
作者&投稿:施肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于生病请假 写请假条 英语作文!谢谢,~

To: ****(老师的名字), Teacher
Date: December 17th, 2009
Subject: Sick Leave of Absence
Dear Mr.****,
I would like to know if I could ask for a sick leave of absence from December 17th to 20th.
This morning when I got to school,I felt uncomfortable and after I took my temperature,I found myself get a fever seriously.I went to your officeroom,but you were not in.So I writed this message form.And I guaranteed that I will make up the classwork I miss.

dear teacher:
I am Emma,I was ill yesterday.I feel tired.When I saw the daotor ,he told me that I need sleep,so Iwant to have a rest.I hope teacher can batch me.thank you .

Dear Mr. Du,

I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today. I've caught a cold because I went swimming yesterday.

This morning I had a headache and had a fever. The doctor advised me to stay in bed for two days.

Now I'm writing to you to ask for two days' sick leave.

Yours respectfully

I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today.Because I went home to meet a rain yesterday.I don't feel well.
I had a fever in deep night.I took some medicine.The The doctor advised me to stay in bed for two days.
So I'm writing to you to ask for two days' sick leave.
Thanks a lot.
yours .....

请假条 尊敬的×(姓氏)校长:×月×日我母亲因突然发生的×××受伤住进了医院,经×××医院×××医生确诊为×××,须住院治疗×天。因我是独生子女(或是兄弟姐妹都在远方不能照顾母亲),加之父亲年迈已无能力独自照顾母亲(或父亲不能独自照顾的理由),故在此危急时刻,只有我才能应尽一点...

请假条的语文作文篇一 尊敬的 老师:您班学生 因 此处写明请假原因需请假半天 一天,希望您批准。xxx xx年x月x日 请假条的语文作文篇二 X老师:我因昨日感冒发烧,现在体温仍达39°C,故今天不能来上学,请准假一天为盼。xxx xx年x月x日 请假条的语文作文篇三 ×老师:我昨天晚上睡觉著了凉,...

写一篇“Note-Asking for sick leave”(一张请假条)为题的英语作文
Dear Mr. Li,I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today. I've had a headache and a cough. I didn't sleep well last night. I went to see the doctor this morning. The doctor told me I had caught a cold, and I should stay in bed for two days. So I'...

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have come down with a severe cold and, following my doctor's advice, I need to take a few days off to rest and recover.I would like to request leave from work for three days, from June 1, ...

请病假(本人写)【内容提示】假定你叫王玲,因昨天去昆明湖游泳患了感冒。今天早上你觉得头疼,你母亲给你量了体温,发现你发烧,便带你去看医生。医生说你需要卧床休息两天。你写一张假条特向陈老师请假。词数70—100,时间是10月28日。【作文示范】Asking for Sick Leave Written by Oneself October...

英语作文 请假条 爷爷咳的很很厉害陪爷爷看病
Dear Mr\/Mrs XXX I'm sorry that I have to ask for leave because my grandfather fell ill and he is having a high fever.My father happents to be away on business and he cannot come back until I this Sundy.I have to send my grandfather to see a doctor.I'll be back to ...

本作文是关于小学六年级200字的作文,题目为:《一张请假条》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。一张请假条 听爸爸讲,他小时候有一同学,因为不认真读书闹出了一个笑话,这可是一个真实的故事哦,让我来讲给大家听听吧。有一天,爸爸的那位同学的妈妈生病了,那位同学想请假在家照顾生病的妈妈,就给老师写了一张...

Dear Mr Zhang (Miss Zhang ),Hello , Mr Zhang (Miss zhang)!I have a bad cold . I feel sick . I can't go to school today . My mother took me to see the doctor. I have to take some medicine and drink much hot water . I have to stay in bed for a few days ....

Dear Mr Wang(老师的姓) ,Hello , Mr Whang !I have a bad cold . I feel sick . I can't go to school today . My mother took me to see the doctor. I have to take some medicine and drink much hot water . I have to stay in bed for a day .This is the doctor 's...

Mr Zhang:Today, I because of a cold have a fever, cannot come to school in class, ask for leave one day, please approval!Ask for leave: tintin On October 14, 2013 你可以参考这个请假条来写哦 ┏ (^ω^)=☞

萨尔图区17880546489: 关于生病了需要请假写一张请假条 英语作文 -
当涂有抗乙: 假如我是明,生病需要请假看医生.要点:肚子疼去医院看病,需要请假,望老师批准

萨尔图区17880546489: 英语作文,急.写请假条, 我是小明,因为我生病了,所以我给老师写一个病假条说我今天不去上学了. 给出中文 谢谢! -
当涂有抗乙:[答案] TO:MISS ZHOUFROM:XIAO MINGDATE:AUGUST 31th,2012Subject:note for sick leaveDear MISS ZHOU,I would like to know if i could ask for a sick leave for one day on AUGUST 31th,2012I just caught a cold ,then ...

萨尔图区17880546489: 英语作文 给老师写一篇关于病的请假条. -
当涂有抗乙:[答案] Dear Mr/Ms Wang I was unable to come to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible. I am ...

萨尔图区17880546489: 英语作文写张病假条60个单词左右 -
当涂有抗乙: Dear Mr Zhang, I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today.I have a headache and have a fever. i went to see the doctor. the doctor told me that i had to stay at home to have a good rest . and I have to take some medicine and lie in bed. so I ask for a day's leave. yours Zhang Qiqi

萨尔图区17880546489: 关于生病请假的英语作文.急关于请假的一篇英语作文.因为要去看医生,所以不能去学校.写一个请假条、必须包括以下几个症状.1.a slight headache(头疼)... -
当涂有抗乙:[答案] Leave Note Mrs/Mr.. Today i am feeling very weak. i caught a slight headache and a sore throat yesterday. what was worse, i sneezed from time to time. my mother said that i might have a temperature. she suggested me going to see the doctor. so i can ...

萨尔图区17880546489: 求一篇 英语请假条作文 要求如下假设你是李静,最近生病不能上课,给老师Mrs.Miller写一张请假条,你流涕、咳嗽3天,昨天开始发烧,全身乏力,上午去... -
当涂有抗乙:[答案] Dear Mrs.Miller,I'm so sorry I can't go to school for a couple of days. I've had a running nose and a bad cough for the last three days. I had a fever yesterday and I have been feeling strengthless ev...

萨尔图区17880546489: 大学生病假条英语作文 -
当涂有抗乙: Asking for Sick Leave-病假条 Apr. 10,2003 Dear Mr Fang, Please excuse my absence from ClASS today. I had a cold yesterday evening and could not fall asleep until late in the night. I'll go and consult the doctor today, and will resume my study if I feel better tomorrow. Very truly yours, Liu Wen

萨尔图区17880546489: 用英文写一张请假条 原因由于生病不能上学,须请假两天 -
当涂有抗乙:[答案] Dear Teacher:You know I do not want to.I am sick,two days off.ok?that,you do not see me with apples..

萨尔图区17880546489: 用英文写请假条你是Mike,你生病了,你去看医生,你必须卧床休息,你想向李老师请二天,请把你的情况告诉李老师.I feel sick..I want to ask for two day'... -
当涂有抗乙:[答案] dear Mr Lee: I'm Mike,In the morning,I feel sick.so I came to see doctor.The doctor told me to lay on bad for two day.so,I want to ask for two day's leave.Thanks.

萨尔图区17880546489: 英语作文 请假条张老师,由于得了重感冒,我今天不能来上课了.这是医生开的医疗证明.望准假!此致 -
当涂有抗乙:[答案] Dear Mr Zhang (Miss Zhang ), Hello , Mr Zhang (Miss zhang)!I have a bad cold . I feel sick . I can't go to school today . My mother took me to see the doctor. I have to take some medicine and dri...

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