stop waiting for things to happen,go out and make them happen,是什么意思

作者&投稿:端木览 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Never go out there to see what happens,go out there to make things happen请问这是什么意~

Never go out there to see what happens 从来不出门到那里去看看发生了什么事

Go out there to make things happen 出门到那里去让这些事情发生


英语翻译的时候要学会变通,一句话放在不同的语境里可能有多种意思,但是万变不离其宗,就像这句话里:stop停止、 waiting for等待、 things 事情、to (动词不定式)、happen发生 、go out 出去、and(连接词)和 、make做,让、 them 他们(宾格)、happen发生 ;把各个词义连接就是:不要等待事情发生,出去让他们发生

  stop waiting for things to happen,go out and make them happen.
  go out:出去;辞职;下台
  1.'I've repeatedly told him to go out with other people, ' she said in an interview.

  2.Autumn's parents did not permit her to go out with her boyfriend.

  3.You'd better make it a rule to go out for a jog every morning.

  4.You can convince her to go out with me.

stop waiting for things to happen,go out and make them happen,



岭东区18051161080: stop waiting什么意思
泣丽妇康: stop waiting 停止等待 例句 Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen. 不要坐等事情发生.要创造条件让它们发生. You can stop waiting or you can continue on as you're doing now. 你可以着手新的行动,或继续重复你在做的事情.

岭东区18051161080: 这几个词用法是不是和词性有关呢? 为何stop 后要加for, 而wait 和stay后不要for 呢? wait for minutes -
泣丽妇康: 楼主所说的是指for+一段时间的用法对吗? 其实,很多英语的词性搭配都是习惯决定的.wait和for可以不加,stop必须加,其实很多都是因为日常习惯约定俗成.如果一定要解释的话也不是不可以:如果stop后面直接加上一段时间,比如说你所...

岭东区18051161080: stop和wait意思相同吗? -
泣丽妇康: 明显不同.stop是取“停止,停下”的意思,“wait”是等待,等候的意思

岭东区18051161080: Down by the busstop waiting for the bus中文意思 -
泣丽妇康: 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Down by the busstop waiting for the bus 在公交车站等车 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

岭东区18051161080: I suggested stop waiting for her .改正
泣丽妇康: 可改为 I suggested to stop waiting for her

岭东区18051161080: waiting at和 waiting for区别 -
泣丽妇康: waiting at 后面一般是接地点,表示 在...等 的意思 waiting for 后面一般接人物,表示 等候...的意思

岭东区18051161080: 他一直等到我回来.翻译英语 -
泣丽妇康: He's been waiting for me to come back.假定你说的是现在,不是过去

岭东区18051161080: Down by the bus - stop waiting for the bus.boop...boop,here it comes!怎么翻译 -
泣丽妇康:[答案] 在车站下面等公交,嘟……嘟……公交车来啦!

岭东区18051161080: (简单的等待)用英语怎么说?I will never stop waiting until you -
泣丽妇康:[答案] wait for you I will never stop waiting until you come我会一直等你来的. 希望能够帮到你!

岭东区18051161080: 下一站,等你英语翻译 -
泣丽妇康: 下一站,等你 :Wait for you at the next stop

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