定语从句 翻译句子

作者&投稿:褚钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This is Xiao Wang who / that gave us a talk yesterday. (who / that在从句中作语)

The man whom / that you saw last week has left the town. (whom / that在从句中宾语)


I know the woman whose husband is a doctor.


Guilin is a city which / that has a history of 2000 years. (which / that在从句子中作主语)


The mooncakes which / that mother cooked taste nice. (which / that在从句中作宾语)


The man who lives downstairs speaks English well.


The students who are in Grade Three are going to climb the hill tomorrow.

Mrs. Smith (whom) you met yesterday is a friend of mine.


This is the book (which) you are looking for.


There are some films (that) I’d like to see.

The man (whom / who) you were talking about has come to our school.


The man (whom) I borrowed the book from is Li Lei.

→ The man from whom I borrowed the book is Li Lei.


The house (which) he lives in is quite large.

→ The house in which he lives is quite large.


I have done all that he told us to do.

He worked out the most difficult problem that I had seen.

I need the same dictionary that you have.

He told us many interesting things and persons that we had never heard.


Who is the man that you spoke to just now?

I had to remember everything that the teacher taught me.

The dictionary which you are looking for is on the desk.

The sick man whom she is taking care of is her farther.

There are our memories in the album
即可能是 分词短语作定语。
定语从句作定语与 分词短语作定语是两个概念,不可混为一谈。

1 昨天参加学校的人来自伦敦 People who visiyed the school yesterday were from London.
2 你知道汤姆昨天为什么没来吗Do you know why Tom didn't come yesterday?
3 在哪边擦地板的女士是谁 Who is the madam cleaning the floor there?
4 正在护士谈话的医生夏雨人要离开这里去伦敦The doctor talking with nurses is leaving for London this afternoon.
5你读完我借你的书了吗Have you finished read the book that I lent you?
6水稻是一种生长在南方的植物Rice is a kind of plant which grows in the south.
7我昨天读的小说很有趣 The novel I read yesterday is very intresting.
8这就是父亲是工程师的女孩 This is the girl whose father is a engineer.
9 小明住的房子不大 The house that Li Ming live in is not big.
10 不要忘记你入党的那天 Don't forget the day on which you joined the Party.
11 上周我参加了一场晚会 在那里我玩得很痛快 I took part in a evening party last week,at which I had a good time.
12这个女孩和父亲住在一起 他的母亲一年前去世了 This girl lived with her father,for which her mother passed away one year ago.
13这个老人有三个儿子 他们都在二战中死去 This old man has three sons,all of whom died during the World War Two.
14 我丢了一本书 他的名字我现在不记得了 I lost a book,of which I now don't remember the name.
15 这就是他在会上解释的原因 This is the reason that he explained in the meeting.
16我们买了一张地图 没有地图我们会迷路 We bought a mat,without which we will lose our way.
17 最使我感兴趣的地方是少年宫 The place that made me most intrested in was the children's palace.
18这就是我们上月住过的旅馆 This is the hotel in which we lived last month.
19 在我们工作工厂正在发生巨大变化 Great chages are taking place in the factory in which we are working.
20 他谈到了许多我们在学校记得的人和事 He talked many people and things that we remember at school.

yesterday, the school two men from london yesterday.
you know why tom didn't come to?
which way is to wipe the floor
women who is four is the nurse of the summer rain will leave for london
you have finished reading the book i lent you?
rice is grown in the south of the
yesterday i read the novel very interesting
this is the father is an engineer girl
xiaoming lives in a little house
don't forget you join the party that
last week i took part in a party where i had a good
the girl and her father lives in his mother died
the old man had three sons of them died in world war ii
i lost a book of his name but i don't remember him at the meeting this is explained the reasons for the
we bought a map with no map, we'll be lost in the way
the interest me is the children's palace
this is our last month in the
in our work is undergoing great changes of the factory is
he talked a lot of us can remember in school people and affairs

To school yesterday. the two men from london yesterday. you know why tom didn't come to? which way is to wipe the floor three women who is four is the nurse of the summer rain will leave for london at 5 you have finished reading the book i lent you? six rice is grown in the south of the seven yesterday i read the novel very interesting: this is the father is an engineer girl nine bob lives in the house ten don't forget you to join the party on the eleven last week i took part in a party where i had

1 in the school yesterday from London
2 do you know Tom, why didn't come yesterday
3 where the lady who wipe the floor
4 are nurses to the doctor when talking to London leave here
5 you finish reading the book I lent you
6 rice is a growth in southern plants
7 I read yesterday's novel is very interesting
This is the girl's father is an engineer
9 Ming house
10 don't forget you the day when I joined the party
11 last week I attended a party where I had a good time
12 this girl and father live together his mother died a year ago
And the old man had three sons, they all died in world war ii
14 I lost a book of his name, I can't remember it now
This is the reason he explained at the meeting
16 we bought a map, we would have lost map
17 what I am interested in the place is children's palace
This is our last month at the hotel
19 we work in the factory is changed
20 and he spoke many in our school and remember

people who visited te school yesterday were from london

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众服博洛:[答案] 1、我不喜欢你跟他讲话的方式i don't quite like the way you speak.2、我正在参观我妈妈十年前在那教过物理的那所学校i'm visiting the school where my mom taught phisics ten years ago.3、我愿意帮助那些家庭贫...

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众服博洛:[答案] 为你解答. 1 这是你昨天丢失的小刀. This is the knife which you lost yesterday. 2.这是我读过最好看的小说. This is the best novel that I have ever read. 3.我把姐姐给我买的字典丢了. I lost the dictionary which my sister bought for me. 4.大米是一种在南方种...

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