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英文是: old-fashioned或者是restore ancient ways。

英[ˈəuldˈfæʃənd] 美[ˈoldˈfæʃənd]
adj. 陈旧; 老式的,过时的; 老派的,守旧的; 复古的;
[例句]The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition

restore ancient ways
[词典] 复古;
[例句]Metal furniture highlights its texture and restore ancient ways noble.

1.to cherish the past; to remember past times or old acquaintances2.retrospect; nostalgia; reminiscence3.retrospective; nostalgic; reminiscent以上的都是!!\(^o^)/~

1. return to the acients
2. restoration
3. put back the clock

They advocate old ideas, social systems and ethics, respecting Confucianism, restoring ancient ways, preserving the "quintessence" of Chinese culture and saving the nation by means of the classics.
They advocate outdated culture, ethics and social systems, encourage people to restore the ancient ways, and to be superstitious, blindly obedient, and backward, and establish feudal and superstitious organizations to aid in their sinister policies of enslaving the people and poisoning their minds.
However, because the Chinese bourgeoisie lacked strength and the world had already entered the era of imperialism, this bourgeois ideology was only able to last out a few rounds and was beaten back by the reactionary alliance of the enslaving ideology of foreign imperialism and the "back to the ancients" ideology of Chinese feudalism;as soon as this reactionary ideological alliance started a minor counter-offensive, the so-called new learning lowered its banners, muffled its drums and beat a retreat, retaining its outer form but losing its soul.
This is not the restoration of the old ways.
The government's put the clock back with its new plans for education.

比如复古服装就是vintage clothing,复古音乐是vintage music,等等

old-fashined 和 vintage都是复古的意思

return to the acients



复古小姐 1. a modern vintage girl vintage:复古 (因为复古指的是一种新潮,所以加modern一词)2. a girl in the vintage style 复古范儿女生

Vintage,这个词在英文中直译为“古董”或“陈酿”,但在这里,它更多地被赋予了“复古”和“经典”的内涵,象征着一种怀旧的生活方式和品味。"Vintage life"或"复古生活",不仅仅是对旧时代的怀念,更是一种对精致、独特和历史痕迹的追求。正如四川修先生所言,他曾经坚定地表示,三瓶百年葡萄酒和一...

复古风的英文表达是:Vintage Style。复古风是一种时尚潮流,它追求的是一种怀旧、复古的感觉。Vintage这个词在英文中指的是一种古老、古典的风格或时期。因此,当用来描述某种风格时,Vintage Style就是指那种追求复古、古典美感的设计或时尚趋势。具体来说,复古风的流行元素多来源于过去的时代,如20世纪...

复古[fù gǔ]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?_百度...
”[复古]百科解释 复古与怀旧,有时候很难区分。怀旧是一种心情,复古是一种元素,要复古是一种态度。也有人总把传统讲成复古,传承与复兴是有区别的。 更多→ 复古 [复古]英文翻译 Retro [复古]反义词 革新 [复古]相关词语 因循 创新 因袭 维新 改革 守旧 复旧 维持 革新 变革 [复古]...

为新娘们提供了多多选择。retro style [词典] 复古风; 复古风格;[例句]Taiwan kicked off the new year in retro style, with a bank run that looked more 1997 than 2007.台湾似乎以一种复古方式开始新年:这里发生的银行挤兑事件,更像是在1997年,而非2007年。

复古风的英文表达是:Vintage Style。关于复古风的英文表达,有多种不同的翻译方式。其中,"Vintage Style" 是最为常见和广泛接受的一种翻译。这一词汇准确地传达了“复古”这一概念,即追求经典、历史感强烈的时尚或艺术风格。Vintage 一词本身,便具有历史积淀、岁月痕迹的意味,配合 "Style...

复古用英语怎么说问题一:复古风的英文怎么说?retro 形容词 来自法语的rétro Example: Your dress has a retro look. (你的洋装有复古的味道) 问题二:复古用英文怎么讲vintage Vintage is stylish now. 现在正流行复古。 问题三:复古, 如何翻译?英文翻译: 复古:1、retro(形容词)、 2、old-...

retro style 1、读音:英 [ˈretrəʊ staɪl] 美 [ˈretroʊ staɪl]2、释义:复古风,复古风格。3、语法:style作名词时意思是“风格”,转化成动词意思是“设计”。还可指“称呼,命名”,即给某人或某物以名称。4、例句:Retro is longing for ...

style在英文中既是名词,表示风格化或设计,也可以作动词,表示给某人或某物命名。例如,"Retro is longing for perfect arts, with occasional romantic interludes",这句话表达了复古风格对完美艺术的向往,以及其中蕴含的浪漫气息。此外,"high style"是与复古风相关的同根词组,它代表高级型式、风格...

retro 形容词 来自法语的rétro Example:Your dress has a retro look.(你的洋装有复古的味道)PS:英语中有很多法语单词的.如deja vu(déjà-vu)

乌恰县17673461680: 外国人用英语怎么说“复古”这一词? -
势闸今福: retro 形容词 来自法语的rétro Example:Your dress has a retro look. (你的洋装有复古的味道) —————————————表示答案是另外的高手回答的

乌恰县17673461680: 复古一词用英文怎么写? -
势闸今福: Restores the old

乌恰县17673461680: 复古, 如何翻译? -
势闸今福: 英文翻译:复古:1、retro(形容词)、 2、old-fashioned(形容词)、 3、antique(形容词&名词)

乌恰县17673461680: 复古 用简写的英语怎么写啊? 如果没有简写的有怎么写啊?
势闸今福: pick up the old-time style

乌恰县17673461680: 英语单词unvintage什么意思 -
势闸今福: vintage是古董 复古的意思,这样看来这个词应该是 不复古的意思

乌恰县17673461680: 请问复古性,创新性和包容性用英语怎么说啊? -
势闸今福: 创新性 creativity 包容性 compatibility 复古性 restoration (to......) 复古 restore/return ancient/old style

乌恰县17673461680: 复古果盘用英语怎么说 -
势闸今福: 复古果盘 Retro compote 复古果盘 Retro compote

乌恰县17673461680: 英语优雅怎么说 -
势闸今福: 优雅:elegantadj.美 ['elɪɡənt] elegant的基本意思是“高雅的,漂亮的”,多指气质、外貌或举止优雅,风度翩翩.也可用来形容物品的优美和地方的雅致.引申可指“(思想等)简洁的,简练的”. 扩展资料 1、优雅的风度:elegant manners 2、舞姿优雅:dance gracefully and tastefully 3、情趣优雅:be elegant in taste 4、举止优雅:be graceful and tasteful in manner 5、风度优雅:have an elegant manner/style 参考资料:搜狗百科-Elegant

乌恰县17673461680: 回忆用英语怎么说? -
势闸今福: 回忆的英文单词是recollect. 英式读法是[ˌrekə'lekt];美式读法是[ˌrekə'lekt].只作动词意思是回忆;回想;记起. 相关例句: 用作动词 (v.) 1、She can recollect meeting the king. 她能回忆起觐见国王的事. 2、He is able to clearly recollect...

乌恰县17673461680: 简单一词用英语怎么说? -
势闸今福: 翻译 Simple 词典1. (不复杂) simple; uncomplicated; plain; simplicity: 构造简单 simple in structure; 头脑简单 simple-minded; seeing things too simply; 学习简单明了地讲话 learn to speak plain; 一项简单的工作 a straightforward job; 事情...

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