
作者&投稿:捷福 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This magazine attracts many readers.

How often do you go to the movies?
What does he like playing?
How healthy are you?
I never eat junk food.
What does he usually do every night?


Idontknow wherel can have a swim (改为简单句)I dom't know any place to have a swim

4.Thereis no timetogo sopping(反义疑问句) There isno timeto go shopping, is there?

5. You mustn't park the car here.(同义句转换) Don't park the car here.

6.Linda didn't see the film yesterday. Jane didn't see the flm yesterday,
Either Linda or Jane saw the film yesterday.

7. Sam asked her,"Have you got 20 pounds?(改为间接引语)
Sam asked her if she had got 20 pounds.

8. The doctor ordered the nurses to watch the patient aeally同义句转换)
The doctor ordered that the nurse should watch the patient carefully.

where to
isn't there?
No parking
Neither nor
if she have got
(that) the patient (should be watched)


select regexp_substr(deptno, '[^,]+', 1, 1) as str1,regexp_substr(deptno, '[^,]+', 1, 2) as str2,regexp_substr(deptno, '[^,]+', 1, 3) as str3,regexp_substr(deptno, '[^,]+', 1, 4) as str4 from (select wmsys.wm_concat(deptno) deptno from dept union...

在PRG中输入是一样的 USE 表名 敲回车 COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED TO 存为表字段信息的新表名

fortran 字符串太长 如何换行
在前面的绿竖杠中加$.这就代表换行了。例如:c='This a very very very very very very very very very very very & &very very very very very very very very very very very very very & &very long sentence.'前一行行尾和下一行行首加&,这是自由格式,文件后缀为*.f90。

Excel 如何用sql语句进行行列转换


4、编写sql,按userid汇总,根据不同的feeid,进行行转列汇总,select userid,sum(case when feeid = 1001 then fee else 0 end) as fee_1001,sum(case when feeid = 1002 then fee else 0 end) as fee_1002,sum(case when feeid = 1003 then fee else 0 end) as fee_1003,sum(case...

C# DataTable行转列并合并重复列。
'C',2)--行列转换sql语句SELECT NAME AS 名称, MIN(num)AS 开始数值,case count(num)WHEN 1 THEN NULLWHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE MAX(num) END AS 结束数值 FROM tb_timeGROUP BY NAME--测试结果名称开始数值结束数值A24B25C2NULL在你这里,把我测试的Num 这列换成时间列 就可以了 ...

SQL 语句 将一个表中用特殊字符分割的字段转换成多行数据
不知道你是什么数据库,如果是Mysql,可以这样(假定含有qq字段的表为t1,另一张表为t2):select `name` from `t2` where find_in_set(`id`, (select `nameid` from `t1` where `qq`=123));如果是SQLServer,则这样:select [name] from [t2] where charindex(','+[id]+',',','+(...

C#语句中获得的字符串存在回车换行 如何转换到excel中
C#不懂,不过在Excel中可以用Split函数分解字符串到一个数组中,比如:CommentList="abc<cde<yyy"假设其中"<"表示回车换行符 tmp=Split(CommentList,vbCrLf)ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Resize(Ubound(tmp)+1,1)=WorksheetFunction.Transpose(tmp)tmp为下标从0开始的数组。

sql 语句 ,怎么将字符型转换为数字型(整型,浮点型)都行,用什么函数 在 ...
你可以试试Convert函数 ,例如:Convert(int, 字段) \/\/前一个参数为目标类型,后一个为字段名 如果想转换成浮点型\/日期 等,可以通过第三个参数来控制格式

广河县18715659651: 英语句型转换 -
步英感冒: 楼上是对的,我来解析一下~~~ 1.What do to do 注意不是see,因为回答是看狮子,所以应该问干什么 2.What/How about What/How about 都是提建议,因为about是介词,所以后面的动词要加ing.

广河县18715659651: 初一英语句型转换 -
步英感冒: 一、 肯定句改否定句的方法——一步法 1.有be动词/情态动词:在be动词/情态动词后后加not. 2. 无baibe动词/情态du动词,在zhi动词前加don't/doesn't/didn't. 3. some 改成any. 4. 情态动词:can,will,should,must,may.二、 肯定句改一般...

广河县18715659651: 英语句型转换练习题 -
步英感冒:[答案] 句型转换 一、将下列句子改为复数形式: 1.There is a knife in the box. There _____ _____ ______ in the box. 2.She's a woman doctor. They're ______ ______. 3.Our teacher often tells us a story. Our ______ often ______ us _______. 4.The sheep is ...

广河县18715659651: 英语的句型转换
步英感冒: 1.same as Mark's 2.often watches 3.doesn't do 4.Does go 5.what's your 和上面的一样 是因为这只有一种答案 不是我复制的哦

广河县18715659651: 英语句型转换
步英感冒: 1、take...with 2、the same age with 3、doing 4、didn't come 5、It cost......to

广河县18715659651: 英语句型转换 -
步英感冒: 这是转换成简单句,第一句结构为which to do ,所以填to choose,第二句结构为be动词+形容词+enough+to do的形式,所以填enough to hold

广河县18715659651: 英语(句型转换) -
步英感冒: 1.The day before yesterday was (Saturday).(对小括号里的提问)What day was the day before yesterday?2.I want to buy (a flower) for my mother(对小括号里的提问)What do you want to buy fo...

广河县18715659651: 英语句型转换
步英感冒: 1.预先scheduli in_advance 2.你真好,我很欣赏你的听力 3.属于.belong to

广河县18715659651: 英语句型转换
步英感冒: 1.Does have 2.Does have 回答:No,she doesn't 3.I have 4.They have mouths 5.She has yellow希望可以帮助你!满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

广河县18715659651: 英语句型转换
步英感冒: Mike doesn't (run )( out) of his money.(both ) Mary (and ) Lucy (have ) volunteered to help others.

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