初一 英语 是英语 请详细解答,谢谢! (3 10:42:45)

作者&投稿:符寒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初一 英语 英语 请详细解答,谢谢! (26 17:42:10)~

The coolest thing is the belt.


所以,COOLEST即 最酷的.

最高级前面应该加THE,所以为THE COOLEST



do you have a pen pal in Australia?


where does Jim and Tom live?

Do you have a pen pal in Australia?

Where do/live

1。Do you have a pen pal in Australia?

2。 Where do Jim and Tom live?

Do you have a pen pal in Australia?
Where are Jim and Tom from?

1.Do you have a penpal in Australia
2.[1]Where [2] are[3]from

Do you have a pen pal in Australia?
pen pal是笔友的意思。前面必须有冠词a。哪里的笔友,加上澳大利亚。这样的话,组句就很简单了。
Where do Jim and Tom live?

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 英语翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (12 8:27:57) -
泣枫利胆: 这里肯定是指俗语,而不是字面意思,否则就失去意义了.the black sheep 害群之马 got home 获胜 cats and dogs 大雨滂沱

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泣枫利胆:[答案] 这要看你是要中国英语还是地道的英语了 这个其实是国情不同的 在美国 一年级,中学或大学一样,都叫freshman 二年级,sophomore 三年级,junior 四年级,senior 中国因为学制不同,可以叫first grader (middle school)初一年级学生

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (20 12:20:7) -
泣枫利胆: 1 What can I do for you ?2 It's time for supper .翻译1 I would like to know him .2 Jack would like a cup of coffee milk.3 I would like to have dinner with you.

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 英语 请详细解答,谢谢! (6 9:41:28)词组翻译:(1)把.....落在家里                    (2)带领.....参观.....     ... -
泣枫利胆:[答案] 1.leave sth at home 如leave a book at home.2.show sb around,如Before you start to work,I'll show you around the factory.3.for example.如I know many women who have a career and a family—Kehr for examp...

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 英语 请详细解答,谢谢! (4 21:25:57)people   will    work    three  days   a  week.(加粗部分提问)________ - ________... -
泣枫利胆:[答案] How many days a week will people work? How will you go to the park? The students will see a film tomorrow. 注意: 问题2 on food 应为on foot 问题3the 应为The句子首字母应大写

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 中文翻译成英文 请详细解答,谢谢! (27 19:30:21) -
泣枫利胆: There is a big library next to the supermarket.There is a busy supermarket between the restaurant and the post office.There is a library on the right hand side of the street.主要是考察关于there be的句型,表示某地存在...

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 英语 请详细解答,谢谢! (2 16:15:29)sugar是可数还是不可数? -
泣枫利胆:[答案] sugar通常都是不可数的. 但如果特指咖啡里面的方糖,一块块的,却是可数的.

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 英语题 请详细解答,谢谢! (8 22:58:31)下周二是我们的校庆日.It is our School Day - __ - ____. -
泣枫利胆:[答案] next Tuesday.

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 英语题 请详细解答,谢谢! (8 18:29:31)欢迎到我们俱乐部来(翻译)We work nine hours each day on weekends.(翻译) -
泣枫利胆:[答案] Welcome to our club 在工作日我们每天上班9个小时

向阳区19644169221: 初一 英语 英语 请详细解答,谢谢! (26 17:42:10)最酷的东西就是皮带啦用英语咋说 -
泣枫利胆:[答案] The coolest thing is the belt. 解析:COOL是酷的意思,形容词的最高级一般在其末尾加“EST” 所以,COOLEST即 最酷的. 最高级前面应该加THE,所以为THE COOLEST 注:BELT为皮带.

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