach 13. In the opening of the story, Kiki takes off for the big city with her best friend, Jiji, a loquacious black cat.

Kiki and Jiji (sitting on Kiki's back) flying by the clock tower in Koriko just after arriving. It has been noted that the "vibrant" Stockholm-inspired city gives a sense of safety as well as independence.Kiki settles in Koriko, a beautiful city by the sea. After a hard start, mostly because of her own insecurity, Kiki finds friends and a place to stay. But she has only one witch's skill: her magnificently natural ability to fly; so in order to support herself, she begins a delivery service.

Kiki experiences setbacks, and she must contend with adolescent worries. She is pursued by Tombo, a local boy who's crazy about aviation and has developed a genuine respect for her flying power and a strong liking for Kiki as a girl in general. Kiki eventually warms up to him, but after an unpleasant encounter with Tombo's friends, some of whom she had met earlier under unfavorable circumstances, Kiki's powers to fly and speak with Jiji suddenly diminish and ultimately disappear, leaving Kiki devastated. However, one of her friends, a young painter named Ursula, invites her to stay in her forest cottage, where she analyzes Kiki's current crisis as some form of "artist's block." Since many things had not gone as hoped for, Kiki is experiencing a period of insecurity and loneliness, which resulted in the loss of her powers; but if she finds a new purpose, she will be able to reclaim what she has lost.

Heartened, Kiki returns to the city. While visiting one of her customers, she witnesses an accident in which Tombo is lifted into the air and blown away hanging from a dirigible. In her desperation to save him, Kiki pushes herself to regain her flying ability. Improvising with a street-sweeper's push broom, Kiki manages to reactivate her power and rescue Tombo.

The story continues through the end titles where we see that Kiki is now comfortably part of the life in Koriko as its own local celebrity. She flies in formation with Tombo on his human-powered aircraft. The film closes with Kiki sending a letter to her parents about gaining confidence through difficulties and that she has decided to make this city her new home.

沙滩恋曲是唯美风,童话破灭较悲伤,豆腐宅急送轻快,其他的节奏感较强,别错过,虽是说唱但与歌是完美的融合,歌手的声音很有魅力~!)还有有一个方法:在酷狗音乐上搜“格调meak”会出现n多英文歌。还有一首wonderland,粤语和英语的结合,不知道楼主喜不喜欢,节奏比较强,歌词很暧昧,哈哈 ...

love me not(QQ飞车主题曲,赞!)头文字d电影原声带,包括六首,分别是:沙滩恋曲、童话破灭、豆腐宅急送、秋名山车神、ae86、飙出梦想(全是说唱歌曲,其中,沙滩恋曲是唯美风,童话破灭较悲伤,豆腐宅急送轻快,其他的节奏感较强,别错过,虽是说唱但与歌是完美的融合,歌手的声音很有魅力~!)...

try asher book(温和的歌,大爱~)头文字d电影原声带,包括六首,分别是:沙滩恋曲、童话破灭、豆腐宅急送、秋名山车神、ae86、飙出梦想(全是说唱歌曲,其中,沙滩恋曲是唯美风,童话破灭较悲伤,豆腐宅急送轻快,其他的节奏感较强,别错过,虽是说唱但与歌是完美的融合,歌手的声音很有魅力~!)...

以下是最近加进来的新歌~(以便区分我把新找的歌和原来的歌划分开)都是好歌啊~不出名的好歌~楼主听听吧~大部分歌都是听前奏就会上瘾,强推的我打了★,写了一点简介。never had a dream come true-S Club 7★(高潮很赞~喜欢这首下一首肯定也会喜欢,很像~)wait for you-elliott yamin★...

还有有一个方法:在酷狗音乐上搜“格调meak”会出现n多英文歌。以下就不写简介啦~手机党打字很辛苦~但绝对精品收藏~!中文歌:避风港-冯曦妤 褐瞳-原味 美人鱼-林俊杰 星空-五月天 洛丽塔-卓文君 心墙-郭静 雨樱花-飞儿乐团 best friend-天王星 埋葬冬天-汪苏泷 不分手的恋爱-汪苏泷 韩文歌:fiction...



好听的英文歌谁能帮我找一找, 非常感谢。


好听的英文歌 像bad day try 等等那样的

开阳县19832363353: 魔女宅急便英语简介
汉怨板蓝: nani?好为难哦

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汉怨板蓝: (Adeline) Virginia Woolf (née Stephen; 25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English novelist and essayist, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century.During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant ...

开阳县19832363353: 魔女宅急便英文名句 -
汉怨板蓝: 1:不能飞的猪,就只是猪而已 宫崎骏《红猪》2:世界这么大,人生这么长,总会有这么一个人,让你想要温柔地对待 宫崎骏《哈尔的移动城堡》 3:人生就是一列开往坟墓的列车,路途上会有很多站,很难有人可以自始至终陪着走完.当陪...

开阳县19832363353: 魔女宅急便的介绍 -
汉怨板蓝: 《魔女宅急便》是改编自角野荣子创作的同名小说系列《魔女宅急便(小说版义项)》的真人版电影,由日本导演清水崇执导,由小芝风花、宫泽理惠、尾野真千子等人主演.该片讲述了琪琪为了成为魔女发生的故事1.

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开阳县19832363353: 比较有名的童话故事的英文概述,急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急~~~ -
汉怨板蓝: Tells the story of a cute beautiful princess because stepmother envy her beauty and forced to flee to the forest, fortune upon docile of the seven dwarfs finally in their help, overcome the stepmother's curse, find true love story of the prince白雪公主

开阳县19832363353: 急需妖精的尾巴英文介绍(不要作者 出品公司那一类的)及纳兹的英文介绍急急急!!! -
汉怨板蓝: •It's a world named Is ISLAND controled by the Fiore.The world is full of the magic.Therefore there are huge of many MAGICAL GUIDLS(工会)in this world,same as Fiore.FAIRY TAILS is one of the best guilds in this incredible world.The story is ...

开阳县19832363353: Easter英文简介 在线等啊~~~急急急!!!(要常用的英文简单概括,好的加分!) -
汉怨板蓝: 1.Easter is one of the most significant and oldest Western festivals.复活节是西方的重要节日,象征着重生与希望2.The main feature...

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