
作者&投稿:蒯沫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


As a financial management personnel, we need to understand finance, but also to learn to manage, with professional qualities. Meanwhile, as a society, we also take into the professional lives so that our professional quality can also be reflected in our lives. The experience in the financial life, in life and enjoy the financial.

This article elaborated in complex plane link motion gear computerassistance criterion synthesis software system user input contactsurface partial, used the object-oriented C++ programming language tocarry on the transformation and the preservation to the user inputcorrelation data, with the aid of carried on the visible programmingrealization to software VC++6.0 visible, could carry on the criterionto the basic plane link motion gear to be comprehensive, the user wasallowed to choose the corresponding synthesis type, the initialcondition which has has carried on the plane link motion gear in theinput contact surface input the design, has realized the designrequest computer visibly. Has the solution speed to be quick, theprecision high characteristic, simultaneously has the very strongversatility, but also has may the expansion, is advantageous for themaintenance and the expansion. May carry on the many kinds oforganizations type the criterion synthesis, the user only must carrieson the exchange using the man-machine contact surface and thecomputer. Greatly lightened user's burden, has the very high practicalapplication value

"Under the emergency operational condition air force is in danger thelifesaving, is reduces the non- combat losses the important method,closes my pilot life question. Meanwhile regarding enhances theofficers and soldiers morale, restores and maintains my air forcebattle efficiency similarly to have the vital significance. Butcorresponds the question is in danger the lifesaving key to be at,conducts the research to it to appear extremely essential.
This topic mainly through will be in danger to the future emergencycombat air force the lifesaving correspondence question to conduct thekey research, to scientifically effectively will instruct usually andthe wartime is in danger the rescuing work communication system toconstruct, the network organization, the equipment constructionproposed the opinion and the suggestion, hoped to scientificallyeffectively will organize the wartime to be in danger the lifesavingcorrespondence work to propose will conceive with the mentality."

"Emergency rescue operations under the conditions of the air in distress is an important means to reduce non-combatant personnel. The problem relates to the pilot's life. Meanwhile, to improve the morale of officers and men. I restore and maintain the same air combat capability is of great significance. Emergency rescue and communication is the key. it is very necessary to carry out research. The main topics of aviation distress future emergency rescue operations focus on communication issues, more scientific and effective guidance for peacetime and wartime distress communications system for rescue work in establishing network. equipment comments and suggestions. hope for a more scientific manner envisaged wartime Emergency rescue communications work and ideas. "

" Meet an emergency under the battle condition of the aviation soldier meet with accident to save to living, is reduce to fight to reduce a member not of important means is a pass the problem of my irplane pilot's life.In the meantime for the exaltation government troops morale, instauration with keep my aviation soldier's fighting strength to have important meaning equally.But the correspondence problem is the key place that meets with accident to save to living, as to it's carrying on a research to seem to be very necessary.
This topic mainly pass to the future meet an emergency a battle aviation a soldier to meet with accident to save to living the correspondence problem to carry on the point research, to more science availably guide peacetime and wartime to meet with accident to save correspondence system of living the work to set up, network organization,the material construction put forward an opinion and suggest, hope to more science availably organize wartime to meet with accident to save to living correspondence work to put forward conceive with way of thinking."

This, you implicate!This year son writes a thesis difficult!

摘要 问题三:英文摘要怎么翻译 Abstract: Chopin is the great Poland musicians, and at the same time, representatives and romantic music. Chopin'sarmy Poland dance op40nr1 is a national character of the works, the works of national consciousness andemotion is the style most strongly...

and analyse the creativeness and effect of it.He also expresses his opinion of the success of the advertisement,to give the company some reference to develop the advertisement in a better way.这都是我翻的,不是机器!~~自我感觉还不错 但没上一位翻地好.的确蛮佩服他的,呵呵 ...

existence problem and solving the most value and fixed value.[Key words] coordinates, combining numbers and graphics, ways of solving problem 累死我了……把你的小部分语言进行了优化,以有利于英文的思路与流畅 注:坐标方法没有用methods或者ways之类的词,直接用coordinates代替更简洁易懂 具体...

Abstract: in order to early out by 2008 U.S. subprime crisis caused by the world economic crises are introduced, and the enthusiasm of corresponding fiscal policy. Our enthusiasm of fiscal policy to stimulate recovery in containing recession have certain effect, make our country economy...

Key words: logistics, Supply chain, Crisis management Abstract: modern logistics is to meet consumers' demand as the goal, the manufacture, transportation and sales market situation of a unified strategic measures to consider. But the goods from logistics constitute transportation, storage,...

bank of China Merchants Bank.IV: Some suggestions for the future development of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank.简释:第一、第二、第三、第四 按照西方人习惯用罗马数字。网银用Internet bank当然用online bank或net bank 都无不可。第一个internet banking 是指整个网银行业。

Pipeline is an important material handling facilities. China's current pipeline is laid underground pipelines permanent, temporary pipelines little how to ensure that a huge investment in the pipeline to play the longest maximum benefits out of the pipeline laying of pipeline corrosion has ...

second, check up the laws, rules and the files which are deviated to the constitution; finally, improve the law system of the Employment Discrimination Law of China.[Keywords] right of labour, the discrimination in employment, equal employment 英语商科毕业~100%手译. 语句绝对通顺. 语...

Joins WTO and the economic globalization rapidly expand along with China, the world Retail business 50 strong had 70% to hasten to ground the debarkation in China, these international large-scale Retail business has formed certain scale in our country, and accelerates in the big or...

Take long electrified rectilinear homogeneous boundless electric-field distribution as basis, the electrified flat surface having studied the infinity is homogeneous and long electrified boundless homogeneous column wielding tiny basic law and overlying principle face in whose vicinity electric-field...

五家渠市15231839975: 请教一段摘要的英文翻译 -
宫毕头孢: "Under the emergency operational condition air force is in danger thelifesaving, is reduces the non- combat losses the important method,closes my pilot life question. Meanwhile regarding enhances theofficers and soldiers morale, restores and ...

五家渠市15231839975: 急求高手帮忙用英文翻译一段摘要!!! -
宫毕头孢: in 2007 most receives the global attention the matter nothing be...

五家渠市15231839975: 急求英语高手帮忙用英文翻译一段摘要,不要用在线翻译的,谢谢 -
宫毕头孢: U.S. outbreak of the financial crisis in theoretical circles on the general question of fair value accounting, the fair value is the culprit of this financial crisis, the use of fair value is the spread of irrational market panic catalyst, and it was openly stated ...

五家渠市15231839975: 请帮忙将一段摘要翻译成英文(不要机器翻译的,要求翻译的准确没有语法和单词上的错误:—) ) -
宫毕头孢: It's been a requisite tendency to take advantage of computers to manage the library with the accelerated development of internet technology and popularized application of computers. Presently a lot of large libraries have been equipped with a set ...

五家渠市15231839975: 【求助】急!请翻译一段论文摘要,英文 -
宫毕头孢: Abstract: Jack London is the early 20th century American literature the most critical spirit of realism, writers, the creative thinking of Jack London is the greatest impact Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism and the philosophy of Nietzsche's superman...

五家渠市15231839975: 请教一下写毕业论文的时候英文部分的摘要怎么翻译 -
宫毕头孢: 自己翻译也可以,摘要部分字数少难度不大,或者找翻译公司帮忙去翻译.看你个人决定咯.翻译达人.

五家渠市15231839975: 论文摘要英文翻译求助 -
宫毕头孢: 层次分析法:AHP:Analytical Hierarchy Process 问题:有些地方省略为好.problem在这篇摘要里面不该出现.要用这只能用issue.还有“使用”一词的翻译,这儿用application最合适.科学、合理;汉语可以这么说,译成英语则不太好....

五家渠市15231839975: 正在作毕业设计,需要将一段摘要翻译成英文,请大家帮助,拒绝软件翻译! -
宫毕头孢: This is designed for CNC lathes hydraulic station in the chuck installations of hydraulic system design. Through the application of hydraulic design of a series of knowledge, the system's fuel tank, the electrical pumps, valve blocks, designed to ...

五家渠市15231839975: 跪求一段论文摘要英语翻译 Google翻译的就算了 希望能尽量的准确点哈 -
宫毕头孢: 你好,翻译如下 【摘要】 [note] 目的 Aim 明确护理质量管理的指导思想,建立科学的质量管理体系. We should make it clear that establishing the guideline of quality management and scientifisc system of quality management are necessary.方法...

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