
作者&投稿:良鸿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1.There are many trees on each side of the river.河流两岸许多树。

2.Each element has some special properties.每种元素都有些特殊性质。


1.Each has his advantages.各人都有其优点。

2.He gave each of us a tool.他给我们每人一件工具。


1.Give them two books each.(=Give each of them two books.)给他们每个人两本书。

2.The students have ten books each.(=Each of the students has ten books.)这些学生每人有十本书。

3.Different kinds of waves have each the same three characteristics: amplitude, frequency and length.不同的波(各)都有三个相同的特性:幅度、频率和波长。


1.They each put forward a proposal.他们每人提出一条建议。

2.The workers are each of them hard-working.这些工人个个勤奋劳动。

五、each other作“互相”、“彼此”解:

1.We help each other.我们互相帮助。

2.They speak English to each other.他们彼此讲英语。

3.We often compare notes with each other on our work and study.我们经常就工作和学习方面互相交换意见。




1.I know every member of the class.全班的人我都认识。(着重全体,即虽指每个,而概括全体。)

2.I know each member of the class.这个班每个人我都认识。(“个别”意义较重。)

3.We must correct every single error.我们必须改正所有错误。(着重全体。)

4.They each have a tool.他们每人有一件工具。(“个别”意义较重。)

5.Hydrogen and sodium each have one electron in the outer layer. Each has a combining power of one. They each have one electron to lend to anther atom.氢和钠在外层各有一个电子。它们的化合价都是1.它们各有一个电子可借给其他原子。(句中第一、三个each作同位语,第二个each为代词作主语。这三个each都是“个别”意义较重。句中第二个one是通过of引出的同位语。)

Each school has its library.
Each one of us has his own duty.
Each boy and each girl works hard.
每个学生都努力学习。There were three students who called and I gave a book to each.
来了三个学生, 我发给每个人一本书。
Each of us has a company car.
Each of you have to work together with one heart.
The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.
Peter and Bill each say they came first in the race.
The French and Germans each claimed the territory.
We each have our own particular tastes, haven't we?
我们各有所好, 不是吗?

Each student has his own dictionary . (形容词,定语)
Each has hi s good point . (代词,主语)
Our head teacher had a talk with each of us . (代词,宾语)
The students each have a desk . (代词,同位语)
The children can have a bag each . (副词,状语)

2、 each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部。比较:
I know each number of your family .
I know every number of your family .


We help each other

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大足县17085111213: each 与every 的区别与用法 -
睢桑培新:[答案] each与every虽然都有“每个”的意思,但二者含义及语法功能不同.例如,each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,every只能作形容词;用作形容词作定语时,each更强调个人或个别,every表示“每个”之意,含有“全部”之意味,等等.两个词的差...

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睢桑培新:[答案] each 和 every 的用法及区别 1.each着重于个别的“每个”,有“各自”的含义,并不强调整体概念.every着重于全体而不是个别的“每个”,有“整体”的含义,只能是一个整体中的每一个组成部分或单位.试比较:Each of them...

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睢桑培新: each与every都有“每个”的意思,但二者含义及语法功能不同: 1、each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语、状语等. Each student has his own dictionary . (形容词,定语) Each has hi s good point . ...

大足县17085111213: every和each的差异与用法 -
睢桑培新:[答案] every 是指三个事物或三个以上的事物each是指两个事物然后更细致些的是Each与every都有“每个”的意思,但二者含义及语法功能不同,主要区别是:1.each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位...

大足县17085111213: each和every 的区别.还有两个的用法. -
睢桑培新:[答案] each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部.each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物的“全体”,与all的意思相近.every和each用法上的区别 1.each可作代词和形...

大足县17085111213: every和each的用法和区别 -
睢桑培新: 两者都有“每个”的意思,但用法不同: (1)each具有名词和形容词的功能,every只有形容词的功能. (2)each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指三个以上的人或事物的“全体”,和all的意思相近.如: He gave a book to ...

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睢桑培新:[答案] each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部.each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物的“全体”,与all的意思相近.every和each用法上的区别 ...

大足县17085111213: each,every 的用法 -
睢桑培新: each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部.each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物的“全体”,与all的意思相近. every和each用法上的区别 1. each可作...

大足县17085111213: each与every用法辨析! -
睢桑培新:[答案] each与every虽然都有“每个”的意思,但二者含义及语法功能不同.例如,each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,every只能作形容词;用作形容词作定语时,each更强调个人或个别,every表示“每个”之意,含有“全部”之意味,等等...

大足县17085111213: each与every的所有用法 尽量全面一点 -
睢桑培新: each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语、状语等. 2. each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部.比较: I know each number of your family .我认识...

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