
作者&投稿:漳才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1,Is Robet playing computer game now? 2,where does she do her homework? 3,My father doesn't have milk and eggs for breakfast. 4,what is Mike's favourite fruit?


It's a fish.
yes,it is.



yes,it is或no,it is'ist.


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何不趁这一段时间好好积累各方面的知识,对以后的学习很有帮助的。以下是 考 网整理的《小学四年级英语暑假作业》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.小学四年级英语暑假作业 选择题:1、___is the first day of the week .A、Sunday B、Monday C、Saturday D、Tuesday 2、 ___ do you go to ...

This is a big family.这是一个大家庭。Tim is a smart boy.Tim是个聪明的男孩。 He's Sarah's brother.Sarah是他的兄弟。The father is Jim.Jim是他们的父亲.。He is a teacher.父亲是一名老师。The mother is Ellen.Ellen是他们的母亲。She's a nurse.母亲是名护士。Tim and Sarah's ...

二年级英语夏天暑假作业范本 听力部分40 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。20 1.A.summerB.winter 2.A.pandaB.tiger 3.A.planeB.train 4.A.bedB.bag 5.A.puzzleB.puppet 6.AChineseB.English 7.A.sevenB.eleven 8.A.beeB.fox 9.A.gotoschoolB.gohome 10.AThereisa...

二年级英语暑假作业(附答案)二年级英语暑假作业复习题 一.判断下列字母划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用”√”表示,不同的用”×”表示。()1.me meet ()2.tie tip ()3.good go ()4.coat boat ()5.is has 二.找出一个划线部分的读音与其他两个不同的来,将其标号填入括号内。()1.A....

1、选still。意思为“寂静的”,与calm“平静、安静的”的意思相近。2、选loud。意思为“喧噪的”,与noisy“吵闹的”的意思相近。3、选active。意思为“积极的、活跃的”,与busy“忙碌的”的意思相近。希望可以帮到你(*^__^*) ~

1What are you doing?2Is your mother cleaning the room?3Yes,they are writing an email.\\4They are doing their homework.5What is your grandma doing?6What can you do?

1.Saturday 2.Hello every one,my name is ...I am...(我怎么知道你长什么样,自己写)My favorite week is Tuesday.I like math class and Chinese class.Different people have different hobby , I like playing soccer very much. And my favorite food is tofu and fish.Thank you.3.ro...

大家期待已久的暑假已经来临啦!以下是由我为大家精心带来的“2018四年级英语暑假作业答案”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读,希望能够对大家有所帮助哦。2018四年级英语暑假作业答案 P1 一、1.bee蜜蜂2.fan电扇3.hey嗨4.skirt裙子5.form表格6.big大的 二、略 三、画 1.一个红苹果2.一条黄狗3.两双绿...

jessica stone saeurdays do homework play footdall watch TV play computer games sundays play ping_pong do homewore read books 造福人类了 浙江版在这儿

万源市18941286389: 三年级暑假作业英语第19页怎么写 -
只聂复方: It's a fish.yes,it is.

万源市18941286389: 小学三年级英语暑假作业 -
只聂复方: hello, my name (is) Amy,I'm from (America).I'm in (Class) Four,Grade Three.This (is) my friend,Chen Jie.Do you want (be) my friend?

万源市18941286389: 三年级下册学校发的暑假作业英语新课程答案 -
只聂复方: Last night, when I read the news, then I saw the news which was touched my heart, it was said that people were easy to act their bad sides to their relatives, while leaving the good sides to the strangers. I agree to it, indeed, when taking to my parents,...

万源市18941286389: 这道小学三年级英语暑假作业题该怎么做?
只聂复方: 答案是: Come on children Come on children 的意思是 "孩子们快点"

万源市18941286389: 三年级暑假英语作业
只聂复方: some/is/milk/am/one one pear/some pears/seven tigers/two mornings/many animals/an actress/fifteen afternoons so tall/short/short/tall

万源市18941286389: ohts怎么组成单词(请求答案)在小学三年级英语暑假作业第一页问题. -
只聂复方: shot名词: 射击,击球,踢球,射门,铅球,注射. 形容词: 闪色的, 累坏的 过去分词:shoot 过去时:shoot 求采纳!!

万源市18941286389: 小学三年级英语暑假作业疑问 -
只聂复方: 1.Lte`s go and find them.译:让我们去找到他们2.They were in the supermarket.译:他们在超市里(过去时) .

万源市18941286389: 三年级暑假作业答案第4页的英语怎么写 -
只聂复方: 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案:我们也非常想帮助你,但是没有你说的暑假作业 巧妇难为无米之炊呀,所以你用相机或者手机 把题目拍成照片,以追问的形式发上来,谢谢合作 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

万源市18941286389: 猜一猜 三年级暑假作业It has a round face,and two legs.One leg is long, the other is short.They walk day and night.What is it?He has a big eye. When he blinks ... -
只聂复方:[答案] 1、clock 2、camera

万源市18941286389: 三年级15页英语暑假作业答案
只聂复方: 1,Is Robet playing computer game now? 2,where does she do her homework? 3,My father doesn't have milk and eggs for breakfast. 4,what is Mike's favourite fruit?

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