
作者&投稿:野雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The school from which we come is a foreign language school.
2. He is now on a lecture trip around the middle schools and universities in China.
3.The speech is about the history and school life of Yale university.
4. You can write down the questions in a small piece of paper.




3. 我很痛苦的发现,学术泰斗们经常(把没有达到预期研究结果)怪罪于有限的经济支持,因为与玄乎的研究目的相比,这是个更好辩护自己的托辞。我们在申请研究资金的时候经常夸大其词,结果就是更多的失望,以及对于花费了大量资金的教育只能换回不多的价值产生的错觉。但是教育甚至整个社会都不会从拒绝这些罪过中得到好处。


Record peeping and it is one color, It is confirmed now omnipresent media voyeurism aim is whether two cultures can cause a sensation (sensational). 3 attractive to watch entertainment programs, commercial interests, records practices, the use of live Reality. or the interactive space for the audience. 4 are different than those of the previous incumbent television programs charm lies in its range between xxx and xxx. TV personalities emotions of the most emotional twists and turns in the plot to attract viewers and downs. It is the lack of focus on the drama of conflict 5 6 7 it is precisely these contradictions balance its greatest value lies in the innovative concept of television. It means integration of a wide range of television programs, including a documentary film and tracking details show, television drama of personalities and conflicts environments installed, and the race set up the awards program and eliminated a huge way. combined organic whole. Satisfy the public's desire to peep at the base of 8, xxx reflected the most prominent in this regard. Peep it wishes to satisfy viewers; It did not let viewers see the script yet earned live television serials; to make it through the audience directly involved in the most popular stars. 9 her filming and recording 10 of the introduction of such programs, the purchase of its copyright, and then in broadcast

11 it has on-the-spot report and steals peeps the color, it is verifying the nowadays omnipresent media to steal peeps the cultural
2 goals to lie in whether could create causes a stir (sensational), watches 3
programs appealing in entertaining, the commercial interest, regarding the record technique, the honorable person solid boundary use, perhaps provides audience's aspects and so on interaction space, all passing already saved the program different
4 televisions the charm to lie in it to be situated between xxx and between xxx. The soap opera character laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness emotion winding unconstrained plot most attracts the audience.
5 it lacks the centralism the play to conflict
6 it happen to balance these contradiction
7 its greatest values to lie in the television idea the innovation. It fused many kinds of television program method, including documentary film -like track photography and detail development, in soap opera -like character environment choice and contradictory conflict establishment, competition program large amount prize establishment and elimination way and so on, combines the organic whole.
8 satisfies the public to peep at the desire for the basic point, but xxx manifests in this aspect prominently. It can maximum limit satisfy the audience to peep at the desire; It lets the audience see does not have the script actually colorful honorable person serial TV opera; It through lets the audience direct participation make most has the mass base star.
9 she has made the movie and leaves the phonograph record
10 to introduce this kind of program, purchases its copyright, then in domestic broadcasts

check? 我可以改日再邀请你吗 13.Can I take your order? 可以点菜了吗 14.Can you give me a wake-up call? 可以打电话叫醒我吗 15.Can you give me some feedback? 可以给我回复吗 16.Can you make it? 你做得到吗 17.Can I have a word with you? 可以跟你说几句吗 ...


1.我今天早上坐错车了(说话的时候是在晚上,所以应该都用过去式吧?!),那车是往反方向走的,我赶紧下车,然后又问路人那一辆吃是对的,他们说然我上马路对面坐车,结果我今天用了一个多小时才到学校,迟到了 I took wrong bus this morning. It was going to the opposite direction. I ...

1.He is diligent as much as clever.2.The writer gave detailed description with his observation of the nature.3.The more books a man reads, the more knowledge he will get.4.If you can arrange to the library, I'll be so thankful.5.The result in the experment is that...

13、没有父母的帮助我可以照顾自己。(without,take care of)---I can take care of myself without my parents' help.14、在美国,年轻人好像有很多自由,可以决定并去做他们想做的事。(what-clause)---In America, young people seem quite free to decide and do what they want to do...

1. There are many new buildings and green trees along the street.2. Do you see the monument at the center of the square?3. The Tian'An Men, to the north of the square, is a grand structure.4. They see gorgeous flowers and smiling faces, and hear pleasant songs and ...

1为不同的学生探索适当的教学方法是教师工作的必要组成部分 .It is an essential part of teachers' job to explore proper ways of teaching for different students 2.在澳大利亚工作几个月对于这些大学生来说是一个很好的学习经历.It is a great learning experience for college students to work ...

4.Although many athletes didn't win the glory of Olympic Medals for themselves,however,they help others realize this dream with the spirit of sportsmanship.5. Volunteers will help people find the right way to the Stadium and Gymnasium.是我自己翻译的哦,不会有错的,敬请放心借鉴!

1. I finally realized that not everything in the world could be acquired by hard work.2. Please say "good bye" before you leave.3.Cherish what you have before you lose it.4.Let's stop here for the whole journey.

1. XXX will be equipped with a computer in use due to high temperature Fatang »2. XXX will be equipped with a computer in use when the heavy noise »3. I can use the TSB DEBIT CARD payment Mody »4. How long can I payment you received the product &...

石嘴山市19147207820: 英语翻译请帮我翻译几个句子,中译英,1.一天一苹果,医生不找我.2.冬吃萝卜下吃姜,不用医生开处方.3.关于食物的俗语(谢谢支持) -
阿莫可利:[答案] 1、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (这是俚语原句 谢谢支持……) 2、原句是中国俗语 所以没有很对应的 Having radish in(during) winter while having ginger in(during) summer keeps the doctor away. 请参考~ 3、slang on/about food

石嘴山市19147207820: 汉译英,请帮忙翻译下面的句子,谢谢燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子... -
阿莫可利:[答案] Swallows may have gone,but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back,but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again.Now,you the wise,tell ...

石嘴山市19147207820: 帮忙汉译英两个简单的句子,谢谢第一句是孔子说的“吾十有五至于学,三十而立,四十不惑,五十而知天命”第二句是,“当一个人老去后会有两种事情... -

石嘴山市19147207820: 请帮忙翻译几个短句,谢谢 -
阿莫可利: 1.Internet将世界变bai小,将时间du缩短,将距离拉近. The internet makes the world smaller, the time shorter and the distance closer.2.新闻向世界开zhi放,dao消息来自全球. The news is open to the world and the information comes from every part of the world.3.在网络上以最快的专速度发布最属新的消息.The latest news is released at the quickest time possible on the internet.

石嘴山市19147207820: 请帮忙翻译几句话(中译英)谢绝机译!谢谢!我知道你们很忙,你们都是无偿的为我们提供帮助的,我很感激.我非常讨厌等待,尤其是不知道期限的等待,... -
阿莫可利:[答案] I know you are busy, and I really appreciated that you helped us with no charge.I hate to wait , especailly not knowing how long the time I would wait.I fell sad and it's not a complain or a vent .It'...

石嘴山市19147207820: 请英语大神帮忙中译英以下3个句子,谢谢 -
阿莫可利: (1)I have realised that scrupulously - undertaking grows of predicament. ("量入为出"在中文中是一个名词短语,所以我用复合词scrupously-undertaking, 英文的复合词相当于"短语". grow是系动词,of predicament相当于difficult)(2)The ...

石嘴山市19147207820: 请帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,谢谢~ -
阿莫可利: Please forgive me for this unexpected personal message,I just want to thank you sincerely for the x you gave me.This is my manner,I'm sorry if I bother you.

石嘴山市19147207820: 请帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,谢谢~请原谅我没有经过你的允许就给你发送私人消息(PM),我只是想要对于你送给我的X说声深深的感谢,我认为这对于我... -
阿莫可利:[答案] Please forgive me for this unexpected personal message,I just want to thank you sincerely for the x you gave me.This is my manner,I'm sorry if I bother you.

石嘴山市19147207820: 谢谢!有几句话帮忙翻一下 “中译英” -
阿莫可利: I contacted with your college Mar in HK and got the information below:1, The product Art'2356' is in the warehouse in HK, please inform Mar to mail it to our...

石嘴山市19147207820: 请帮忙翻译下面的句子(中译英),急用,谢谢
阿莫可利: I have filled in the form and sent it back by email, but didnt receive any feedback so far, could you please let me know if there is anything missing or to be changed? I plan to land in America on June 12th and will pay accommadation fees and other ...

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