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众所周知,英语是:As we all know。

As we all know, some of today's children are overweight because they eat too much fast food.

all 英[ɔ:l] 美[ɔl]
adj. 全部的; 一切的; 各种的; 极度的,尽量的;
pron. 全部; 一切; 每个人,每件东西; 全部情况;
adv. 全部地; 完全地; 每个; 非常;
[例句]He lost all his money at a blackjack table in Las Vegas.

know 英[nəʊ] 美[noʊ]
v. 知道; 了解; 认识; 确信;
n. 知情;
[例句]I don't know the name of the place

众所周知: (saying) as is known to everone

Relative explainations:
<it is well known that> <truism> <as known to all> <come to light> as is now well known ;as is well known ;as it is known ;as now well known ;it can be well-known that ;it is a matter of common observation that ;it is known that ;it may be well-known that ;it must be well-known that ;it will be well-known that...
it is common knowledge that ;it is learned that...

1. 众所周知, 他是绝对可靠的。
It is well known that he is completely on the square.
2. 众所周知,当一种元素与氧结合时,形成的东西被称为氧化物。
It is well known that the thing formed when an element combines with oxygen is called oxide.
3. 这场事故众所周知。
This accident is widely known.
4. 众所周知,他是有罪的。
It was apparent to all that he was guilty.
5. 新的事实已众所周知, 政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当.
As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.


As everyone knows
Owing to the reason known to all the relations between the two people were suspended for over twenty years.

【成语】: 众所周知
【拼音】: zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī
【解释】: 大家普遍知道的。
【用法】: 作谓语、定语、宾语;用于书面语
【英文】: in the public eye


as is now well known as is well known as it is known as now well known it can be well-known that it is a matter of common observation that it is known that it may be well-known that it must be well-known that it will be well-known that

it is common knowledge that it is learned that

as is now well known


it is universially acknowledged that.....

众所周知,英语是:As we all know。例句:As we all know, some of today's children are overweight because they eat too much fast food.众所周知,今天很多孩子都超重了,因为他们吃了太多的快餐。详细解释:all 英[ɔ:l] 美[ɔl]adj. 全部的; 一切的; 各种的; 极...

as everyone knows。重点词汇解释 know 英 [nəʊ] 美 [noʊ]v. 了解;知道;认识 n. 知情 I didn't know the truth until she told me what happened.直到她告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。近义词 learn 英 [lɜːn] 美 [lɜːrn]v. 学会;...

2. 用It做形式主语,that从句做真正主语的:It is known to us all that从句;It is known to everyone\/everybody that从句 3. 用what引导主语从句的,后用that引导表语从句的:What is known to us all is that从句;What is known to everyone\/everybody is that从句 参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

英语:As is known to all

As we all know, as it is known by all众所周知。the world 即可表示全世界了

as everyone knows;as is known to all;be universally [widely] known;Every barber knows that ...;come to light;

用在开头的时候用 As everybody knows that ...接着写内容~如果说什么事情是 众所周知 的话就用 sth is well-known ~~~as(is) known to all as all know well-known As everyone knows it is well-known that

众所周知,英语常用的表达方式是As we all know或者It is widely known that。英语是全球通用的语言之一,对于很多国家和领域来说,它是重要的交流工具。众所周知这一表达,在英语中意味着某个事情或观点是大部分人都知道的,没有什么悬念或者异议的。在正式场合或者书面语言中,我们常用As we all ...

as is known to everyone;as everyone knows; as is known to all。这些都有“众所周知”的说法。点击领取一对一免费欧美外教试课:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,试完课还可以免费测试口语水平哦~阿卡索英语培训的优势在于,不仅一对一针对性强,性价比高,课均不到20元,就可以自主选择喜欢...

众所周知英语 4个单词
It is known that

赣州市19467062315: “众所周知”用英语有几种表达方法,分别是什么? -
印田双黄:[答案] 众所周知 as everyone knows; as is known to all; be universally [widely] known; Every barber knows that ...; Everybody knows ...; it is common knowledge that ...; It is known to all that ...; It is particularly notorious that ...:

赣州市19467062315: 众所周知用英文怎么说是as we know 还是as we known用于句子开头~ -
印田双黄:[答案] 众所周知:(saying) as is known to everone Relative explainations: as is now well known ;as is well known ;as it is known ;as now well known ;it can be well-known that ;it is a matter of common obser...

赣州市19467062315: 众所周知用英文怎么说 -
印田双黄: 众所周知: (saying) as is known to everoneRelative explainations: <it is well known that> <truism> <as known to all> <come to light> as is now well known ;as is well known ;as it is known ;as now well known ;it can be well-known that ;it is a ...

赣州市19467062315: 众所周知的,用英语有哪几种说法 -
印田双黄:[答案] as is known to all what is known to all it's common sense that -clause we all know that- clause 同学你好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦

赣州市19467062315: 众所周知的(用英语说)—————— - —————— -
印田双黄:[答案] 众所周知 well-known 用于句型中:It is well-known that... 两个空_well___-__known____

赣州市19467062315: 我想说:"众所周知,."那众所周知的英文怎麽说? -
印田双黄:[答案] 众所周知:(saying) as is known to everone Relative explainations: as is now well known ;as is well known ;as it is known ;as now well known ;it can be well-known that ;it is a matter of common observation that ;it is known that ;it may be well-known ...

赣州市19467062315: 请问,众所周知用英语怎么说 -
印田双黄: 用在开头的时候用 As everybody knows that ...接着写内容~ 如果说什么事情是 众所周知 的话就用 sth is well-known ~~~~~~~~~~

赣州市19467062315: 众所周知用英语可以怎么说 -
印田双黄: 众所周知 英文:as everyone knows; as is known to all; be universally [widely] known; Every barber knows that ... come to light ; Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys. 众所周知,刚学会走路的孩子不愿和别人分享玩具. His first essay in running a company was a notoriously tough undertaking. 众所周知,他第一次尝试经营公司时十分艰难.

赣州市19467062315: 众所周知用英语可以怎么说?全部可以的说法都告诉我好不好? -
印田双黄:[答案] It is well known that It is known to all that It is universally known

赣州市19467062315: '众所周知'的英语翻译 -
印田双黄: 众所周知: (saying) as is known to everone Relative explainations: <it is well known that> <truism> <as known to all> <come to light> as is now well known ;as is well known ;as it is known ;as now well known ;it can be well-known that ;it is a ...

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