
作者&投稿:吕倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The French Republic (French: R é public Fran ç aise, English: French Republic), referred to as "France", is a semi presidential Republic native to Western Europe, and its overseas territories include some areas of South America and the South Pacific.
France is the third largest country in Europe and the largest country in Western Europe.

法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:French Republic),简称“法国”(France),是一个本土位于西欧的半总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南太平洋的一些地区。法国为欧洲国土面积第三大、西欧面积最大的国家。


Paris is the capital and largest city of France, is a French political, economic, and cultural center, is also one of the four major world class city, the United States and New York, London and tokyo. In Paris since the middle ages development, a retention of the last mark, even is the oldest some street layout, form a unified style, and realize the modernization of infrastructure construction. Paris as a French heart, gathered many transnational corporate headquarters, the main business district as Ladd Fong slovakia. Paris region is one of the highest in the European GDP, which makes it become the" engine" of the world economy. But Paris's immigration problem is quite serious, North African immigrants live mostly in the suburbs by the government to provide low-cost housing, a variety of security incidents.

提到法国,不禁让人想起它在这届世界杯的表现。真是糟糕透了。you can not mention france without recalling its dreadly awful performance in this year's world cup.
言归正传,法国是一个浪漫 时尚 充满魅力的国度。最佳旅游时间 从春天到夏天是最好的季节 yet back to the point, france is a country of romance,fashion and charm. spring and summer are the best season o visit.
这里有茶花女的凄美爱情,有巴黎时尚周的摩登表演,还有塞纳河左岸的香颂和咖啡 埃菲尔铁塔. it is not only famous for the sad love story of La Dame aux camélias, the paris fashion week but also for the chanson and coffee of La Seine and Eiffel Tower
法国是一个讲文明礼貌的国家,对女性的谦恭礼貌是法国人一直引以为豪的传统。 france is a nation of etiquette.courtesyto women is an tradition that french are proud of.
戛纳国际电影节是世界五大电影节之一。每年5月在法国东南部海滨小城戛纳举行,它是世界上最早、最大的国际电影节之一,为期两周左右。1956年最高奖为“金鸭奖”,1957年起改为“金棕榈奖”。 法国还有很多名胜古迹,巴黎凯旋门 卢浮宫 巴黎圣母院 巴士底狱 法国迪南老城香榭丽舍大街。The Cannes Film Festivalis one of the five most influential movie festivals of the world. it is among the earliest movie festivals and every year the festival lasts around two weeks. the highest award in 1956 was called the golden duck, yet from the next year on, it was changed to the golden palm.france has many other historic and scenic spots, such as arch of triumph,Louvre Museum,Notre Dame de Paris,the Bastille,ChampsElysees Ave.
法国还有很多历史名人 我最崇拜卢梭和雨果 卢梭是启蒙思想家、哲学家。雨果是法国文学史上最伟大的作家之一 他的《巴黎圣母院》《 悲惨世界 》是不朽的名著。france has also cultivated many historical giants, of which my favorites are Hugo and Rousseau. Rousseau is an enlightening thinker and philosopher. Hugo is among the best writers in french literature whose masterpieces are Notre Dame de Paris and Les Miserables.
这就是法国 充满魅力的国家 this is france, a country overflowing with charms.


言归正传,法国是一个浪漫 时尚 充满魅力的国度。最佳旅游时间 从春天到夏天是最好的季节
这里有茶花女的凄美爱情,有巴黎时尚周的摩登表演,还有塞纳河左岸的香颂和咖啡 埃菲尔铁塔
戛纳国际电影节是世界五大电影节之一。每年5月在法国东南部海滨小城戛纳举行,它是世界上最早、最大的国际电影节之一,为期两周左右。1956年最高奖为“金鸭奖”,1957年起改为“金棕榈奖”。 法国还有很多名胜古迹,巴黎凯旋门 卢浮宫 巴黎圣母院 巴士底狱 法国迪南老城香榭丽舍大街。
法国还有很多历史名人 我最崇拜卢梭和雨果 卢梭是启蒙思想家、哲学家。雨果是法国文学史上最伟大的作家之一 他的《巴黎圣母院》《 悲惨世界 》是不朽的名著。
这就是法国 充满魅力的国家


When France is mentioned, one cannot help but think of its performance in this year’s World Cup. It’s really a shame!

Let’s go back to our topic of tourism – France is a romantic, avant-garde and charming country. The best time to visit France is during the spring and summer seasons. Visitors would be greeted by the tragic love story of La Traviata, modern shows at the Paris Fashion Week, songs (chanson in French) and coffee on the left bank of the River Seine and the Eiffel Tower.

France honours civility and politeness and the humility and politeness shown towards women is a proud French tradition.

The Cannes International Film Festival is one of five major film festivals in the world and it is held every year in May in the city of Cannes on the south east coast of France. Held over two weeks, it is one of the earliest and largest international film festivals. In 1956 the most prestigious prize was the Canard d’Or (Golden Duck 这可能是一个错误,请确认1956年资料) which was replaced by the Palme d’Or (Golden Palm) prize in 1957.

There are many more places of historical interest in France – the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Lourvre, the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, the Bastille prison, the medieval town of Dinan and the Champs-Élysées.

There are many famous historical figures in France – Rousseau and Hugo are most admired by me. Rousseau was an enlightening thinker and philosopher. Hugo is one of the greatest French authors and his “Notre-Dame de Paris” and “Les Miserables” are immortal masterpieces.

This is France, a country with fascinating charm!

Mention French, can't help letting person remembered it in this World Cup. That's awful.
Okay, France is a romantic vogue. Charming The best time to travel from the spring, summer is the best season
Here is the love, la traviate Paris fashion week, and fashionable praise the incense on the Seine, coffee and the Eiffel Tower
France is a good manners, courteous courtesy of women are French and concreteness tradition.
Cannes film festival is the international world one of five. May every year in cannes, France southeast coastal city in the world, it is the biggest and earliest international film festival, one or two weeks. The highest award for "in 1956, the gold prize" duck "JinZongLvJiang since 1957. France also has many historic sites, the Louvre in Paris arc DE triomphe notre-dame DE Paris city south of France's bastille champs elysees.
France also has many historical celebrities, and I admire Rousseau's enlightenment thinker, Hugo Rousseau philosopher. Hugo is French history as one of the greatest writers of his "Notre Dame DE Paris" tragic world "is immortal masterpiece.
This is the French attractive country .


That France can not help but think of it in this World Cup performance. I feel terrible.
Closer to home, France is a charming romantic country style. Best travel time from spring to summer is the best season there are a beautiful love La Traviata, with Paris Fashion Week modern performances, there is the left bank of the Seine Eiffel Tower, Hong Chung and coffee courtesy of France is a civilized country Courtesy is the humility of women have been proud French tradition.
Cannes International Film Festival is one of the world's top five film festivals. May each year in the coastal town of Cannes, southeastern France, which is the world's oldest, one of the largest international film festival, a period of about two weeks. The maximum award for the 1956 "Golden Duck Award" 1957 to "Palme d'Or." There are many historical sites in France, the Louvre in Paris Arc de Triomphe Notre Dame de Paris Bastille, France Dinan Old City Champs Elysees.
France there are many historical figures I most admired Victor Hugo, Rousseau and the Enlightenment thinker Jean Jacques Rousseau is a philosopher. Hugo is the history of French literature one of the greatest writers of his "Notre Dame de Paris" "Les Miserables" is the immortal classic.
This is the French country charm

When it comes to France,we would think of its footballers aweful performance in the World Cup in South Africa.
Get back into the point,the people in the country are romantic,fashionable,and it attracts large number of people because of its charm.(The best holiday season is from spring to autumn)The tragic heroine "La Traviata"was written by its author--Alexander Dumas peré ,and the most stylish clothes would be showed in Paris,and there are also France Chanson and coffee on the left bank of the Seine,and of course,don't forget the Representative construction the Eiffel Tower.
France is a polite and civilized country,especially courtesy of humility to ladies is always France proud tradition.
The Cannes Film Festival is one of the five film festivals in the world.It is held in the coastal city southeast of France every May lasting about two weeks.And it is one of the earliest,largest gathering international film festival.Golden Palm was called Golden Duck before 1957.There are also many places of interests in France,such as the Arc de Triomphe in Paris,Louvre,Notre Dame de Paris,the Bastille,Ave des Champs-Elysees.
Of course,as a ancient land,it had produced many famouse people.And my most admired people are Enlightenment thinker and philosopher Rousseau and Hugo who was one of the greatest writers in the history of French literature.Notre-Dame of Paris and Les Miserables are his immortal masterpiece.
This is the France,a country full of charm.

帮忙找一篇 英文介绍法国菜的文章 要中英翻译都有的
businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM.法国食品文化 法国菜是极为不同的,只有中国有类似的各种食品。该品种是由法国支持的热情好粮食的所有形式,法国的非凡的各种不同的地域和气候条件下,支持当地生产的所有类型的原料,和...

法国位于欧洲西部,西临大西洋,西北面对英吉利海峡和北海,东北比邻比利时、卢森堡和德国,东与瑞士相依,东南与意大利相连,南浴地中海并和西班牙接壤。法国面积55万平方公里,是西欧大国,位于北纬42度和51度之间,法国南部属地中海亚热带气候,其它为大西洋温带气候地区。英文:France is located in ...


求英语文章 介绍法国饮食,或者欧洲饮食也行,最好附译文

急求 法国卢浮宫的英文介绍
急求 法国卢浮宫的英文介绍 30 急求法国卢浮宫的英文介绍卢浮宫三宝的英文介绍胜利女神,维纳斯,蒙罗丽莎画像... 急求 法国卢浮宫的英文介绍卢浮宫三宝的英文介绍 胜利女神,维纳斯,蒙罗丽莎画像 展开 4个回答 #热议# 有哪些跨界“双奥”的运动员?百度网友9600b542f 2006-02-20 · TA获得超过2367个赞 知道小...

1. What is the purpose of this article to introduce France to us?2. What are the things worth playing in France?3. Which part of France (你的意思是法国那一部分好玩,所以我这么翻译了。用方向的话不太明晰)does this article introduce to us? Are there any places of great fun?


但由于其反犹讽刺性一直备受争议,所以出版42年后才被翻译成德文,至今仍无英文译本。上面提到的六座建筑在法国为公众所熟知。希望对你有帮助。希望他们能被收养! 5.法国旅游景点英文卢浮宫位于巴黎市中心的塞纳河北岸,是世界四大博物馆之首。建于1204年,原为法国宫殿。它曾居住过50位法国国王和王后。它是法国文艺...

英文介绍叁:The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It was named after the engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it was ...

法国八大城市里昂(LYON) 里昂市是法国东南部大城市,位于罗讷河和索恩河汇流处和从地中海通往欧洲北部的战略走廊上。里昂市人口126万,建于公元前43年,罗马帝国之前已繁荣,长期为法国的政治中心。工业发展始于十九世纪,曾是西方丝织业中心,全国的丝织业几乎全部集中于此。同时里昂也是化学纤维的主要产地,冶金、化工、汽...

迎泽区14718109987: 法国的英文简介(尽量少与20字) -
弘狗重组: one of the most suitable countries to enjoy life

迎泽区14718109987: 英语翻译要求:100字左右.小短文而已,不要太长.1.介绍法国的人文地理、天气、著名景点.2.语言流畅不要有语法错误. -
弘狗重组:[答案] Republic of France,France in western Europe,at the northwest la Manche (English Channel) and the United Kingdom across.Southwest border Pyrenees mountains,along the eastern border with the Alps.Major ...

迎泽区14718109987: 法国的英文介绍 -
弘狗重组: France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on...

迎泽区14718109987: 法国英文简介.注意是英文简介.主要包括国旗,人民,首都,加翻译 -
弘狗重组:[答案] France is a state in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian,Pacific,and Atlantic oceans.[15] Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the ...

迎泽区14718109987: 用英语介绍法国(需中文翻译)(急) -
弘狗重组: Republic of France, France in western Europe, at the northwest la Manche (English Channel) and the United Kingdom across. Southwest border Pyrenees mountains, along the eastern border with the Alps. Major rivers are Loire, Rhône small, such...

迎泽区14718109987: 用英语介绍法国 -
弘狗重组: 首都巴黎是法国政治、经济、文化和交通中心,卢浮宫博物馆和巴黎圣母院誉满全球,香榭丽舍被誉为世界上最美丽的大街,其地上与地下交通四通八达、非常方便,每天客流量达1300万人.巴黎的标志建筑——...

迎泽区14718109987: 关于法国的英文资料 -
弘狗重组: France is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe and that also comprises various overseas islands and territories located in other continents. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English ...

迎泽区14718109987: 法国的英语简介 要超简单的!急...... -
弘狗重组: France is a member state of the European Union located in its western region, with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents.France is a u...

迎泽区14718109987: 用英语写一篇有关法国的文章要附带中文翻译 字数不少于1500字 最好分两次写完, -
弘狗重组:[答案] 法国是访问量最大的国家,在世界上.它拥有所有你可以以往任何时候都希望看到您的假期:一个伟大的城市,像巴黎,良好的泳滩,更多的古迹比其他任何国家,可爱的性质,令人难以置信的山区景色;需要我继续?法国也是一个非常愉快的住宿地...

迎泽区14718109987: 谁能帮我找一篇用英文介绍法国的简介啊……...
弘狗重组: ===================== 法国英文简介(212字): ===================== FranceisoneofthelargestcountriesinEurope.Itisborderedbysixcountries–Belgium,LuxembourgandGermanytothenorth-east,...

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