
作者&投稿:倚莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My new clothes
Soon have the Spring Festival, my mother bought some new clothes for me, a down jacket,sweater, jeans.
I most like my down jacket. The clothes inside and outside are pink, the hat is white velvet, the outside is pink. Pattern down jacket above is: under the snow, a boy wearing a hat, wearing ascarf is a snowman. My jacket is a waist, and long, others say I wear this jacket like snow whitebeauty.
And my mother gave me to buy new boots is also very beautiful. I got this new year gift up.

and then to find the excuse and small division younger sister separate. Linghu Chong and Lu monkey came to the brothel looked at a lot of beautiful women, but Linghu ready to leave, Lu monkeys still insist on to see just drink a cup of wine, Linghu Chong worry about no money. As a result, Lu monkey took out he saved money for a year, so went to drink.


The spring festival is coming . My parents buy me some new clothes . Let me show them to you . They are a T-shirt , a jacket , a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers .
The T-shirt and the jeans are made of cotton . I think it is very comfortable to wear cotton clothes . The trainers are made of leather . The colour of the the T-shirt is white because I like this colour and this colour makes the T-shirt look clean . The jacket is blue and white . It's a little long and big . It looks smart . My jeans aren't tight . They are very comfortable to wear . The trainers are blue and white . They match my jacket very much .
I love my new clothes . How do you like them ?

my new clothes
my new clothes are very beautiful
I love them very much
But they are expensive
I want to wear them everyday

我有许多漂亮美丽的衣服,小裙子 ,小裤子 , 长长的大裙子 ,冰雪公主的那种小裙子 。短裙,连衣裙我都有 。

那放射出媚力的校服,已离我不在遥远。 4. 《拿到新校服以后》为题写一篇作文 “今儿老百姓,今儿真高兴!”打完了流感疫苗,我们去领我们的新校服喽! 听说新校服还可以,反正有新衣服穿就行嘛!校服被大排头的同学拿走了,我们便回到班里,看到一摞摞的校服堆在箱子里,每个同学都迫不及待,如断了缰绳的马,恨不得...

未来的衣服作文5 “衣服怎么又小了!”妈妈看着我的衣服生气的说:“你怎么长得这么快啊,就不能慢点长吗,老妈买衣服又要花那么多的钱……”随着妈妈的说话声,我又开始了胡思乱想…… 我想,我长大一定要设计一件“万能衣”,如果你心情好,就会变成红色;如果你被爸爸妈妈打的半青半紫,衣服就会变得半青半紫;如果...

在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我为大家收集的我的衣柜作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 我的衣柜作文1 打开我的衣柜,里边是一个整齐、干净、齐全的衣帽间。从上往下看,帽子、衣服、鞋子,应有尽有。 妈妈做事很...

作文: 多功能衣服
我心想:要是真的有这样的衣服就好了,我现在一定要好好学习,以后发明这样的衣服! 作文: 多功能衣服5 妈妈每天都要洗衣服,还要经常去买衣服,真是又累人又费钱呀。我想要发明一件与众不同的衣服,既可以让妈妈多休息,又可以为家里省钱。 这件衣服是夹层的,但外表看起来不会很鼓。夹层里以空气填充为主,能够在...

以下是我整理的神奇的衣服作文450字,希望对大家有所帮助。 神奇的衣服作文450字1 时光飞逝,现在已是20xx年了,科技发达,我成为了一名发明家。我发明了一种神奇的东西,他就是可心衣! 这种衣服不仅外观华丽,而且柔软舒适。他用纳米材料制作而成。我在衣服里还安装了微型电脑装置,衣服上的五个纽扣就相当于控制电脑的...

未来的衣服作文5 现在的孩子都非常不爱干净,总是让爸爸妈妈操心。未来的我会发明一种多功能衣服。 这种衣服永远也不会脏,因为衣服里外都装有吸尘器,可以吸进灰尘吐出清新空气,这样不但不污染环境,而且可以净化环境。 这种衣服可以一年四季都不用换洗,不冷也不热。因为衣服表面的领带就可以收集当时的温度、湿度、风...

当我看到北京上空绚烂的焰火,看到世界各地的运动员汇集到国家体育场,心中的自豪之情难以表达。 5. 作文 写一段描写服装 200字 所谓的“三分长相,七分打扮”说得是很有道理的,服饰在生活中,对于人的外貌起着非常重要的作用。 而现在年轻的姑娘们,对于打扮那是流行什么穿什么,马路上一眼望过去,便知今年是流行...


下面分享5篇自拟作文题的作文,供您参考: 溅水 篇1 在人生中,有许多时刻值得我们去细细地体会,在这些时刻中,最让人难以忘记的是温暖的时刻,它体现出人间的温暖。并告诉我们人生中的一些道理,因此它们能让人终生难忘。 在一个星期日,下了一上午的雨,到了下午终于雨过天晴。我穿上新买的衣服到街上散步。年久...

第五个按钮,只要你一按,衣服的纽扣掉了,它会自己修理到原处。你只要穿上这衣服,它可以发出提醒。 在不久的将来,我们将会把衣服设计,改造得更加完美,这必须要我们从现在开始,努力学习,早日达成愿望。 未来的衣服作文5 未来的衣服和现在的衣服还真不一样。 一天,我来到一个地方非常冷。这里的人只是穿了一件长...

星子县18646283854: 英语作文我的新衣服50字 -
巩坚施吉: 我有许多漂亮美丽的衣服,小裙子 ,小裤子 , 长长的大裙子 ,冰雪公主的那种小裙子 .短裙,连衣裙我都有 .

星子县18646283854: 英语作文;每个人都有自己喜欢的衣服,如你是Jane,请以My Clothes为题,描述你所穿的衣服.50字左右 -
巩坚施吉: Recently,度I bought a T-shirt from the shopping-centre in our country.I like it mach.It is a blue one with a cute picture in the front . I spend 99 dollars in it . all my friends love it very much. my mother said,I look very beautiful in it. I love my T-shirt.

星子县18646283854: 我的衣服作文英语和翻译
巩坚施吉: my coat

星子县18646283854: 我最喜欢的衣服英语作文 -
巩坚施吉: My Clothes I have more clothes.I like them very much.They are a T-shirt ,a jacket ,a shirt and a pair of shorts.The T-shirt is my favorite.I also like the pair of shorts.My favorite color is bule.So my clothes are bule.

星子县18646283854: 英语作文;每个人都有自己喜欢的衣服,如你是Jane,请以My Clothes为题,描述你所穿的衣服.50字左右.内容 -
巩坚施吉:[答案] My Clothes Hello ,My name is Jane .I am 12years old ,Everyone likes the diffrent coat.And,I have a pink dress. There are some flowers are on the dress ,The flowers are blue .And,There is a small bear betwen the flower ,It is lovely.In the summer ,I feel very...

星子县18646283854: 以“看看我们的新衣服吧”为题50词的英语短文.求急用!!! -
巩坚施吉: I like the color blue and purple very much.Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea ,a syblol of purity and fresh.Usually we paint the kid's room blue .Purple looks very attractive and is the color for lovely girl.Most of my clothes are purple.It makes me looked very nice.what do you think about above color?

星子县18646283854: 衣服搭配作文50字 -
巩坚施吉: 东方人的皮肤属于黄色,那么芥茉黄和绿色会把皮肤里的青色和土黄色衬托出来,显得肤色更黄更青.依照色彩学的原理,黄色皮肤的人,穿著白色、灰色、酒红色、黑色、蓝色、咖啡色等与肤色能够配合的衣服看上去比较优雅、古典.当然,这并不意味着别的颜色就不能穿,只是相比较而言这些色彩不容易出差错.

星子县18646283854: 自己过年时设计的新衣服(英语作文)60~80词要七年级学生能看的懂得(在线等,速度给分啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 -
巩坚施吉: e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333330323338Christmas is coming, one hundred RT-Mart supermarket, shops, kindergartens are full of strong festive atmosphere. Our children are our teachers and classroom layout look, put up the...

星子县18646283854: Writing About Your Favourite Clothing 英语作文80词左右 -
巩坚施吉: My Favourite Clothing There are many kinds of clothes. There are T-shirts, jeans, sweaters and so on, but I like wearing jeans the best. I like we...

星子县18646283854: 我最喜欢的衣服英语作文带翻译 -
巩坚施吉: my favorite clothes is a dress.my mother bought it when i was 18.it is red with blue flowers on it.i think the dress represents my mother love.so when i return home from college in summer,i wear it. 我最喜欢的衣服是连衣裙.我18岁时妈妈买的.它是红色的,上面有蓝色的花.我觉得这件衣服代表了我的母爱.所以,当我夏天从大学回家时,我会穿上它.

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