
作者&投稿:侯果 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
下面句子汉译英 有急用 求高手帮忙 谢谢~

1 Make students enjoy English study.
2 Make students focuse attention during study.
3 Encourage students listening intently and thinking positively in class communication,
4 Develope student's teamwork ability.

5 Encourage students willing to perceive and use English,
6 To increase student's self-confidence and encourage them participate in class activities.
7 Make students enjoy the pleasure of learning English through various language activites,
8 Inspiring student's learning enthusiasm and let them really love English,
9 Develope student's cooperative ability to shared task


This kind of disease is companied with the symptom of high fever.
A lot of factories was set up around the city after the road was built.
These two problems was the main topic in the meeting.
They agreed to substitute the national-made machine for the foreign-made machine after the discussion.
At the beginning of the 20th century, two Americans got the inspirations from birds and invented the plane.
This book is splendid.
He broke his leg when he jumped from the tree.
This door is easy to open.
People always heard her singing this pop song.
This pumpkin weighs 10 kilograms.

I have filled in the form and sent it back by email, but didnt receive any feedback so far, could you please let me know if there is anything missing or to be changed? I plan to land in America on June 12th and will pay accommadation fees and other expenses from 12th to 15th by myself. I will check in at the appointed hotel for the seminar(meeting), After the meeting on 19th, I will leave America. please let me know if with any changes.


I have filled in and sent back the form (via email), but I have not received any reply from you. May I know if there is any omissions or changes? I expect to arrive in United States in June 12th, i will pay accommodation and other expenses from 12th to 15th, and then live in the designated hotel and attend the meeting from 15th-18th, leaving United States after the meeting on 19th. Please inform me if there is any change.. Thanks in advance.

I have alreadyfill out and send back the form for you by email before a week (换成寄表格的时间). But until now I have notreceived any reply, I would like to know whether there is any omission orchange. Please reply me as soon as possible. Besides I will arrive at America on12 June and I will pay all the accommodation fee and other expenses during June12-15. Then I will check into the specified hotel, attend the meeting duringJune 15-18 and leave America on 19 June at the end of the meeting. If there isany problem or change, please notify me soon.


(1)音乐给人带来力量,使人快乐。Music brings people power and happiness.(2)没有音乐,生活会很无趣。life is boring without music.(3)你最喜欢的音乐是流行音乐,因为它听起来很悦耳,能使你感到轻松。周杰伦是你最喜欢的歌手,他是亚洲最受欢迎的歌手之一 Popular music is your favorite ...

1我妈妈的裙子不见了 My mom's dress is lost.The dress of my mom's is lost.2这双胞胎们的电脑游戏找到了 The computer game of the twins' is found.3我有很多闹钟。一些是大的,另外一些是小的 I have (so many\\lots of \\ a lot of) clocks, some are large(big) ,the others ...



1、与当今的年轻人不同,在我们还是十几岁的孩子时,就不得不承担起家庭的责任,帮助父母干家务活。(take on)Different from the young today, when we are tens, we had to take on the responsibilities for the family helping our parents to do housework.2、这一代人对工作认真负责,但...

We always support your company's business, and almost every year give your company a discount. But the volume of the deal with your company dose not increase significantly, and the volumes of other customers' deal increase a lot. It shows that it has nothing with economic ...

1.我一定要感谢那些在我处境艰难时支持我的所有人(stick by)I am obliged to thank all those who sticked by my side when I was in such a difficult situation.2.这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。(see to it that)Please see to it that don't ever be late for the important ...

1。他的一个朋友paseeed和约翰说他:“……”2。类即将结束。3.成年人 4。睡前故事 5.文盲 6。结果 7。让事情变得更好,他们应该每天吃早餐,因为它有益于他们的健康,它可以帮助他们更好的思考。8。它不会很容易准备的体育赛事,同时也为游客。9。我认为我们将需要大量的游客'guides,因为奥运游客会...

1、I disguise as a soldier of my sons 2、He wore a jacket of red 3、Our celebrating Dragon Boat Festival is in honor of Qu-Yuan 4、When I saw her the last time, what she cough was fierce 5、Tom broke my computer intentionally 6、I have confidence by myself to me 7、...

3条件状语从句带有定语从句+ 宾语从句 As you play the video that\/which I sent to you on the another computer ,you shall know if it does't work nomally.4 条件状语从句中带定语从句+简单句 When you play the video that\/which I sent to you on other computers ,you will know ...

梁子湖区18652222950: 请帮忙翻译下面的句子(中译英),急用,谢谢
爱秋松根: I have filled in the form and sent it back by email, but didnt receive any feedback so far, could you please let me know if there is anything missing or to be changed? I plan to land in America on June 12th and will pay accommadation fees and other ...

梁子湖区18652222950: 请帮忙翻译成英文请帮忙翻译以下句子“很荣幸受到您的邀请,但由于家里有事情无法参加这个聚会.深感遗憾.” -
爱秋松根:[答案] I'm very much honored to receive your invitation,but I'm unable to attend this party because of something personal.I'm really sorry for it.

梁子湖区18652222950: 帮忙翻译以下句子,汉译英、英译汉,急~~!
爱秋松根: 1.Sorry, I broke the glass, but I didn't mean to. 2.If I can choose not to go,I wouldn't like to go out in pouring rain. 3.He turned away. 4.The traffic jam is so heavy that it has about several miles from end to end. 5.However, this medicien is still at the ...

梁子湖区18652222950: 请帮忙翻译一下下面的一个句子:这辆车太贵了,以至于我买不起.急就急 -
爱秋松根:[答案] The car is too expensive for me to buy. The car is so expensive that I can't bear it.

梁子湖区18652222950: 请帮忙翻译以下英语句子 -
爱秋松根: 答案:2614 先翻译:1)He saw a number 1.他看见了数字1.2)In the hundred's place he remembers the number is 3 times the number in the thousand's place.他记得百位上的数字是千位数上数字的3倍.3)He said the number in the one's place...

梁子湖区18652222950: 急!!!!大家帮忙翻译一下下面的句子.(汉译英)
爱秋松根: 1 think after one year will increase the number of mouth! 2 must stop the children play in the street. 3 and they see each other happy, forgot everything else. 4 take care of the cat, otherwise it will break. 5 all the newspapers are sold out. 6 he tried on a new suit, and then according to the mirror.

梁子湖区18652222950: 请大家帮忙把下面的句子翻译成英文....
爱秋松根: 前面的都差不多,不过都有小bug:) 1、这本书值得读. This book is worth reading. It is worth while to read(reading) this book. 2、他平常上学,周末去采购. He goes to school on weekdays(workdays) while goes shopping on(at) weekends. 3、他的梦想实现了. His dream has come true. His dream came true. 希望对你有帮助:)

梁子湖区18652222950: 帮忙翻译9句句子,中译英!急! -
爱秋松根: 1.some patients couldnt absord all the nutrition contained in the vitamin pills.2.the farmers have a lot of things to get rid of poverty3.as far as food,cloth,living and t...

梁子湖区18652222950: 帮忙将下列汉语句子翻译成英文!急急急!谢谢!
爱秋松根: Although they speak English differently,those who speak English as their mother language can still understand each other. Most English learners from Asian countries and some parts of Africa are still increasing. With the development of sociaty,more and more people are using English as their first or second language

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