
作者&投稿:毕寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I've never loved the world. It's the same to me.


Patriotic heroes bring glory to the nation and autocratic tyrants bring disaster to the nation.


If he should meet the next day, how would I congratulate you? With silence, with tears.


Men's love is only a part of a man's life, but love is the whole of a woman's life.


Oh, fun, although some people are sure to be unlucky for you, you are so happy after all.


You are like a dream of heaven, the love of the world is not worth climbing.


As the light fades away, reason fades away, and the candle of hope flickers away, I wander in loneliness.


Love me, I return with a sigh. Hate me, I pay a laugh. The heart is ready for whatever luck God may bring.


A drop of ink can evoke the thoughts of millions of people.


If I could meet you, after years, how would I greet you with tears and silence?


My heart is like this, leaning forward to listen to you; like the summer ocean tide, full of tender feelings.


Men are strange things, but more strange are women.


I will not abandon the world for you. But I will not abandon you for the world.


There is no way to make the clock strike the past hour for me.


No matter what the sky is above, I'm prepared to withstand any storm.


Joy and pain in love alternate.


To die for a great cause can never be counted as failure.


If I dream that you love me, don't blame me me, don't be angry at sleep; your love only exists in dreams, wake up, I have spare tears.


My love for you is my hatred for human beings, because if I fall in love with human beings, I can't love you with all my heart.


If the rumors are true, then I am not fit to live in Britain; if the rumors are false, then Britain is not fit to let me live.


When a man understands the suffering of others, he must also be suffering.


If I see you again, after years, how will I greet you with tears and silence?


To love for love is God; to be loved is man.


Love is hard, and you can't expect it to e out like a dream.


To make a long marriage, we need to overe self-centeredness.


Happy people are bound to win, which is inevitable, because happiness is always in.


The advantage of a curve is that it is more conducive to more opportunities than a straight line.


Who knows the past, people know too much. Long and bitter, all in silence.


Sigh at the good old days, and take advantage of the numerous scenes to get rid of your worries.


After many years of parting, or meet again. Where do we meet? Tears are silent.


If I meet you, after years, how can I congratulate you, with tears, with silence?


Love is nothing but an external thing for men, but a whole life for women.


Your beauty, the legacy and independence, your voice, like the rhyme of flowing water; I do not speak, nor seek, nor reveal your name.


If I dream that you love me, don't freak out, wake up, I have spare tears.


The sun is the life of the emperor, poetry and light.


No matter how rich the ancestors are, a loser is enough to damage the lintel.


From the ruins of my past, at least, I can remember that.


All tragedies end in death, all edies end in marriage.


All pain can destroy people, but those who suffer can also destroy pain!


Night was born for love, and the day will e back in a inkling of an eye.


Winning the world is not losing it. It's a boring world anyway.


The great heart is so happy that it gives and will give everything for it.


What's the taste of love without youth? What is the meaning of youth without love?


Pessimistic people die, optimistic people never grow old.


Even those who do not love their motherland will not love anything.

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成波麝香: 我们家拜伦的诗查得到 笨啊 I saw thee' weep 我见过你哭 the big br'ight tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came o'er that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A violet dropping dew 滴下清透的露珠 I saw thee' smile...

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成波麝香:[答案] When we two partedIn silence and tears,Half broken-heartedTo sever for years,Pale grew thy cheek and cold,Colder thy kiss;Truly that hour foretoldSorrow to this!The dew of the morning Sunk chill on my...

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成波麝香: 您好,原文应该是: Loves me, I extend the sigh; Hates me, I respond with the smile. How sky on the head isn't, I will greet any storm

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成波麝香: 'Deep in my soul that tender secret dwells,Lonely and lost to light for evermore,Save when to thine my heart responsive swells,Then trembles into silence as before我灵魂的深处埋着一个秘密,寂寞的 冷落的 更不露痕迹,只有时我的心又无...

西安区19446774894: 拜伦的诗歌 When we two parted 谁有英文的 -
成波麝香: When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted To sever for years, Pale grew thy cheek and cold, Colder thy kiss; Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this!The dew of the morning Sunk chill on my brow- It felt like the warning Of what I feel ...

西安区19446774894: 拜伦这首诗的英文原文 -
成波麝香: I saw thee weep 拜伦I saw thee weep (我见过你哭) the big bright tear (晶莹的的泪珠) Came over that eye of blue (从蓝眼睛滑落) and then methought it did appeat(像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰) A violet dropping dew (滴下清透的露珠) ...

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成波麝香: 想从前我们俩分手, 默默无言地流着泪, 预感到多年的隔离, 我们忍不住心碎; 你的脸冰凉、发白, 你的吻更似冷冰, 呵,那一刻正预兆了 我今日的悲痛.清早凝结着寒露, 冷彻了我的额角, 那种感觉仿佛是 对我此刻的警告...

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