ports and harbours的区别

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~ port终点在有人建设过后的设施的意思
harbour 偏向天然港

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 同样是“港口”,Port和Harbour有什么不同? -
希婕奥麦: port

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 英语翻译ports ,harbours都是港口的意思不是重复了么?为何要写上ports ,harbours才全面么? -
希婕奥麦:[答案] port终点在有人建设过后的设施的意思 n. 1.港[C][U] 2.港市,口岸[C] 3.机场,航空站[C] 4.避风港,避难场所[C] harbour 偏向天然港 n.[C][U] 1.港湾,海港 2.避难所,躲藏处,避风港 两个都加起来更全面,说明港口及有天然优势也有后天建设

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 英语翻译,上海有繁忙的港口,港口用port还是harbour? -
希婕奥麦: 现代通常用 port来形容港口 harbour现时较小用,除了是已经称为 harbour的

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 的港湾.英语是怎么说的 -
希婕奥麦: ...的港湾 英文翻译:Harbor of...或者:estuary of...或者:ecronic of...或者:bay of...重点词汇释义:港湾 英文:haven; estuary; ecronic; dock and harbour; fleet; bay

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 多伦多港 吞吐量 -
希婕奥麦: 供参考如果多伦多港是指加拿大安大略省的多伦多市港口的话那麽 应当不会有所谓的吞吐量 就算有 也微不足道 因为多伦多算是内陆城市 这里的港口位於五大湖之内 不是货运港口 船只一般都是消闲及观光的 少有大货船到达 货运主要是火车及飞机

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 英语作文我的家乡 我的家乡是惠东港口 -
希婕奥麦: My hometown is WeiTong harbour. It is a small fishing village. The people who stay there today are majority work as a fisherman. Therefore, my grandfather is still a fisherman there. Many families own fishing boat and these boats are berth at the harbour. My love and only love is only you..... my hometown

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 用英语介绍一下澳大利亚堪培拉,悉尼,各80字左右,介绍一下位置,面积,著名建筑等. -
希婕奥麦: 堪培拉 Canberra is the capital of Australia. A total population of 368000 people (368000), in Australia all ranked eighth in the city. With a total area of 2395 square kilometers, more than 50% of the area of national park or reserve, urban design ...

乌拉特后旗13013995040: 与海洋有关的词汇有哪些? -
希婕奥麦: sea 海high seas, open sea 远海tsunami 海啸ocean 大洋inlet 小湾bay 海湾,湾gulf 海湾cove 湾cape 海角promontory, headland 海角,岬cliff 悬崖峭壁port, harbour 港 (美作:harbor)bay, r...

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希婕奥麦: Sydney Opera House The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The ...

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