
作者&投稿:安苛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

여우야 여우야 뭐하니
狐狸啊 狐狸啊 做什么呢
세수한다 밥 먹는다
洗脸呢 吃饭呢
여우야 여우야 뭐하니
狐狸啊 狐狸啊 做什么呢
사실은 연애한다


问题の补充:长兄のお姉さん、身を処するのは温厚になる ,実はとても简単だ しかし私少しもない ,お礼を言った�くこと。立って尾の01に対してずっと话をしていないで、1组それは言う:“私は他の人に及ばないで、いつもあなたより少し大きかろう!”“间违いだ”、0は头を上げて、大声で言う:“私は喜ぶのでさえすれ(あれ)ば、あなたより10倍大きくなることができ(ありえ)る!”1は信じない。0は1の身の回りへ立つと、みんなはいっしょに呼ぶ:“これは10で、9より更に大きい!”0はすこし笑って1闻く:“今回あなたは信じただろう?”それはとても得意げで、1会は50になって、1会は60になる。
问题の补充:长兄のお姉さん、身を処するのは温厚になる ,実はとても简単だ しかし私少し

(Several numerals gather same place, all said oneself is big. Struggle being red in the face.) Sunday, Li Li completes last the arithmetic topic, as soon as gathers the book, happily played. Wind blows, blew the table on book, suddenly, jumped out several lively numerals from the book; 0.123456789 billion. Everybody, said that, "I stand in first, is all bigger than you". 2 said that, "Stands in first does not calculate in a big way, I compared to your more than 1 times!" 3 said that, "I am 1 3 times, I am all bigger than you!" By now, stood in behind 4, 5, 6. . . . . Shouts was saying that, "I am bigger than you!" 9 stands said that, "You all did not make, I was 1 9 times, I was bigger than you." Everybody has listened, all believes nod. Stands in 0 has not always spoken to the tail, 1 pair of it said: "I compared to the others, always your am only bigger than!" "Is not right", 0 gains ground, loudly said: "So long as I happy, can your be bigger than 10 times!" 1 did not believe. 0 on toward a 1 side station, everybody calls together: "This is 10, 9 is also bigger than!" 0 smiles asks 1: "Then you have believed?" It is extremely self-satisfied, one can turn 50, one can turn 60. 0 pair of who also do look did not get up, everybody see his that vice- spirited type, all was angry left, left behind 01, it was younger than everybody, 0 felt bad cries.

On Sunday, the LiLi do the end through an arithmetic, the book on match, happy played to go to.A burst of breeze blow, blowing the book of the table to open, suddenly, from the book in jump out a few cheery numerals;0123456789.Everyone's one eye, say:" I stand on the first, aller big than you".2 say:" Stand on the first and don't calculate greatly, I compare you have another 100%!"3 say:" I is 1 of 300%, I compare you all big!" At this time, stand on the behind of 4,5 and 6..... The say writes to say:" I compare you big!"
9 stations come out to say:" You do not 挣 , I is 1 of 900%, I compare you who all big." Everyone heard, all believing to take of order.Stand at to tail of 0 hasn't been talk,1 rightness say:" I can not win against the other people, total aer little bit than you big!"" Wrong",0 raise head, say loudly:" Want ~only me happy, will compare you big 1000%!"1 don't believe.0 go toward 1 of nearby a station, everyone calls together:" This is 10, compare 9 return big!"0 smile to ask 1:" This next you believe?" Its very proud and satisfied, a short while become 50, a short while become 60.
0 rightnesses of who also looked down upon, the everyone sees him that proud kind, left all angrily, leave 0 as, it compare who all small,0 cried sadly.

Have done with the last arithmetic on sunday,Lili colsed her notebook and went out with happiness.A blast blowed and unfold the book.Suddenly, some vivid numbers jumped out of the book.There are one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine and zero.One looked the others and said "I stand firstly,so I am larger than all of you." While two said "it doesn't mean you are the largest when you stand in the first,look,I am a times than you" Three grumble "I am three times than one,so I am the largest." Standind behind them was four,five,six...All of them shouted they were the biggest.下班了,写不完了

a group of numbers gathered and argued that he is the biggest one.
one sunday .having finished the last problen ,lili closed the homework book and go out happily .a blast of wind blew open the book and several activite numbers jumped out from it :0123456789.1 said:"i stand at the first place ,i was bigger than you all!'

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给您一个内容比较正确的翻译:Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of ...

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贡嘎县13592862142: 请哪位高人帮我翻译一下,万分感谢! -
项俩千珍: Abstract A cartoon system is the school in makes great strides forwardin the process important step to the digitized campus goal, is in thedigitized campus advancement an essential transitional stage, also isa digitized campus important constituent...

贡嘎县13592862142: 请高人帮我翻译一下 !谢谢了 -
项俩千珍: 欲变世界,先变其身. 打篮球是我喜欢的体育运动.

贡嘎县13592862142: 一本外文书的名字,哪位高人帮咱翻译一下,网上在线翻译的不全面,懂外文的高手帮我翻译一下书名字,多谢 -
项俩千珍: 《加布里埃拉米斯特拉尔的情书》是西班牙语

贡嘎县13592862142: 哪位高人帮我翻译一下啊 -
项俩千珍: 杨万里(1127-1206年),字廷秀,号诚斋.吉州吉水(今江西省吉水县)人.南宋杰出的诗人,汉族人.一生力主抗金,与尤袤、范成大、陆游合称南宋“中兴四大诗人”.绍兴二十四年中进士.授赣州司户,后调任永州零陵县丞,得见谪居...

贡嘎县13592862142: 哪位英语高手能帮我把这段话翻译成英语呀?谢谢了!
项俩千珍: On the ground there is a bottle of juice, a man with a turtle fight, the results of a turtle to grab the men are very angry, when a man from his car moved juice shipped a box of juice, drink sitting next to the tortoise, the tortoise he shipped juice the car to drive away, a man was surprised.

贡嘎县13592862142: “死者十六七.众并惮疫溃散.禁之不可.乃引其余兵退还”哪位高人帮我翻译一下.多谢了.急急急!
项俩千珍: 十分之六七的人死亡了,众人担心瘟疾扩散,不能阻止,就率领剩余兵士回去了

贡嘎县13592862142: 哪位高人帮我翻译一下.谢谢…Que te calla.Erres tonto.Que no sabes nada sobre la amistad. -
项俩千珍:[答案] 我只能翻译这么多了 Que te 水芋.Erres 阿派奇分族的印第安人.没有 sabes nada sobre la amistad 的 Que.

贡嘎县13592862142: 哪位高人能帮我翻译一下这段话?谢谢哪位高人能帮我翻译一下这段话
项俩千珍: 一般在社会没有剧烈变迁的情况下,几百年才上升一个百分点,但是我们在短短十几年里就上升了几十个百分点.这说明人们的行为规范有剧烈的变动. In general, a ...

贡嘎县13592862142: 呵呵,哪位高人帮我翻译成日文啊~~谢谢了 -
项俩千珍: 1、わたしは日本语を勉强して一年になりました.2、先生が日本へ行くそうです.3、あの人はこの学校が好きではなさそうです.4、毎回、先生はわたしたちに文を作らせます.5、わたしを早く家へ帰らせてください.

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