
作者&投稿:程严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

前元音:ee i e a
ee reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teeth
ea sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf pea
ey key
e-e these
i lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hill
y rainy sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby
e egg well red pen net hen bed bell
ea head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather feather
a mat map bag cat hat fan bat apple
后元音a o aw short oo long oo
ar arm car armchair card cart farm park garden
o ox on octopus box socks operate ostrich
al call tall ball fall wallau August sauce sausage naughty applause
aw paw draw saw straw strawberry lawn
or porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork
oo book woods cookie wool foot cook hook look
oo moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room
u mu nu Sue glue blue
ui suit juice fruit
u-e tube cube June
ew dew few view hew new nephew newspaper
中元音u ur schwa
u sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under
er mermaid
ir birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurse
合口双元音a-e o-e i-e ow oi
a-e cape name tape
ai tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maid
ay bay ray way say hay pay May lay
o-e rose nose rope
oa road toast toad coal goat boat coat soap
ow rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low
i-e bite five kite
i I die lie pie tie right sight night tight light sigh fight high
y sky fly dry spy type shy cry my
ou house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouse
ow cow towel clown owl crown brown flower tower
oi coin oil point noise boil soil poison coil
oy oyster boy cowboy soy toy
集中双元音eer air oor ore
爆破音p b t d k g
p pants pink park path pig pear pencil pen
b bed book bench box banana bird bodyboy
t towel toe tie table teacher tea two ten
d desk doctor deer duck doll dog dancer door
k kite kangaroo kiss kitchen key kettle king kick
g garden goat gate goosegolf girlgold
摩擦音f v s z sh zh th th r h
f food family four foot five fence fork father
ph photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabet
v vase veil village van vomit vest violin
s sun sofa silver sink sign soap six seven(c在e、i、y前也发s)
z zipper zero zoo zebra
sh sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovel
s pleasure leisure measure explosure revision version decision explosion usual visual casual
g genre beige rouge prestige massage garage
th thumb three bathmatthirsty thief bath mouth teeth
th father mother brother feather leather
r rope ring rock rug rainbow rooster rose rabbit
wr wrist wrinkle wrap wreath write
h hat hen head home hand hammer house horse
破擦音ch j tr dr ts ds
ch beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherryj jewel jump jam jelly jacket jeet juice jar(g在e、i、y之前也发j)
tr tractor truck train tray tree triangletrunk trolley
dr dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink
ts students cats tsunami
ds birds needs AIDS
鼻音m n ng
m monkey math moon mother milk mouth map man
mb thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numb
n net nail nose neck nest nurse number napkin
kn knob knee knock knife knit
l leg lemon lake livingroom leaf lips lion light
半元音w wh y
w wall window Windows Walkman wind watch word wash woman
wh whale white wheel wheat whip whistlewheelchair whisper
y yard yacht year yam yellow yoyo
ei、ey和ea在少数字中,可能发a-e的音:eight they great
a可能发e、o、aw的音,如:any what water
o可能发oo、i、u的音:woman women mother son
ere可能发air的音:there where


一、元 音
[ɔ:]与[ɔ]的嘴形一定要圆。发[ɔ:]时,双唇要收得更圆要小,并须用力向前突出,由嘴巴发出。[ɔ]是个短 音,通过喉咙发出。

/p/and/b/ You pronounce the/p/and/b/ by stopping the airstream with your lips,building up pressure and suddenly releasing the air.

/k/and/g/ You produce /k/and/g/by blocking the breath-stream with the back of the tongue and soft palate,building up the the pressure,and suddenly releasing it.

/f/and/v/ are labio-dental sounds./f/ is voiceless and /v/ is voiced.They are fricative sounds that are produced by forcing the breathstream between your upper teeth and lower lip.

/θ/and/ð/ are interdental sounds.These fricatives are produced by squeezing the breathstream between your tongues and teeth./θ/is voiceless and /ð/ is voiced.

/s/and/z/ are alveolar sounds.These fricatives are produced by forcing air between the tongue and upper or lower front teeth./s/is voiceless and /z/ is voiced.

/h/is a voiceless glottal fricative.It is simply a stream of air from the larynx directed through the open mouth.

should and /3/are lingua-palata fricatives.They are produced in much the same way as the /s/ and /z/,except the tongue is farther back and the lips are rounded.
/tf/ and /d3/ are affricate sounds,produced by blocking off the breath-stream between the tongue and gum ridge,for a stop and a fricative.

/m/and//n/ are simple,straight-forward consonants:the /m/ occurs at the front of the mouth and is grouped with the labials,the /n/ is produced on the upper gum ridge and is alveolar.The place of articulation of /ŋ/ is the same as that of /k/and/g/.It is made with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate.

/w/ and /j/ are similar in several ways.First,they are closely ralated to a vowel sound:/j/ is similar to the vowel /i:/ and /w/ is very much like the vowel /u:/.Second,they are both voiced consonants.In pronunciation,for /j/ the lips are relaxed and the tongue is in the highn front space;for/w/the lips are rounded and the tongue is in the hing back space.Then there is a movement away from these positions to whatever sound follows.

/r/ is the other approximant besides /j/ and /w/ in English.The important thing about the articulation of /r/ ia that the tip of the tongue approaches the alveolar area in approximately the way it would for a /t/ or /d/,but never actually makes contact with any part of the roof of the mouth.During the pronunciation,the tongue is in fact usually slightly curled backwards with the tip raised.

/l/The fact that the /l/ phoneme is typically produced with potential air flow around one or both sides of the tongue makes it unique among English speech sounds.It is also highly variable in terms of its articulation.Several important variations exist.In pronunciation,you produce it by dropping the sides of the tongue and allowing air to escape around the sides.

/i:/and/i/ /i:/ is made by raising the body of the tongue from its rest position and shifting it forward.The /i/ sound is made by lowering the tongue slightly froom the high-front position for /i:/.Also,/i:/ is a much more tense sound than /i/.The fact that English has these two high front vowles,differentiated by muscle tension in the root of the tongue,sets it apart from Chinese and many languages of the world.

/e/ and /æ/ /e/ the tongue body is shifted forward in the mid-place./æ/ is produced by shifting the body of the tongue forward from its relaxed state,and lowering it from the position for /e/.It is the lowest of the front vowels.

/ə:/ and /ə/ are central vowels./ə:/ is made with the tongue around the middle of the mouth.It occurs only in stressed syllables./ə/ is also called a schwa.It is made similarly to /ə:/,but with less tension.

/u:/and /u/ are both high,back,rounded vowels.The /u:/ marks the highest boundary for the back vowels,as /i:/ does for the front vowels.Therefore,the tongue is retracted from its rest position and toward the soft palate.Along with/u:/,/u/ completes the vowels in the high back space on the vowels chart.Its corresponding front vowes is /i/.When making the sound,the tongue is retracted as for /u:/ but not elevated to the same extent.In addition,the/u/vowle is not made tith as much tension in the root of the tongue as /u:/.

/o:/is amid-back vowel.For its production,the tongue is retracted and almost flat in the mouth.The vowel is almost fully back and has quite strong lip-rounding./o/is a low vowel.The lips are slightly rounded.

/a:/ and /a/ The /a:/ is made by lowering and flattening the tongue in the oral cavity.It is a low vowel,but not as far back as other back vowels in English./a/ is quite different from other vowels in this group in that it is more like a central vowel than a back vowel./a/ is made with the tongue around the approximate middle of the mouth,but shifted slightly back.It is lower than the other central vowels /ə:/ and /ə/.The lip position is nertral.

/iə/,/eə/ and /uə/ are called centring diphthongs because they all glide towards /ə/,as the symbols indicate.The starting point for /iə/ is a little closer than /i/ in bit,bin./eə/ begins with the similar vowel sound as the /e/ of get,men./uə/ has a starting point slightly closer than /u/ in put,pull.

/ei/,/ai/ and /oi/ are three diphthongs that glide towards/i/./ei/ begins with the same vowel sound as the /e/ of get,men./ai/ begins with an open vowel which is betwwen front and back;it is quite similar to the /a/ in the words like cut,bun.The starting point of /oi/ is a little more open than /o:/ in ought,born.The closing diphthongs have the characteristic that they all end with a glide towards a closer vowel.Because the second part of the diphthong is weak,they often do ont reach a position that could be called close.The important thing is that a glide from a relatively more open towards a relatively more close vowel is prduced.

/əu/ and /au/ are the two diphthongs that end with a glide towards /u/.So as the tongue moves closer to the roof of the mouth there is at the same time a rounding movement of the lips.


英语音标发音规则  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 《请回答2021》瓜分百万奖金 hehuan52 2017-06-28 · 知道合伙人教育行家 hehuan52 知道合伙人教育行家 采纳数:1292 获赞数:5967 美式口语 海外工作经验 BEC剑桥商务英语高级 向TA提问 私信TA 关注 展开全部 英语的音标共有48个,分为元音和辅音。元音共...

2、辅音音标发音 辅音音标在英语中也扮演着重要的角色。它们由不同的发音部位、发音方法和发音状态组成。学习辅音音标时,需要注意各个音标的发音位置以及发音时需要使用的呼吸方式。3、音标连读规则 在实际口语交流中,音标之间常常会发生连读现象,从而使整个句子更加流畅。学习音标发音时,也需要掌握音标连读...

英语国际音标总共是四十八个 ,元音单、双二十整,辅音清、浊二十八。按发音特点归类的28个辅音:一舌音、二半音、三鼻音,六爆破、六破擦、十摩擦音。一、元音部分:单元音:[i:]、[i]、[ɔ:]、[ɔ]、[u:]、[u]、[ə:]、[ə]、[ɑ:]、[ʌ]、[e]、[&#...

音标发音如下表:音标的提出者是H·斯维斯特 P·帕西 琼斯。英语音标中有20个元音,28个辅音,共48个。音标的制定原则是:一个音素由多个音标组成,由2个音素构成的音标我们称之为双元音,如汉语的拼音字母、英语的韦氏音标和国际音标等。

英语48个音标发音规则 音标是英语学习的基础环节,很多人口语不好,跟音标没有学好有很大的关系。下面是我整理的英语48个音标发音规则,希望对你有帮助!48个音标发音规则 48个音标的读法 元音音素:\/i:\/ [衣 发长点]\/I\/ [衣 急促地发声]\/e\/ [哎 发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,...

如果你觉得有必要,你完全可以掌握这两种音标。前提是你已经彻底熟练掌握其中一种音标的发音。注意:在这之前,不要试图去弄清它们之间的区别,否则只会让你一头雾水,丧失学习的兴趣。说到底,在你学会了一种音标之后,再去学另一种,将会很容易。具体的区别,你将会在学习中体会到。 3.英语音标的发音规则 有时候你...

1、听音训练 学习国际音标需要认识所有音标,通过反反复复的听力练习,达到强化记忆,听音训练,如果有条件,可以多听老师朗读音标,也可以使用录音带反复听音,本课件中的每个音素,都可以循环倾听,强化记忆。2、模仿练习 学习音标的发音,要注意观察老师的口型,观察发音部位的变化,主动模仿发音,初学...

英语音标中 L 的两种发音怎么用

1、首先是辅音音素与元音音素合为一体的教学,让喾天将绝大部分辅音与元音音素进行拼读训练.熟悉拼读方法,然后,写一些音标词让学生拼读,这样使学生从浅入深,从易到难,学生循序渐渐地拼读音标,学生容易接受,并且容易学会.最后,教学生学会读单词的重音和次重音.2、教学生的读音规则 首先,教辅音音素的读音...

绥棱县15223069454: 国际音标的发音规则(用英语解释) -
翟殷晴达:[答案] /p/and/b/ You pronounce the/p/and/b/ by stopping the airstream with your lips,building up pressure and suddenly releasing the... larynx directed through the open mouth. 这些音标我不会打呵呵,你自己查看看,我用单词替代,不好意思嘎 should and /3/...

绥棱县15223069454: 急求国际音标的发音方法!!!
翟殷晴达: 第一部分 元音音素的发音方法 1、/ i: / 发音时 1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起. 2)嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形. 3)/i: /为长元音,“:”是长音符号,比相应的短元音要长两倍以上. 2、/ i /发音时 1)舌前部向硬颚抬起比/ i: /低些. ...

绥棱县15223069454: 英语音标发音表及发音规则,都是怎么发音的? -
翟殷晴达:[答案] 国际音标 元音(20个) 长元音 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /U:/ 短元音 / ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/ /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ 双元音 /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ 辅音(28个) 清辅音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ 清辅音 /ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/ 浊辅音 /ʒ/ / r/ ...

绥棱县15223069454: 英语国际音标(关于英语国际音标的基本详情介绍)
翟殷晴达: 1、英语国际音标指的是国际音标应用于英语时的情形.2、数种英语母语使用者区域口音,在元音上的区别多于辅音.3、故此,元音的描述分为三部分,分别是:公认发音(Received Pronunciation)、通用美国英语(General American)和澳洲英语.

绥棱县15223069454: 英语音标的发音规律是什么 -
翟殷晴达: 1、音标: ★单元音12个 双元音8个 [i:] [i] [?] [e] [a:] [∧] [?:] [?] [u:] [u] [?:] [? [ai] [ei] [?u] [?i] [au] [i?] [??] ★清浊成对的辅音10对 [p] [ t ] [k] [f] [s] [θ] [?] [t?] [tr] [ts] [b] [d ] [g] [v] [z] [e] [?] [?] [dr] [dz] ★单个辅音8个 [m] [n] [?] [l] [r] [h] [w] [j] 2、发音要素 2.1长...

绥棱县15223069454: 国际音标的发音 发音方法 -
翟殷晴达: 可以先分类,像音标卡的话肯定元音与辅音都先分好了的,红的是元音,黑的是辅音. 元音有双元音和单原因,这个好分,像/e/就是单元音,/ei/就是双元音; 然后单元音中还有长短之分,后面带两个点的就是长元音如/i:/,像/i/就是短的; 辅音...

绥棱县15223069454: 英语音标发音表及发音规则? -
翟殷晴达: 英语音标发音表 英语音标发音规则 一、元 音 第一组:[i:]与[i] [i:]是个长音,靠口腔发出,发声处靠前,口型很扁,嘴唇向两边张开成微笑状. [i]是个短音,靠喉咙发出,发声处靠后,口型略窄,发这个音时,要短促有力. 第二组:[e]、[ʌ...

绥棱县15223069454: 英语国际音标的发音标准是什么? -
翟殷晴达: 在此个别音标不能显示: 英语发音规则 一,元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 a 在开音节中 [ei] name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中 [ ] bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中 [i:] he these me Chinese 在闭音节中 [e] bed ...

绥棱县15223069454: 英语音标拼读规则 -
翟殷晴达: 元音共20个 包括单元音12个:[i:]、[i]、[e]、[A]、[[:]、[[]、[Q]、[B:]、[C:]、[C]、[U:]、[U] 双元音8个:[ei]、[ai]、[Ci]、[aU]、[[U]、[i[]、[Z[]、[U[] 辅音共28个 包括爆破音6个:[p]、、[t]、[d]、[k]、[^] 磨擦音10个:[f]、[v]、[P]、[T]、[s]、[z]、[r]、[F]...

绥棱县15223069454: 英语音标发音规则 -
翟殷晴达: 48个国际音标表 元音 12个单元音 长元音 [i:][E:][C:][u:][B:] 短元音 [i][E][C][u][Q][e][A] 8个双元音[ai][ei][Ci][iE][ZE][uE][Eu][au] 辅音 10对 清辅音 [p][t][k][f][s][W][F][tF][tr][ts] 浊辅音 [b][d][g][v][z][T][V][dV][dr][dz] 3个鼻音 [m][n][N] 3个似拼音 [h][r][l] 2个半元音 [w][j]

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