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Statue of Liberty
Liberty Enlightening the World (La liberté éclairant le monde), known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations. The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the Repoussé technique.

The statue depicts a woman, standing upright, dressed in a flowing robe and a spiked crown, holding a stone tablet close to her body in her left hand and a flaming torch high in her right hand. The statue is made of verdigris copper with the exception of the flame of the torch, which is coated in gold leaf. It stands atop a rectangular stonework pedestal, itself on an irregular eleven-pointed star foundation. The statue is 151 feet, 1 inch tall, with the foundation adding another 154 feet. The tablet contains the text "July IV MDCCLXXVI", commemorating the date of the United States Declaration of Independence. The interior of the pedestal contains a bronze plaque inscribed with the poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S. worldwide,[1] and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe. In terms of visual impact, the Statue of Liberty appears to draw inspiration from il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes.

Discussions in France over a suitable gift to the United States to mark the Centennial of the American Declaration of Independence were headed by the politician and sympathetic writer of the history of the United States, Édouard René Lefèvre de Laboulaye. French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to design a sculpture with the year 1876 in mind for completion. The idea for the commemorative gift then grew out of the political turmoil which was shaking France at the time. The French Third Republic was still considered as a "temporary" arrangement by many, who wished a return to Monarchism, or to some form of constitutional authoritarianism which they had known under Napoleon. The idea of giving a colossal representation of republican virtues to a "sister" republic across the sea served as a focus for the republican cause against other politicians.

Various sources cite different models for the face of the statue. One indicated the then-recently widowed Isabella Eugenie Boyer, the wife of Isaac Singer, the sewing-machine industrialist. "She was rid of the uncouth presence of her husband, who had left her with only his most socially desirable attributes: his fortune and... his children. She was, from the beginning of her career in Paris, a well-known figure. As the good-looking French widow of an American industrialist she was called upon to be Bartholdi's model for the Statue of Liberty." [2] Another source believed that the "stern face" belonged to Bartholdi's mother, Charlotte Bartholdi (1801-1891), with whom he was very close. [3] National Geographic magazine also pointed to his mother, noting that Bartholdi never denied nor explained the resemblance. [4] The first model, on a small scale, was built in 1870. This first statue is now in the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris.

While in a visit to Egypt that was to shift his artistic perspective from simply grand to colossal, Bartholdi was inspired by the project of Suez Canal which was being undertaken by Count Ferdinand de Lesseps who later became a life-long friend to him. He envisioned a giant lighthouse standing at the entrance to Suez Canal and drew plans for it. It would be patterned after the Roman goddess Libertas, modified to resemble a robed Egyptian peasant, a fallaha, with light beaming out from both a headband and a torch thrust dramatically upward into the skies. Bartholdi presented his plans to the Egyptian Khediev, Isma'il Pasha, in 1867 and, with revisions, again in 1869, but the project was never commissioned.[5], [6]

It was agreed upon that in a joint effort the American people were to build the base, and the French people were responsible for the Statue and its assembly in the United States. However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the Atlantic. In France, public fees, various forms of entertainment, and a lottery were among the methods used to raise the 2,250,000 francs. In the United States, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prize fights assisted in providing needed funds. Meanwhile in France, Bartholdi required the assistance of an engineer to address structural issues associated with designing such a colossal copper sculpture. Gustave Eiffel (designer of the Eiffel Tower) was commissioned to design the massive iron pylon and secondary skeletal framework which allows the Statue's copper skin to move independently yet stand upright. Eiffel delegated the detailed work to his trusted structural engineer, Maurice Koechlin.

On June 30, 1878, at the Paris Exposition, the completed head of the statue was showcased in the garden of the Trocadéro palace, while other pieces were on display in the Champs de Mars.

Back in America, the site, authorized in New York Harbor by Act of Congress, 1877, was selected by General William Tecumseh Sherman, who settled on Bartholdi's own choice, then known as Bedloe's Island, where there was already an early 19th century star-shaped fortification.

Bartholdi's design patentOn February 18, 1879, Bartholdi was granted a design patent, U.S. Patent D11023, on "a statue representing Liberty enlightening the world, the same consisting, essentially, of the draped female figure, with one arm upraised, bearing a torch, and while the other holds an inscribed tablet, and having upon the head a diadem, substantially as set forth." The patent described the head as having "classical, yet severe and calm, features," noted that the body is "thrown slightly over to the left so as to gravitate upon the left leg, the whole figure thus being in equilibrium," and covered representations in "any manner known to the glyptic art in the form of a statue or statuette, or in alto-relievo or bass-relief, in metal, stone, terra-cotta, plaster-of-paris, or other plastic composition."[7]

Fundraising for the pedestal, led by William M. Evarts, was going slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (who established the Pulitzer Prize) opened up the editorial pages of his newspaper, The World, to support the fund raising effort. Pulitzer used his newspaper to criticize both the rich, who had failed to finance the pedestal construction, and the middle class who were content to rely upon the wealthy to provide the funds[citation needed]. Pulitzer's campaign of harsh criticism was successful in motivating the people of America to donate. (It also promoted his newspaper, which purportedly added ~50,000 subscribers in the course of the statue campaign effort.)

Financing for the pedestal, designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt, was completed in August 1884. The cornerstone was laid on August 5, and pedestal construction was finished on April 22, 1886. When the last stone of the pedestal was swung into place the masons reached into their pockets and showered into the mortar a collection of silver coins.

Built into the pedestal's massive masonry are two sets of four iron girders, connected by iron tie beams that are carried up to become part of Eiffel's framework for the statue itself. Thus Liberty is integral with her pedestal.

The Statue was completed in France in July, 1884 and arrived in New York Harbor on June 17, 1885 on board the French frigate Isere. To prepare for transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. (The right arm and the torch, which were completed earlier, had been exhibited at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1876, and thereafter at Madison Square in New York City.) The Statue was re-assembled on her new pedestal in four months' time. On October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland in front of thousands of spectators. (Ironically, it was Cleveland who, as Governor of the State of New York, had earlier vetoed a bill by the New York legislature to contribute $50,000 to the building of the pedestal.) [8] In any event, she was a centennial gift ten years belated.

The Statue of Liberty was a real lighthouse from 1886 to 1902 ([2] [3]). At that time the US Lighthouse board was responsible for its operation. In fact there was a lighthouse keeper and the electric light could be seen for 24 miles (39 km) at sea. There was an electric plant on the island to generate power for the light.

In 1916, the Black Tom Explosion caused $100,000 worth of damage to the statue, embedding shrapnel and eventually leading to the closing of the torch to visitors. The same year, Gutzon Borglum, sculptor of Mount Rushmore, modified the original copper torch by cutting away most of the copper in the flame, retrofitting glass panes and installing an internal light[citation needed]. After these modifications, the torch severely leaked rainwater and snowmelt, accelerating corrosion inside the statue. President Franklin D. Roosevelt rededicated the Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary (October 28, 1936).

As with all historic areas administered by the National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument, along with Ellis Island and Liberty Island, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on October 15, 1966[citation needed].

In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was added to the World Heritage List. [9]

[edit] Origin of the copper
Historical records make no mention of the source of the copper used in the Statue of Liberty. In the village of Visnes in the municipality of Karmøy, Norway, tradition holds that the copper came from the French-owned Visnes Mine.[10][11] Ore from this mine, refined in France and Belgium, was a significant source of European copper in the late nineteenth century. In 1985, Bell Laboratories used emission spectrography to compare samples of copper from the Visnes Mines and from the Statue of Liberty, found the spectrum of impurities to be very similar, and concluded that the evidence argued strongly for a Norwegian origin of the copper.

[edit] Liberty Centennial
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The Statue of Liberty was one of the earliest beneficiaries of a cause marketing campaign. A 1983 promotion advertised that for each purchase made with an American Express card, American Express would contribute one penny to the renovation of the statue. The campaign generated contributions of $1.7 million to the Statute of Liberty restoration project. In 1984, the statue was closed so that a $62 million renovation could be performed for the statue's centennial. Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca was appointed by President Reagan to head the commission overseeing the task (but was later dismissed "to avoid any question of conflict" of interest).[12] Workers erected scaffolding around the statue, obscuring it from public view until the rededication on July 4, 1986. Inside work began with workers using liquid nitrogen to remove seven layers of paint applied to the interior of the copper skin over the decades. That left two layers of tar originally applied to plug leaks and prevent corrosion. Blasting with baking soda removed the tar without further damaging the copper. Larger holes in the copper skin had edges smoothed then mated with new copper patches.[citation needed]

Each of the 1,350 shaped iron ribs backing the skin had to be removed and replaced. The iron had experienced galvanic corrosion wherever it contacted the copper skin, losing up to 50% of its thickness. Bartholdi had anticipated the problem and used an asbestos/pitch combination to separate the metals, but the insulation had worn away decades before. New bars of stainless steel bent into matching shapes replaced the iron bars, with Teflon film separating them from the skin for further insulation and friction reduction. Liquid nitrogen was again introduced to parts of the copper skin in a cryogenics process which was treated by a (now defunct) Michigan company called CryoTech[citation needed] to ensure certain individual parts of the statue were strengthened and would last longer after installation.

The internal structure of the upraised right arm was reworked. The statue was erected with the arm offset 18" (0.46 m) to the right and forward of Eiffel's central frame, while the head was offset 24" (0.61 m) to the left, which compromised the framework. Theory held that Bartholdi made the modification without Eiffel's involvement after seeing the arm and head were too close. Engineers considered reinforcements made in 1932 insufficient and added diagonal bracing in 1984 and 1986 to make the arm structurally sound.

[edit] New Torch

Original torch, replaced in 1986.A new torch replaced the original, which was deemed beyond repair because of the extensive 1916 modifications. The 1886 torch is now located in the monument's lobby museum. The new torch has gold plating applied to the exterior of the "flame," which is illuminated by external lamps on the surrounding balcony platform. Upgraded climate control systems and two elevators (one to the top of the pedestal and a small emergency elevator to the crown) were added. The Statue of Liberty was reopened to the public on July 5, 1986.

[edit] After 9/11
Until September 11, 2001, the interior of the statue was open to visitors. They would arrive by ferry and could climb the circular single-file stairs (limited by the available space) inside the metallic statue, exposed to the sun out in the harbor (the interior reaching extreme temperatures, particularly in summer months), and about 30 people at a time could fit up into her crown. This provided a broad view of New York Harbor (she faces the ocean, and France) through 25 windows, the largest approximately 18" (46 cm) in height. The view did not, therefore, include the skyline of New York City, however. The wait outside regularly exceeded 3 hours, excluding the wait for ferries and ferry tickets.

Liberty Island closed on September 11, 2001; the islands reopened in December, and the statue itself reopened on August 3, 2004. Currently, the museum and ten-story pedestal are open for visitation. The interior of the statue remains closed, although a glass ceiling in the pedestal allows for views of Eiffel's iron framework.

Visitors to Liberty Island and the Statue are currently subject to restrictions, including personal searches similar to the security found in airports.

That was not the first time, however, that the Statue of Liberty had been threatened by terrorism. On February 18, 1965, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it had uncovered a plot by three commandos from the Black Liberation Front, who were connected to Cuba, and a female co-conspirator from Montreal seeking independence for Quebec from Canada, who were sent to destroy the statue and at least two other national shrines - the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.

In June 2006, a bill, S. 3597, was proposed in Congress which, if approved, could re-open the crown and interior of the Statue of Liberty to visitors. Approval or disapproval of this bill will probably occur in early- to mid-2007.[13]

On August 9, 2006 National Park Service Director Fran Mainella, in a letter to Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York stated that the crown and interior of the statue would remain closed indefinitely. The letter stated that "the current access patterns reflect a responsible management strategy in the best interests of all our visitors.".[14]

[edit] Jumps
At 2:45 p.m. on February 2, 1912, steeplejack Frederick R. Law successfully performed a parachute jump from the observation platform surrounding the torch. It was done with the permission of the army captain administering the island. The New York Times reported that he "fell fully seventy-five feet [23 m] like a dead weight, the parachute showing no inclination whatsoever to open at first", but he then descended "gracefully", landed hard, and limped away.[15]

The first and so far only death on Liberty Island occurred on May 13, 1929. The Times reported a witness as saying the man, later identified as Ralph Gleason, crawled out through one of the windows of the crown, turned around as if to return, "seemed to slip" and "shot downward, bouncing off the breasts of the statue in the plunge." The body landed on a patch of grass at the base, just a few feet from a workman who was mowing the grass.[16]

自由女神像(Statue of Liberty),又称“自由照耀世界”(英语:Liberty Enlightening the World,法语:Liberté éclairant le monde),是法国在1876年赠送给美国的独立100周年礼物,位於美国纽约市哈德逊河口附近。雕像所在的自由岛是观光重点。





搭建安装雕像所用时间 3个半月
手的长度 5.5米
雕像的厚度 8米
雕像头部可容纳的人 40人数
雕像总重 (80吨铜 + 120吨钢) 200吨
铜板的厚度 2.37毫米
从法国搬运到美国时所用的集装箱数 210个
建造支出 343 000欧元
开工日期 1866年7月12日

Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life.

These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.

It was to be another two years before it could be properly unveiled: money had to be collected to fund the construction of the base, and for some reason Americans were unwilling - or unable - to dip into their pockets. Only through the campaigning efforts of newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer, a keen supporter of the statue, did it all come together in the end. Richard Morris Hunt built a pedestal around the existing star-shaped Fort Wood, and Liberty was formally dedicated by President Cleveland on October 28, 1886, in a flag-waving shindig that has never really stopped. The statue was closed for a few years in the mid-1980s for extensive renovation and, in 1986, fifteen million people descended on Manhattan for the statue's centennial celebrations.

Today you can climb steps up to the crown, but the cramped stairway though the torch sadly remains closed to the public. Don't be surprised if there's an hour-long wait to ascend. Even if there is, Liberty Park's views of the lower Manhattan skyline, the twin towers of the World Trade Center lording it over the jutting teeth of New York's financial quarter, are spectacular enough.
所有进出美国的象征,但已证明比动人更加持久或自由神像. 这个数字巨人,手拿着火炬石碑,作为一个世纪的美国梦船头; 的确有可能不再存在,一眼就轮廓. 这是值得记忆的雕像--至少美国人--烈性提醒美国是一块移民:据纽约港的第一大浪欧洲移民到达时,他们的船只在进入弯道verrazano缩小到24条第一湾、钓一瞥"自由世界的启发"--一个结束了未知的旅途,象征新生命的开始. 这些天来,虽然只是巨富得起海路抵达此地,而可能成为移民的第一(可能去)鉴于美国可能会更甘乃迪机场海关检查时,依然动人景象自由,艾玛拉撒路的诗句,新巨人,原来写集资皇后的基地,至少比当初写的名言:: 在这里我海水洗、夕阳盖茨即告威武女子火炬的火焰是被囚禁的闪电,和她母亲的名字流亡. 从她指路手透着世界性的欢迎; 她的眼睛轻度指挥空中桥港区,双城帧. "保持古老土地,您轻车简从层"! 无声的呐喊她的嘴唇. "给我你累了,你差,你挤作一团群众渴望呼吸自由,拒绝你们倒霉不虞岸上. 这些派,无家可归,暴风雨-tost话,我本人灯具电梯旁的黄金门. " 雕像描绘她挣脱枷锁、自由的灯塔,照亮全世界举办,是创建法国雕塑家弗雷德里克奥古斯特bartholdi,精工它百年革命之后,美国承认法国和美国人民之间的团结(虽然它的本意是公平补充bartholdi塑像亚历山大对埃及). 1874年建成自由bartholdi在巴黎和1884年之间,开始了秦始皇兵马示范和扩大它通过四个版本,到现在的规模,建筑瘦身张铜螺栓在一起,并由一个铁框架设计的古斯塔夫铁塔. 臂携火炬麦迪逊广场公园展出了七年,但整个雕像代表未正式接受美国人民,直到1884年后,它被送往遥远,灿烂起来,运到纽约. 另据两年才可以得到妥善亮相:金钱将收取的资金建造基地,而且由于某些原因,美国人不愿或不能--动用自己口袋. 只有通过竞选报业巨头约瑟夫普利策的努力,十分支持塑像,并在年底前全部走到一起. 基座周围建起了狩猎理查德莫里斯现有星型木炮台、人身自由被正式专用于克利夫兰总统1886年10月28日,在国旗挥舞shindig从未真正停止. 皇后闭了几年在八十年代中期广泛革新,1986年为1500.0万人落下曼哈顿塑像周年校庆. 今天你能爬起来的步骤冠,但仍不幸的火炬虽局促梯级封闭市民. 别惊讶,如果有一小时的漫长等待升天. 即使有,自由公园的曼哈顿天际的看法,对世界贸易中心双塔在路上牙齿独霸纽约金融季,精彩不足

  "Statue of Liberty", bronze statues, 47 meters high pedestal, like high 46 meters, 93 meters high total, re-229 tons, the French sculptor Augustus escalator clause Pakistan Tao (Auguste Bartholdi ,1834 - 1904) Design, completed in 1886, is located in New York Port Menpang the freedom of the island.
  Statue of Liberty in France from the political. 1865, Napoleon III enthronement, a group of French bourgeois scholars hope to end the monarchy and establish a new French Republic. Therefore, on the other side of the Atlantic for the Republic of praise, but also to enhance the French people and the American people the feelings of each other, they commissioned the renowned sculptor and financing the Palestinian pottery statue of this section is designed as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the United States gifts .

  《自由女神像》,铜质雕像,基座高47米,像高46米,总高93米,重229吨,法国雕塑家奥古斯梯·巴陶第( Auguste Bartholdi,1834--1904)设计,落成于1886年,座落在美国纽约港港口金门旁的自由岛上。
  自由女神像源自于法国政治。1865年,拿破仑三世即位后,法国一批资产阶级学者希望能够结束君主制,建立起新的法兰西共和国。因此,出于对大西洋彼岸的共和国的赞许,也为了增进法国人民和美国人民相互间的感情,他们筹资并委托著名雕塑家巴陶第设计了这座雕像,作为庆祝美国建国 100周年的礼物。

Ken Burns‘s fourth short film gives us a clear taste for the style that he made famous with The Civil War and Baseball. The first half of this hour-long program examines the design and construction of the Statue of Liberty using drawings, photographs, and readings (Jeremy Irons gives voice to French sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, who designed the statue). As narrator David McCullough states, no one at the dedication ceremony mentioned immigration, but the statue became a towering symbol of America‘s open-door policy. The second half examines the meaning of the statue and of liberty itself. Comments by author James Baldwin, director Milos Forman, and politicians Barbara Jordan and Mario Cuomo reverberate, as does Paul Simon‘s song "American Tune," which bookends the picture. --Doug Thomas

Product Description:
Filmmaker Ken Burns presents the definitive portrait of this great lady of the American imagination, in a program that won nominations for both an Academy Award and an Emmy. Follow her life, from her creation by French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, through her painstaking construction and accident-prone dedication in 1886. Interviews with ordinary Americans reveal a deep understanding of the unique place the statue holds in our hearts.











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One Direction - Steal My Girl 中英文歌词
she be my queen since we were sixteen 她在16岁时就成为我的女神 we want the same things 我们想到的事情都相同 we dream the same dreams alright alright 我们共享着美梦 I got it all cause she is the one 这一切只因她就是我命中注定的那一位 her mom calls me love 她的妈妈亲切的...

求blue skies lenka 中英文歌词
《Blue Skies》填 词:Lenka 谱 曲:Damian Taylor 歌曲原唱:Lenka We've been waiting 我们一直在等待 Anticipating change coming our way 改变的到来 You're my baby 你始终是我的宝贝 Through the bad nights 穿越黑暗 to the brighter days 来到光明的人世间 I know tha...

织金县15186437421: 用英语简单的介绍一下自由女神像,不用太多,RT -
穰储复方:[答案] 自由女神穿着古希腊风格的服装,头戴光芒四射的冠冕,有象征世界七大洲及四大洋的七道尖芒.女神右手高举长达12米的火炬,左手捧着《独立宣言》,脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链.她象征着自由、挣脱暴政的约束.花岗岩...

织金县15186437421: discribe the statue of liberty用英语描述自由女神像,大家帮帮忙啊 -
穰储复方:[答案] 首先说下哈:自由女神像(Statue of Liberty,Statue de la liberté),又称“自由照耀世界”(英语:Liberty Enlightening the World,法语:Liberté éclairant le monde) 这是介绍啦: Liberty Enlightening the World (La liberté éclairant le monde),known ...

织金县15186437421: The Statue of Liberty 自由女神 介绍要英文的简介 最好有中文的翻译the little mermaid 简介 -
穰储复方:[答案] The Statue of Liberty was first assembled in Paris in 1884, then disassembled and reassembled in the United States at what ...area and spikes Structural concerns in the shoulder of the torch arm Corrosion of the iron armature Paint peeling on the ...

织金县15186437421: 自由女神像的英文是什么? -
穰储复方:[答案] 美国的自由女神像(Statue of Liberty,Statue de la liberté),又称「自由照耀世界」(英语:Liberty Enlightening the World,法语:Liberté éclairant le monde),是法国在1886年赠送给美国的独立100周年礼物.

织金县15186437421: 自由女神像的详细资料和历史
穰储复方: 自由女神像其全称为“自由女神铜像国家纪念碑”,正式名称是“照耀世界的自由女神”.坐落在美国纽约赫 德森河口上的“自由岛”上. 这座世界上独一无二的巨型铜...

织金县15186437421: 求神话中的自由女神的介绍及英文译名 -
穰储复方: 雅典娜为雅典城的守护神,也是代表智慧的女神雅典娜是希腊奥林珀斯十二主神之一,罗马名字弥涅耳瓦(Minerva).传说是宙斯与聪慧女神墨提斯(Metis)所生,因有预言说墨提斯所生的儿女会推翻宙斯,宙斯遂将她整个吞入腹中,谁知头...

织金县15186437421: 自由女神像的典故 -
穰储复方: 自由女神像(英语:Liberty Enlightening the World,法语:Liberté éclairant le monde),是法国在1876年赠送给美国独立100周年的礼物.美国的自由女神像坐落于美国纽约州纽约市附近的自由岛,是美国重要的观光景点.自由女神像重45万...

织金县15186437421: the Statue of Liberty(美国纽约自由女神像) -
穰储复方:[答案] 名称:自由女神像(英文:Statue of Liberty,法语:Statue de la liberté),又称“自由照耀世界”(英语:Liberty Enlightening the World,法语:Liberté éclairant le monde)作者:巴托尔迪、维雷勃杜克,时间:1874~1884年,材质:钢、铜,规...

织金县15186437421: 美国自由女神像的特征是怎样的?
穰储复方: 自由女神像,正式名称是“照耀世界的自由女神”,是法国政府在1876年赠送给美国独立100周年的礼物,坐落于纽约市附近的自由岛.自由女神手持火炬,矗立在纽约港的人口处,迎来了千百万到美国的移民.自由女神像现已成为美国的象征,永远表达着美国人民对自由的向往和热爱. 自由女神像重45万磅,高46米,底座高45米.整座铜像以120吨钢铁为骨架,80吨铜片为外皮,由30万只铆钉装配固定在支架上,总重量达225吨.铜像内部的钢铁支架是由建造巴黎艾菲尔铁塔而闻名于世的法国工程师艾菲尔设计制作的,雕像由法国雕 刻家维雷勃杜克设计.自由女神像1869年完成设计,1874年幵工,1884年完成,1886年 10月落成.

织金县15186437421: 纽约设计师 - 美国纽约自由女神像的设计者是哪国人?
穰储复方: 美国纽约自由女神像的设计者是法国著名雕塑家巴托尔迪. 纽约自由女神像 自由女神像(Statue of Liberty),又称“自由照耀世界”(英语:Liberty Enlightening the ...

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