
作者&投稿:苦鸿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Our Local Area (我们的社区)英语作文 。。~

铿锵锣鼓穿透凛冽寒风,激扬歌舞驱散冬日阴霾,滔滔江水笑看容颜如花,昨日的汉口江滩,人潮如织,欢声似海,是盛典,是节日,是分享,更是荣耀。  这份荣耀,属于10个特色社区,属于5个最佳社区;这份荣耀,是江城1000多个社区创造精神文化的浓缩,也是对千万江城人民共建安全港湾、共筑和谐家园的回眸与礼赞。  歌声传递心声,艺曲映照心曲,这是平民的表演,这是咱老百姓朴素才华的真实流露;舞步踏出梦想,鼓点编织希望,这是民众的狂欢,这是我们的社区嘉年华,这是我们温馨祥和的家。  长达两个月的实力PK,近百个社区的热情参与,13个城区的倾力支持,260多万人次的投票与呐喊,首届“江城十大特色社区”评选,在期盼中起航,在乐呵中应和,在欢呼中落幕。街头巷尾,社区邻里,处处响彻加油号;三镇内外,大江南北,时时可闻助威声。  这是社区才艺的展示,这是社区特色的秀场,更是社区居民巧手妙笔的生花之地,也是蒸腾向上的社区精神文化生活的逼真写照。竞争的舞台上,胜出者荣;生活的舞台上,无论输赢。我们向获胜者致敬,因为他们如此可爱;我们更要向抱憾出局者致敬,因为他们如此真诚。  社区是居民社会福利和社会权利的平台,承载着儿时的记忆,成年的典礼,中年的寓所,老年的寄托。社区美,则城市美;社区强,则家国强;社区稳,则民心安。爱社区,就是爱我家;美社区,就是美家园;强社区,需要你我共同伸出勤劳与智慧之手,一点一滴地改善,一草一木地修葺,一步一阶地前行。  15个奖杯,托起1000多个社区的光荣与骄傲,这是我们的社区,我们的家,让我们用心呵护她。

The clang gong and drum through the bone-chilling cold cold wind, encouraging musical disperse the winter haze, turbulent river XiaoKan appearance such as flower, yesterday's hankou JiangTan attraction, crowds, cheers like the sea, is a grand ceremony, is the holiday season, is to share, but also the glory. The glory, belong to 10 characteristic community, belongs to the five best community; The glory, is more than 1000 river community to create spiritual culture concentration, but also of the people must river construction safety harbor, common garmonious home looking back and praise. Singing voice transmission, art song reflects innermost being, this is civilian performance, this is our common people simple talent show real; Dance step dream, drum knitting hope, this is people's carnival, this is our community carnival, this is our home sweet and auspicious. For two months of strength PK, nearly community enthusiasm to participate in, 13 of the city by a strong support, more than 260 people vote with a shout, the first "ten big characteristic river community" selection, in anticipation of departure, in LeA with in, cheering in the end. Streets and lanes, community neighborhood, everywhere from refueling number; Inside and outside the three towns, great river north and south, the always audible ZhuWeiSheng. This is the community talent show, this is the community characteristics of shows, but also the community residents a dab hand clever pen life of flowers, is also the transpiration upward community spiritual and cultural life of vivid portrayal. On the stage of the competition, winners glory; On the stage of life, no matter win or lose. We salute to the winners, because they are so cute, We also want to regret outs to salute, because they are so sincere. Community residents is social welfare and social rights platform, carrying a childhood memory, adult ceremony, middle-aged apartment, old age on. Community beauty, beauty of city; Community is strong, the home country is strong; Community stability, then the fortune. Love community, is love my family; American community, is beautiful homes. Strong community, need you me together out of diligence and wisdom of the hands, bit by bit to improve, every tree and bush to repair, step on a terrace. 15 trophies, in order to more than 1000 community glory and pride, this is our communities, our home, let us attentively to protect her.


Our Local Area
Our community is very beautiful,where is a beautiful city,our community park,garden,amusement park,zoo.There are many people,one night,the bright lights,it can be beautiful,I love my community

Our Community

I live in a beautiful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in my home .There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and tidy. And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful. And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community.
I love living in this community. Welcome to our community.

Our community is very beautiful, where is a beautiful city, our community park, garden, amusement park, zoo... There are many people, one night, the bright lights, it can be beautiful, I love my community 翻译:我们的社区美丽极了,哪儿是一个美丽的城市,我们的社区有公园、花园...

我们的社区 初中想象作文

跪求 我为社区献爱心600字作文

我爱我社区 前几个月,我和几个朋友一起来到了民族中学。我一进到这间学校就看到这间学校不仅美丽而且优雅!进到门口就看到了一个小小的花坛,那里有着各种各样的花:有牵牛花、有喇叭花、有杜丹花、还有野菊花···让人感觉美丽极了!往前看就是一栋高大的教学楼,可以让我们读书。往左边走就是...

1. 描写一个生动有趣的社区活动场景 7月14日这天,我们来到了同乐园社区,进行社区服务活动,内容是打扫卫生。别看打扫卫生这项活动简单,可最后我们都热得满头...6. 一篇场面描写的作文题目《记一次大扫除》 星期三的下午我们举行了一次大扫除,同学们带着劳动工具,为今天下午的大扫除做这准备。在扫除临近时间前,老师...

让我们记住这美好时光 “……让我们记住这美好时光,直到长成参天大树……”优美动听的歌声从五一班教室传出,星期天的,谁在唱歌?告诉你吧,是我们五一班的读书会正在热火朝天地进行着。虽说现在是寒冷的冬季,但今天的阳光格外温暖,仿佛太阳公公也知道我们今天举行读书会,和我们一样高兴地合不拢嘴,...

绿色行动,美化家园 环保不是口号,而是行动。倡议每家每户参与“绿色星期六”活动,共同种植树木,打理公共绿地,减少使用一次性塑料,鼓励分类回收。让我们的社区成为一片绿意盎然、生机勃勃的乐园。文化共享,促进理解 文化多样性的融合是社区的宝贵财富。提议设立社区文化角,定期举办小型的文化节...

根据学校有关精神,我们组织了“进社区”活动小组,并开展了形式多样、丰富多彩的实践活动,取得了令人可喜的成绩。现将 总结 汇报如下: 一、高度重视、认真组织 假期前,各队积极响应、认真落实,根据自身专业特点,确定实践方向,作好动员工作。6月14日上午我校举行了三支队伍的出发仪式。广大同学都以认真的姿态对待这次...

6. 走进社区,展示风貌 今天上午,是我们每个同学最快乐的日子。 早上七点十分,我穿着我那身最漂亮的粉色裙子,妈妈还给我画了妆,因为我和别人不一样,我是今天的小主持人,所以当然要打扮漂亮一点了! 我们的活动地点是物美超市对面,我们活动的主题是:“学英语、迎奥运、诵国学、铸和谐”,把我们两年来的收获展示给...


贡觉县19878562491: 英语作文我们的社区60字 -
国功斯帕:[答案] Our Community I live in a beautiful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in m...

贡觉县19878562491: 关于社区的英语作文60字 -
国功斯帕: Our CommunityI live in a beautiful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in my home .There are many people living in my community. ...

贡觉县19878562491: 英语作文 写我的小区 60字左右 初一水平 -
国功斯帕: I live in 某某某 district. It's a good place to have fun and rest. The street is clean and quiet. There is a beautiful park in the district. It's between a post office and a supermarket. you can take walk, play chess and play the guiter under the ...

贡觉县19878562491: 以Our community为题,的英语作文60词. -
国功斯帕: I live in a quiet community. My home is an apartment. There are 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room and so on.There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and beautiful. And my neighbors are very friendly and ...

贡觉县19878562491: 关于你的社区英语作文六十字还要有中文 -
国功斯帕: live in a beautiful neighborhood.There is a big garden,which grows many lovely flowers and tall trees.Behind the buildings,there are wonderful mountains.We often go for a walk there.The air is very fresh,making me feel really nice.The environment is ...

贡觉县19878562491: 关于社区的英语作文60个词快啊明天的作业 -
国功斯帕:[答案] As the economic development ,people's living standards and consumption levels have also greatly improve ,but at the same time people's lives is also an increase in litter ,especially the community environment that we live in. In the community ,we ...

贡觉县19878562491: 英语作文 我的社区 -
国功斯帕: As the economic development ,people'62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333239303237s living standards and consumption levels have also greatly improve ,but at the same time people's lives is also an increase in litter ,especially ...

贡觉县19878562491: 以我的社区为题写一篇英语作文,70字左右 -
国功斯帕: 搜索人人听力网rrting,然后再搜英语作文.·小学英语作文 ·初中英语作文 ·完成的.高中英语作文! ·#$大学英语作文 ·考研英语作文 ·中考英语作文 ·高考英语作文 ·英语四级作文 ·英语写作资料 ·gre作文 ·留学文书写作 ·雅思 考试作文 ·英语六级作文 ~怎么, 写的 http://www.rrting.com/english/yyxw/ 这里有近两千篇英语作文~!,作业考试都不用怕了.希望能帮到你,要给分喔

贡觉县19878562491: 介绍··我的社区 英语作文 70词左右 配冀教版八年级英语课本的 谢 -
国功斯帕: There are many builds in my community. The community is big. There many trees in it and many beautiful flowers in it. I like my community, the many bards also like my community. The bard often rest in it. Look! This is pavilion in my community. I like ...

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