
作者&投稿:常饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This stanza comes from the worker’s big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial this time the socialist that the worker’s one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, from all countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn and impressive open in France.
On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.
This resolution gets the international community, the worker responds to actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countries leads off to go into the street, holding the grand demonstration and holding a meeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round this international community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate.

Workers' protests were held around the world to commemorate this great labor movement and to protest the subsequent sentencing. These activities became the forerunner of international labor day.
In July 1889, Engels organized the second international founding conference announced the annual May 1 as international labor day.


欧洲仍以示威庆祝“五一” 在英国和德国,当局担心示威恐怕会有无政府主义者闹事捣乱。在德国柏林,警方和无政府主义者半夜发生冲突,有多人被捕。不过,数千名工会活跃分子却和平地在市内游行。

In July 1889, the congress of the second international, led by friedrich Engels, was held in Paris.


The conference adopted a resolution, the provisions of May 1, 1890 international workers held a march, and decided to set May 1 as the international labor day.


The administrative council of the central people's government made a decision in December 1949 to designate May 1 as labor day.


May 1st International Labor Day originated from the strike of workers'congresses in Chicago, USA. On May 1, 1886, more than 216,000 workers in Chicago went on a general strike for the eight-hour work system.

After a painstaking and bloody struggle, they finally won. 

In commemoration of this great workers'movement, the Second International announced in July 1889 that May 1 will be designated as International Labor Day every year. This decision was immediately responded positively by workers from all over the world. 

On May 1, 1890, the working class of European and American countries took the lead in going to the streets and holding grand demonstrations and rallies to fight for legitimate rights and interests. Since then, the working people of all countries in the world have gathered and marched to celebrate this day.



51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year.It is the whole world labor common festival of the people.As for"51 causes of the section"s are such:
This stanza comes from the worker''s big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial this time the socialist that the worker''s one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, from all countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn and impressive open in France.On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.This resolution gets the international community, the worker responds to actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countries leads off to go into the street, holding the grand demonstration and holding a meeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round this international community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate

In July 1889, at the Second International Founding Conference organized by Engels, it was declared that May 1 will be the International Labor Day every year.

International Labor Day, also known as May 1 International Labor Day and International Workers'Day or May Day, is a national holiday in more than 80 countries in the world. It is scheduled for May 1st every year. It is a festival shared by working people all over the world.

In July 1889, the Second International Congress led by Engels was held in Paris. The meeting adopted a resolution stipulating that international workers should hold a parade on May 1, 1890, and decided to designate May 1 as International Labor Day. 

The State Council of the Central People's Government made a decision in December 1949 to designate May 1 as Labor Day. Since 1989, the State Council has basically commended the national model workers and advanced workers every five years, with about 3,000 people at a time.

international, led by friedrich


五一劳动节的来历50字 五一劳动节的来历内容
五一劳动节的来历50字——为了纪念1886年5月1日,美国芝加哥、纽约等城市的35万多工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工而设立。 【劳动节简介】 国际劳动节又称"五一国际劳动节"、"国际示威游行日",是世界上80多个国家的全国性节日。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界劳动人民共同拥有的节日。 1889年7月,由恩格...

五一劳动节的来历20字 节日源于美国芝加哥城的工人大罢工,为纪念这次伟大的工人运动,1889年的第二国际成立大会上宣布将每年的五月一日定为国际劳动节。

中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至1918年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、苏州等地向群众散发介绍“五一”的传单。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、广州等城市的工人群众走上街头举行了声势浩大的游行、集会。新中国成立后,我国于1949年12月将五一”定为法定的劳动节,也就是现在的劳动节。<<< 五一劳动节成立...




劳动节的意义简短3 五一劳动节的来历 五一劳动节最早来源于1886年美国芝加哥的工人罢工运动,在1886年5月1日的时候,美国芝加哥爆发了8个小时的罢工运动,以工人胜利告终,宣告无产阶级劳动人们取得胜利,为自己争取到了权益。 恩格斯提出设立劳动节 随后在1889年时,恩格斯在社会主义集会上提出将美国工人罢工的5月1日设...


端午节 端午节是我国较为古老的传统节日。每逢阴历五月初五这天,人们都要在江河湖海上举行赛龙舟,还要吃粽子、戴香袋、踏青采艾蒿等,这些活动已成为千古不变的习俗,从古至今一直在沿续着。 若说到端午节的来历,人们首先就会想到爱国诗人屈原。相传战国时,楚襄王宠信奸佞,屈原因仗义直言遭革职放逐。秦国趁机进攻楚国,...

东乡县19573897667: 英语版劳动节由来短10字 -
雀凡素安: 51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year.It is the whole world labor common festival of the people.As for"51 causes of the section"s are such:

东乡县19573897667: "五一"的来历(英文版) -
雀凡素安: 国外习俗之四——劳动节Labor's Day is on May 1st. Labor's Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content...

东乡县19573897667: 五一节的由来而且是英文版 -
雀凡素安: The celebration of Labour Day has its origins in the eight hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. On 21 April 1856 Stonemasons and building workers on building sites around ...

东乡县19573897667: 五一劳动节的英语起源简略版 -
雀凡素安: International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day in some places, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement, anarchists, socialists, and communists and occurs every year on ...

东乡县19573897667: 谁知道5.1劳动节由来英语怎样说嘛 -
雀凡素安: This stanza comes from the worker's big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of bloodshed ...

东乡县19573897667: “五一劳动节的由来”用英语怎么说? -
雀凡素安: Labour's day/may day 专业团队献上专业的回答,请考虑采纳谢谢

东乡县19573897667: 关于劳动节的对话(英语)关于劳动节人们要干的事和由来 -
雀凡素安:[答案] M:With tomorrow being Labur Day and all,I think it would be a nice gesture to let all the memebers of laborial staff leave work an hour early.What do you say? F:What!That sounds perfectly ridiculous!Labour Day is a holiday for everyone,not just laborial ...

东乡县19573897667: 五一的由来用英语怎么说.急!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
雀凡素安: the origin of May Dayorigin 名词 n.1.起源;由来;起因[C][U] What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么? 2.出身;门第;血统[U][P1] His origins were humble. 他出身低微. 3.【数】原点

东乡县19573897667: 五一节的由来用英语正样说
雀凡素安: may 's day

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