
作者&投稿:印昨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Everyone has a dream job.Some people know exactly what their dream job is,while others are still trying to figure out what they should do with their lives.Unlocking your passion,personality,and aptitude is the biggest secret in helping you discover your dream job,as well as in getting it and keeping it.My dream is to become a respected and dedicated engineer in IT industry,which is aimed to contribute to the IT development and provide highly efficient products for enterprises and companies.





第二节是自选课,这节课可让同学们自由挑选,这群文学迷们便挑选他们最喜欢上的作文课了,于是,我便写了一个题目——《20年后的 》让他们自由发挥想象去写,而我则趁着空闲时间,到学校转了转,20年过去了,学校也旧貌换新颜了,此时已不同于20年前:以往的教学楼早已无影无踪,屹立在我面前的是一座28层的大楼,整个建筑是由纳米材料,通过激光技术建造而成。这里不仅有可供学习的各种教室,还有老师和同学休息的宿舍。




Memory, let a person full of sweet, outlook, make people full of hope. After 20 years of me is what kind of? At this point I no longer is the little girl. My childhood memories, that's a beautiful day. The day after 2029, I was a glorious people's teacher, in quanzhou normal affiliated primary school teaching, at that time I was a little famous teachers. Stand in the glorious platform for the students in class, this is my most happy thing. One day, I used to pick up the lesson plans, exceed big step towards six years class two classrooms, just went to the door of the teacher, the students of the group of innocent and lovely they all stood up, I went in and said to them: "the classmates good!" , the students also with one voice said: "teacher!" I waved, indicated they sat down and they sat down slowly. I let each student to open the computer, and together with the students to learn the text, "everything in the computer knowledge, on the computer, the students appreciate the extracurricular knowledge, of course, I this group of students are very active, they will debate the red for a problem, for a right to answer and chatter, debate by a don't answer, because of this, they are always very active in the classroom, not like dead silence, in just 40 minutes passed, but the students are still very nostalgia for the class. Was the course in the second quarter, this class can let students choose free, the group of literary composition on the fans will choose their favorite, so I wrote a topic - "in 20 years of" let their imagination to write, and I took advantage of the free time, went on a round of the school, 20 years later, the school also had a new look, at this time is different from 20 years ago, before the buildings had vanished, standing in front of me is a 28-story building, the whole building is by the nanometer materials, built by laser technology. Here not only to learn from a variety of classroom, but also the teacher and the students' dormitory rest. Each student is equipped with a computer, is one of the best equipment, in this way, students can through the network learning in the classroom to the textbook without knowledge. Finally, I appreciate the greening of the school, there's a profusion of garden flowers, small Bridges, roaming, meanwhile, the students as if place oneself in nature, comfortable, very comfortable. "The change of the school in the last 20 years is too big!" I couldn't help but to call out loudly Gradually, the class bell rang, I went back to the classroom, the students jostled made one satisfactory answer, everyone write their changes in 20 years time, is so wonderful. Looked at them, and I also revealed gratified smile... 求采纳!!!

Everybody has a dream. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future?Well, I want to be a singer. Because I love singing very much .

I think that I can sing on the stage. I will move to New York and be a singer there。And I will sing my favorite English songs there . Although it is a tired job, I still love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular . That`s so interesting and exciting .

For my dream, I will sing every day and sing well. I hope that day come quickly , I can`t wait! How about you? What`s your dream ?

一天的日程结束了,走在黄昏下的街道上,看着繁华商业大街中店铺里的服装一件比一件鲜艳,漂亮,我便知道那是我的成就!晚上,我美美的躺到床上,踏入了返回二十年前的路程。这就是二十年后的我,一位著 名的画家,设计师。【篇五】三年级二十年后的我作文300字 20年后的我,随着时光的流逝,我...

这就是20年后的我,我相信,如果我努力去争取,如果再多加一把劲,那我做老师这个职业也不再是梦,而是现实啊! 【篇三】五年级二十年后的我作文500字 光阴似箭,日月如梭。转眼间,二十年过去了,现在已经是2038年,我已成为了一名科学家。 现在的社会飞速发展,成为了高科技时代。清晨,我起床准备出门去市中心游玩。

二十年后的我――—科学家 (作文400字)

二十年后的我初二作文7篇 20年后我是一位杰出的男侦探,我可是现实生活中的“柯南”,可不是什么动画虚构的哦!今日我就为大家整理了关于二十年后的我的作文,仅供参考学习,一起来看看吧! 二十年后的我:篇1 二十年后的我也许是工程师、大老板、发明家…… 如果我是发明家的话,我会发明出世界上最好玩的、最...

“再过二十年,我们再相会,伟大的祖国,该有多么美,天也新,地也新,阳光多明媚……”每当我听到这首歌曲时,就会望着那蓝蓝的天空,陷入深思:二十年后的我将…… 二十年后的我,也许成为一名光荣的人民教师。站在那三尺讲台上,为好些天真的孩子们讲课。望着那一双双渴望得到新知识的大眼时,...

是否想过,20年后的我,会是怎样的呢?在这些年里家乡发生了许多变化,试着用 作文 的方式描述出来吧!下面是我为大家带来的20年后的我作文精选10篇,希望大家能够喜欢! 20年后的我作文1 未来,充满着未知。2041年,我已经成为了一位妈妈,有一个调皮的女儿,那又是怎样一番情景呢? 5点多的时候,我便起了床,穿...


岁月会侵蚀每一个人,他的面容、他的思想,而我只能用现在的想法去畅想一个二十年后的我。下面给大家分享一些20年后的我 作文 600字5篇,希望对大家有帮助。 更多关于20年后的我的相关内容推荐↓↓↓ 20年后的我作文精选10篇 20年以后的我小学作文 20年后的我作文600字 写20年后的我日记 20年后的我...

啊!可爱的新密,20年后的你将会是一颗璀璨无比的明珠! 6.二十年后的我五年级作文400字 二十年后,如果研究生已顺利毕业,一路上也都没出事的话,我将是一位三十一岁的女兽医,我和我的丈夫、母亲、小孩和一只小狗住一起! 如不是非常紧急的事,我绝不会加班,就算加了班也不会忘记我的家人,等事情一忙完,我...

二十年后的我,虽然没有出人头地,但是我勤奋好问,努力工作,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献着我自己的力量。 篇三:二十年后的我 光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼间二十年过去了。二十年后我成了一位伟大的科学家,我发明了许许多多的东西,简直都快成了伟大的科学家牛顿。 我这就来介绍一下我所发明的东西。首先,向大家介绍...

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