
作者&投稿:法帖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When Tom woke up in the morning, it's already eight o'clock. He remembered that he had to be at school before nine o'clock everyday. When he arrived at the bus-stop, he missed the bus too. So Tom ran for three miles to school. After he reached school, his headmaster told him, "It's Sunday today. There is no school!"


I can dance.
I can turn the onom cicle.
I can play badminton.
I can swim.

l. can. swim.

I can dance


英语看图写话:(图:两个西红柿,一个苹果)how many , there
Diagram: How many Tomatoes and apple on the table.There are two tomatoes and one apple on the table.

初中 英语 看图写话
为你解答。11、The children fly kites on Sundays.12、Jenny does her homework after class.13、Jane works in a hospital as a nurse.14、We should wash hands before meals.15、Jim won the first prize in the competition.16、Alice likes singing best.17、Laura is good at playing the ...

答案:解析: 1.The music sounds wonderful. 2.They\/The children like making snowmen. 3.The girl\/She will finish her homework in ten minutes. 4.The man\/He was cooking at this time yesterday.


1.The girl is thinking that:"If we can make our home green,all is worth,our country will be fine"2,Her body temperature is above normal temperature.

This is my sister. Her name is Ann. She is a very lovely girl with two pigtails. She is only 5 years old. She likes animals very much. That's her dog. They always play together.这是我的妹妹。她的名字叫Ann。她是一个可爱的梳着两个小辫子的姑娘。她只有5岁。她很喜欢动物...

求英语看图写话!!!不用非常多 就要6句以上
第一幅图:Peter and his father were in the shopping centre.第二幅图:Suddenly, the fire alarm went off, there was fire!第三幅图:Peter and his farther crept forwards the emergency exit.第四幅图:somebody dialled 119, and the fire fighters arrived shortly.第一幅图:Peter was ...

76, I have already finished my homework.77, The telephone was invented by Bell.78, He shouldn’t throw the banana skin everywhere.79, My brother is flying a kite now.80, We are going to visit Sydney, Australia tomorrow.


"The five-star red flag, you are my pride! The five-star red flag, I am proud for you! Joy for you, I bless for you, your name is more important than my life... at this time, every Chinese people are very excited mood.Waving a red flag with five stars in my heart...

管城回族区19285433539: 看图写话的英语怎么说? -
双刻盐酸:[答案] write with pictures

管城回族区19285433539: 英语看图写话 看看下面四幅图(第一幅是猪,在游泳.第二幅是熊猫,在睡觉.第三幅是狗,再跑.第四幅是是猫,在打架).他们都是谁?他们在干什么?提示句... -
双刻盐酸:[答案] There is a pig in the picture,it has two big ears.it is swimming in the water.And there is a bear in the picture,it has two big eyes.it is sleeping now.look at the dog .what is it doing?oh ,it's runni...

管城回族区19285433539: 看图写英语句子看图表达:请用英语写一段话,连贯,至少5句.图一:笑脸 football,basketball,swimming图二:生气 writing,music开头已给出:Bruce is an ... -
双刻盐酸:[答案] He likes sports.Sometimes,he plays football and basketball.In addition,he also likes swimming.But he is not interested in writing and music.He thinks it is a little boring.

管城回族区19285433539: 英语看图写话看图写话:1、at1:00p'm.,yesterday (一个孙子和爷爷在下棋)2、be,for 10years(老师在黑板写English) 3、plant,by,every year (四个人看着... -
双刻盐酸:[答案] 1.Yesterday a grandpa and his grandchildren were on chess at 1:00 pm.2.The teacher who is writing English on the blackbord now has been an English teacher for 10 years.3.A lot of plants are planted by...

管城回族区19285433539: 英语看图说话找一幅图,写一段话,不要太多,一四年级的水平写. -
双刻盐酸:[答案] During my summer holidays, I often go to the beach with my family. I like swimming in the sea. And I...

管城回族区19285433539: 初一英语看图写话图画的是三个小孩在放风筝 she,on Sundays 2.图画的是一个小孩在游泳 how about,womorrow3.两个小孩在吃东西 let's,picnic 4.两个小孩在... -
双刻盐酸:[答案] 1.She and her friends usually fly kites on Sundays.2.How about going swimming tomorrow?3.Let's go picnic,ok?4.They like making snowmen in winter.5.It is four forty-five.School is over.

管城回族区19285433539: 英语看图说话怎么写?图片是这样的,一只关在笼子里的小鸟,羡慕外面的小鸟自由自在在笼子外的小鸟,羡慕笼子里的小鸟不用寻找食物 希望哪位好人能帮... -
双刻盐酸:[答案] 先写好每句话的内容,再用适当的句子串起来.最后总结,概括其中的道理.多练习就好了.

管城回族区19285433539: 英语看图写话:必须用上提示词:Sam have homework and wonder go图是一个小男孩 面前摆着一堆作业 然后在想着 许多人在一起野餐之类的画面. -
双刻盐酸:[答案] Sam has a lot of homework to do and wonder to go out for a picnic meantime.

管城回族区19285433539: 英语小作文 (看图说话)图一:有一家人在车上 表情很开心图二:那一家人在沙滩上 表情仍然很开心 太阳当空照~图三:那家人的孩子 在沙滩上捡贝壳 表情... -
双刻盐酸:[答案] John and his family went to the seaside by bus on Sunday which was a fine day.They were so happy and excited that they sang a song together in the bus.When they got there they went stright to the beac...

管城回族区19285433539: 看图写句话一个女孩在滑冰一个男孩在堆雪人用英语写5句话带翻译 -
双刻盐酸:[答案] Yesterday,Mary and her friend Tom went to the park.The park was full of snow,and the lake is already iced over.After a while,Tom made snowman in the opening and Mary was Skate on the lake.They played ...

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