
作者&投稿:轩贸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 他当时正忙于向人群分发传单。
2. 一个年轻的女服务生正在房间中上茶和咖啡。
3. 那个天才艺术家的自杀真的是很令人遗憾。
4. 最初的谈判为后来的协议/一致奠定了基础。
5. 他在那个项目上投入了第一笔5万美元的资金。
6. 我们的食品保证没有人工防腐剂。

把关于高分辨率的评论,填在表格里,设计好页面的布局,然后在除正文以外做出标记!l z 这几句话都有错,不知道是不是输错了,我尽量使翻译通顺,有些地方不是很标准!尽力了!

Pity , I see you very much whether in Beijing or not now, therefore I am unable.
I had notseen you all along , (China , I hope that I can
see you one day coming you seldom during the past Chinese chance very few your). Although this is to me a little bit difficult,I firmly believe that my desire realizes a meeting.
Look after one's health please.

It's such a pity that I can't see you because I'm not in Beijing now.I have never seen you and you hardly have an opportunity to come to China.I hope I can see you someday.
Although it is a bit difficult for me,I firmly believe that my wish will come true.
Please take good care of yourself.

Very sorry, I ain't in Peking now, so I can't see you.
I have never seen you, you come to the opportunity of China seldom(you seldom come to China), I hope one day I can see you.
Although this has a little a difficulty to me,my believing firmly my wishes will carry out.
Please watch for body.

Sorry,I am not in Beijing now. So I can not meet you.
I have never met you before, for you seldom come to China.I hope to meet you someday.
Although it is a little difficult for me, I firmly believe that my dream will come true/realize.
Take care of yourself.

It's so pity that I'm not in Beijing now and can't see you all.

I have never seen you all before, you have bad changes to visit China, so I am looking forward to seeing you in future! That's difficult to me, but I believe that my wish will come ture in the near future!

Take care of yourself.

1~~在去机场的路上,她出了车祸,受了点轻伤 She got a slight wound in a car accident on her way to the ariport.2``他考试不及格,老师很失望。The teacher was disappointed because he flunked the exam.3`~手术成功了,两位医生松了一口气,笑了。Two doctors relaxed and smiled after...

Nomatter how bad the weather is,she never stopping for running.9.你在这儿等多久了?How long have you waiting here?10.玛丽很少课后讲英语,因为她害怕讲错被人嘲笑。Mary seldom speak English after class for she was afraid of laughing by her wrong saying.呵呵,翻完了,你看一看吧。

As far as I know, it's a well-known school with a history of nearly 100 years.或:It is a well-known\/famous school. And as far as I know, it has a history of nearly 100 years.学校 也可以根据不同性质的学校考虑用university\/college\/institute\/academy等 几个答案中,eeENJOY...

我在日本留学过两年,在日本的这两年时间让我结识了许多日本人朋友,也学习了许多日本的文化,我很尊敬日本人的工作态度,尤其是服务业,让人觉得很温暖,也希望自己能成为给别人带来温暖和快乐的人。I have been studying in Japan for two years. In the past two years in Japan, I have met ...

Cat on the grass to catch butterflies.Puppy sleeping on the floor in the morning.Ducks swimming in the river.Little boys playing football.Little girls in the kite.Birds in the sky.Flowers opened.

Please reply.Are you here?Please reply meas soon as possible.这是缩写形式,一般用于非正式的日常交流。

几个英文句子的翻译,拜托各位了 谢谢··
我有点羞涩的问:那么我的工资是多少呢?“12英镑每星期——包午餐”。在我能提出任何反对意见之前,他站了起来,告诉我说我最好见见他的妻子,因为她才是真正管理着这所学校的人。4: In the 23 years of our friendship ,I never saw him show jealousy ,Material things meant nothing to him...

Thank you. I hope we can have good cooperation! Wish you every success in business!

1.他能举起很大很重的石头 He can hoist up a very big and heavy stone.2.他有洁癖 He has obsession in cleaniness 3.他很自恋 he has narcissism 4.他做的蛋糕很好吃 The cake he made is palatable 5.他很单纯但是很乐观,总是打碎盘子,所以工资很少 He is simple but optimistic, ...

1. The boat has to sail on the water.1.船要在水中航行 2. Due to the hollow boat, they can float.2.因为所有的船中间都是空的,所以他们可以浮在水面上 3. Little boat can help us to sail from one side to another.3.小船能帮助我们从岸的一边到达另一边 4. Some boats are ...

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请帮我用英文翻译几句话,谢谢~ -
班砍罗西: 1. This is not a good habit. 2. But people live in real lives, not in the virtual world. 3. I think it is better for you to make friends in the reality, which can exercise your communication skills. 4. I think that you should make more chats with the friends in the ...

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: /英语/ 请帮我翻译几句话.谢谢! -
班砍罗西: Your previous month said that in February 2 will lend pays in full completely, when you tomorrow in the company? When do we pass look for you? Whether tomorrow in addition to lend pays completely gives us?请楼主看一下哒~希望采纳啦!

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请帮我翻译几句英语 谢谢 -
班砍罗西: 1.她糟糕的表情吓到我了,她看起来很虚弱很痛苦.2.今天,万事万物都都不同了,世界变得很拥挤.3.没有大自然,就没有生命!想象一下,如果世界没有树、没有花、没有动物,有的只有人类,那将会多糟糕!

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请用英语帮忙翻译几句话,谢谢! -
班砍罗西: "Whenever and wherever you are, I hope you can do a independent woman, a treasure of emotion, a woman can rely on their own will grasp the destiny of women, I hope you peace and happiness forever, treat ourselves."

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请把这几句话翻译成英文,谢谢!
班砍罗西: hello,everybody,my name is Robin, I am 10 years old. I win this English contest, I want to thank teacher's encouragement and parents' support, I am very happy, thank you

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请翻译以下几句英语,谢谢!
班砍罗西: 1.Hello, are your clothes laid/put here? 2.When do you need your clothes? 3.Come to get your clothes. 4.Return your clothes./Give your clothes back. 5.Do you want/need some service else? 6.Please fill the washing bill. 7.Please sign your name. 8....

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请大家帮我翻译几句话,请用英文翻译,谢谢!!如果答案好的话我会采纳的!
班砍罗西:Walks window-shops on Seoul's road.although2. is very tired, but the mood is very good.3. we have tasted each kind of South Korea's characteristic good food.4. shop owner to our very good

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请将以下几句翻译成英文,谢谢!! -
班砍罗西: We couldn't get through on the phone ,and the calls through the extention were not answered either . Later we learned from other sources that the gas has been supplied by another company .

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英语谢谢!~只要你快乐就是我最大的幸福,全世界你是我的最爱,让我牵着你的手直到永远.我会用一生的时间来爱你.谢谢... -
班砍罗西:[答案] Making you happy is my greatest happiness. you're my love among the world. Hold my hand,I'll love you with my all life

科尔沁右翼前旗13585537940: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下几句话,谢谢啊?
班砍罗西: 1. Please inform us before checking ticket. 2.Can you lead us the way? Thak you. 3.Please tell us if there is any change.

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