
作者&投稿:才钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hi. I am XX, a senior 3 student from High School Affiliated to Fudan University. I am an optimistic, cheerful girl, with strong adaptability, sense of responsibility and wide interest. I am enthusiastic about public welfare activities, that usually take part in a number of social work. There is a high score on my transcript. Besides, I always put my ideas to be proofed truth. It is my dream to become a member of the Tsinghua University that Tsinghua University is the best. Thanks a lot for this chance of interview.
I think i would be the happiest one in this world if you could give me another chance to enter Tsinghua University.
Thank you very much.




1:How much does this necklace cost?
210yuan,is that OK?
What's the lowest price?Can you make it cheaper?
We have agreed on 210 yuan. What's the matter now? Where is the salesclerk whick I was talking to?

2:I can't swim, could I play this?
Is this safe?
Who wants to borrow a lifebelt?
How much does this game cost?

3:Eiffel Tower
How much does it take to Eiffel Tower?
What's the lowest price?
It just needed 150 yuan when some friends of mine went to there.

Do you go to Eiffel Tower?
Is that far away from here? How long does it take?
Could you please switch air-condition on?

4:Waiter, we are ready to order
What are the specials here?
Could you please tell me what's the recipe of this?
Could you please introduce some discounts to me?
I'm not good at English, please speak it simply and slowly
Waiter, ready to pay now. Thank you for your service today.
Excuse me,could you bring us some tissues? I accidently knocked the glass of juice over.
Could you bring me one?

5:Could you give me a blanket/pillow?
I'm hungry now, could you give a loaf of bread?
When does it arrive in Shanghai?
What's the time of flight?
Could you bring me a cup of water?

1, how much this necklace
210 can do
That the minimum cost? You can down a bit
To say that you 210 it? How can this be? Do just that waiter?
2, I can not swim, you can play this
This security right
Have the right to take life buoy
How much to take a life buoy
How much to play this
3, (1) the Eiffel Tower
(2) how much money to the Eiffel Tower
How much is the lowest
We have several friends to take a taxi to go there also as long as 150 yuan
(3) to do eh Phil Tower
(4) where there is far away from you, about how long can the
(5) Can you please open about air conditioning
4, the waiter, a la carte
What is the specialty here
To ask how this is done
I want a glass of orange juice
Can you help me introduce this special offers
I do not understand English, please say simply, slowly
Waiter, pay. Today is really trouble you
Sorry, that point napkin, please? I get juice spilled
You can give me a glass of
5, can give me a blanket / pillow?
I am hungry, can you first give me a bread
To Shanghai to points
Some aircraft can fly
You can give me a glass of water 谢谢采纳!!!

1、How much is this necklace?
How about 210yuan?
Then what's the lowest price? Can it be much cheap?
Don't We make it at 210yuan just now?How can you do that?Where is the passed waiter?

2、May I play that as I am not able to swim?
Is it safe?
Would you lend the Life Savers?
How much may I pay to borrow a life saver?

3、Eiffel Tower
How much does it take to the journey to the Eiffel Tower ?
What’s the lowest price?
It will cost us several friends just as long as 150 yuan to take a taxi to go there。
Will you go to Eiffel Tower?
About how long can we arrive? Is it far from here to there?
Would you please open the air conditioning?

4、Waiter,a la carte !
What is the specialty here?
I would like to ask how this is done.
I want a cup of Orange juice.
Can you help me introduce this special offers?
I am not very good at English , please say simply and slowly.
Waiter, time to pay. With pleasure for your nice service today.

5、Can you give me a blanket/ pillow ?
I am hungary, Would you provide me with a piece of bread ?
What's the time to ShangHai?
When the airplane will fly?
Could you please give me a glass of water?


1.This necklace much money
210 yuan can
The lowest how many money? Can you came down a bit
Not good, 210 yuan? How can be so? The waiter?
2.I can't swim, can play this
It safe
Something borrowed the life
How much money to borrow a life
Play this much
3.The Eiffel Tower
How much money to the Eiffel Tower
The minimum much money
We several friends by taxi there were only 150 yuan
4.Waiter, order
What is the specialty of here
Excuse me, this is how to do
I'll have a glass of orange juice
Can you help me to introduce the favourable activity
I don't understand English, please speak a little bit more simple, slowly
Waiter, the check. Today's your trouble
Sorry, that a napkin? I put juice spilled
Can I get a
5.May I have a blanket/pillow?
I'm hungry. Can you give me a bread
What should to Shanghai
What time the plane can fly
Can you give me a glass of water

如何简单的学英语如下:1、背单词的习惯 首先,重复次数不是越多越好。同次背诵的时候,抄写或者朗读的次数不是越多越好,而是在72小时内进行有效的重复,基本上我们喜欢做的抄10次就够了,再多的次数其实在不久之后就会忘记。还有就是不要担心一次背太多会忘得太多。关键在于,3天之内重复一次,过一...

4. 反身代词 英语中用来表示"我自己","你自己","他自己","我们自己","你们自己" 等意义的代词称为反身代词,也有人称之为自身代名词,其形式如表所示。 反身代词可以在句中作宾语,表语,同位语。 1)作宾语,表示动作的承受者就是动作的发出者,主语和宾语指同一个人 或一些人。 He called himself a ...



每天一篇作文,学会写简单句了,就开始写复合句,教他几个固定的句型反复套用。然后就是打卡读课文,每天刷题,讲知识点。三个多月的学习积累,他中考的时候考了七十多分。 大家好我是山西英语程老师,非常高兴能回答这个问题。初三英语的成绩不理想,但是离中考只有几个月了,遇到这种情况,哪个家长都会着急。下面是我的...

如何说好英语 4种方法来说好英语



我想学英语 只会26字母 先学音标。然后可以通过简单的阅读掌握基本词汇,然后可以大量阅读来提升阅读能力,要是提高听说能力可以多听些bbc,voa。教材的话新概念1~4毋庸置疑是最好的,现在几乎所有的培训机构都用这个当基础教材。另外不要看中国编写的教材,因为都是中式思维,语法上面没有问题但是老外不...

问题二:怎么教小学生英语 小学英语应该是从听和说入手的,不要急于教他字母等东西,可以让他听并学说一些简单的日常用语,如你好、再见之类的,主要是激发一下学习兴趣,千万不能因为一上来太难而让他失去兴趣。以游戏的方式教他几个字母也未尝不可。 问题三:怎样才能教好小学英语 我是在09年才参加工作的,在教育...

双流县14761657219: 求八句简单的双人英语对话,和翻译.不要太难得,6年级水平即可 -
资怕眠安: a: hi! how are you? 嗨,你好吗?b: i'm fine. 我很好.a: what's your name? 你叫什么名字b: my name is bob.how about you. 我叫鲍伯,你呢?a: my name is jack. nice to meet you. 我叫杰克,很高兴见到你.b: nice to meet you too. 我也很高兴见到你a:good bye. 再见b: bye!再见

双流县14761657219: 求一些简单的英语对话.要有中文翻译. -
资怕眠安: A:hello,how are you in recently days?近些天来过的怎么样 B:fine ,thanks and you? 非常好,你呢 A: very well,...然后就想聊什么聊就可以了啊

双流县14761657219: 英语口语简单对话还有翻译的 -
资怕眠安: pleased to meet you.I am xx from xx.I would like to invite you to dinner.what day is convinent for you?I will see you then I will meet you at XX at xx on Friday evening

双流县14761657219: 请写几句很简单的英文短对话 -
资怕眠安: 1.你是要你和你的室友之间关于他/她打开了窗户,然后你觉得冷之间的对话吗?(EX.不要打开窗户,很冷之类的对话.)2.不理解,你要谁和谁之间的对话.是你和插对人之间的对话关于他不对的行为还是插队人和他前面人的对话.

双流县14761657219: 求翻译几句简单的对话(汉译英).有点水平的进(翻译工具绕道) -
资怕眠安: A: so I can sleep until 10 and then get up.B: You are badly hopeless as knowing sleep only.A: Maybe you're right. But it would be the be...

双流县14761657219: 高分求编很简单的英语对话. 急用!
资怕眠安: 第一个短对话 A:How are you during your time in the plane? B:I'm fine ,thank you! A:Are you feeling tired during your flight? B:No,I'm feeling very well. A:Oh,that's very good.I'm very glad to have a communication with you.Nice to see you! B:Nice to see...

双流县14761657219: 求一篇6句简单的英语对话.(有汉语意思) -
资怕眠安: How are you,你好吗 I am very good! thank you 我很好!谢谢How old are you? 你多少岁了? It's a secret! 这是一个秘密!Recently? 最近好吗? I am very good! 我很好! Who are you?你是谁? Don't tell you! 不告诉你!Where do you come from? 你来自哪里? I'm from Canada 我来自加拿大What are your favorite foods? 你最喜爱的食物是什么? As long as it is delicious I could eat 只要是好吃的我都吃

双流县14761657219: 自编10个英语对话,如;购物,问路,打电话,旅游,谈论天气等.要最简单的,最短的,5句就行
资怕眠安: 1.What is the weather like today? It's fine. 2.Excuse me,can you tell me how to get to the cinema? Go along this street.You won't miss it. 3.Hello,is there Mr.Lee? Yes,speaking. 4.Where are Mike and Tom? Sorry,i don't know.I haven't seen then for ...

双流县14761657219: 求最基本的英语对话,很简单的那种 -
资怕眠安: A: What is your name please?B: My name is Mary,And what about yours?A: My name is Bob.Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you,too.A: How old are you?B: I am 10 years old.And you?A: I am 11 years old.And I think we can be friends.B: Yeah.I think so,too.够简单了吧~ 给分吧!这是原创哦~

双流县14761657219: 英语小会话翻译 急需 谢谢! -
资怕眠安: 1 - Hello2 - Hello1 - Who is it?2 - That's my friend.1 - What is his name?2 - He called the Little Light1 - where he lives?2 - He lives in a place not far from the school.1 - How old this year, he?2 - 20 this year, he had.1 - he and you are in the same school...

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