
作者&投稿:诸葛乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


 Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.


The Respectable People

Today is Saturday, I don’t need to go to school, so I decided to take some morning exercises. Early in the morning, I went out of the house and looked around, the city was so quiet. With few cars, the air was fresh, I felt so comfortable. Besides the people who took the morning exercise, I found some people who worn the orange uniform, they were working. This was the first time for me to see the cleaners work in the morning, they were easily neglected, because they worked so early and when the time for people to go to work, cleaners rested. Watching these cleaners working, I feel so thankful for them, they were doing the greatest job. People praised them as the city’s dressers, they kept the city clean all the time and brought comfort to people. They are the respectable people, we should applause for them.

西安交通大学转专业 大一就可以换吗?
除学校统一安排的两课、国防教育、体育英语、人文社科及基础通识类选修课外,生命学院各专业在第一学年开设的自然科学、学科大类基础课程如下:1、生物医学工程专业序号 课程编码 课程名称 学时 学分 1 COMP1011 程序设计基础 56 3 2 MATH1016 高等数学(I) 192 11.5 3 MATH1022 线性代数与空间解析几何(I) 56 3....

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钞枯功亮: The Respectable People Today is Saturday, I don't need to go to school, so I decided to take some morning exercises. Early in the morning, I went out of the house and looked around, the city was so quiet. With few cars, the air was fresh, I felt so ...

靖边县17615824645: 人教版九年级全一册英语第十单元sectionB 2d课文翻译 -
钞枯功亮: 亲爱的露那谢谢你的来信,的确在我的法国交换生项目中我有了很大的改变.在我到这之前我有一点紧张,但没必要这样.我的寄宿家庭非常的好他们尽力让我感觉像在家一样奶奶知道我很想念中餐,所以他去学习做中餐.她有一个很善良跟我年纪也差不多的孙女,她经常帮我练习法语你应该不能想象因为那我的法语进步的有多快.我现在说法语十分流利.虽然我还是会犯错误,但我不像以前那么紧张了.

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钞枯功亮: 九年级英语人教版sectionB的2b的翻译

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钞枯功亮: 九年级英语12单元SectionB,2a,2b,翻译

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钞枯功亮: 答案是:

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钞枯功亮: Unit 1 My name's Gina 二中英语备课组 Language functions: Introduce themselves, greet people, ask for and give telephone. Goals: Use Hello, Hi.

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钞枯功亮: many would agree that when we think of chrismas, we probably think of gifts, christmas trees and santa claus but behind all these thing lies the true meaning of christmas ; the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us .the story in a christmas carol is perhaps the best exampie of this

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钞枯功亮: Autumn's coming.She is in a yellow dress.She is coming across the fields. The fields are yellow now. The wheat is smiling. There are some farmers in the fields. They are processing the wheat.Look at the trees, there are many birds singing in ...

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钞枯功亮:[答案] 九年级英语第三单元 22页 2b 翻译 请问你可以……?当你游览于国外时,知道如何礼貌地寻求帮助是重要的.比如说,你可以问“厕所在哪?“或者”请问你可以告诉我厕所在哪吗?“这是两个相似的关于方向的询问.两者都是正确...

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钞枯功亮: eff:嗨,尼克,周六你能来我家吗?我在西安的堂兄塞姆就要来这里Nick:哦,塞姆,我记得去年秋天他来看你时,我们一起骑自行车Jeff:是的,没错Nick:我愿意去你家但是恐怕我不能,星期一我有一场考试,因此我必须为考试做好准备Jeff:真是太糟糕了,哦,但是塞姆直到下周三才走呢,周一晚上你能和我们一起逛逛吗?Nick :当然可以,周一见.

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