高中英语 关于put get take等的词组

作者&投稿:褚菊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求高中重点短语关于 take put look, get …等 谢谢~

take back 使吃惊,使困惑;
take after 与…想像;
take apart 拆卸 ,拆开;
take as 把…当作,认为;
take away 减去;
take back 收回(说错的话);使回忆起
take down拆卸 ,拆;记下,写下;
take …for 把…认为是,把…看成为;
take in 接纳,接受;包括;领会,理解;
take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开;
take on 承担,从事;
take out 带出去;除掉,毁掉;取得,办理; take over 接受,接管;承袭,借用;
take to 对…产生好感,开始喜欢;
take up 开始从事;把…继续下去;着手处理;
put away把(某物)放在合适的地方;
put up升起;举起;建造;搭起;装置
put on把…放上去;穿上;戴上;开(煤气、收音机等);
put in使加入;使进入;指派;选举 ;
put off: 脱去;除去;推迟(约会、旅行、访问等);推迟和(某人)的约会;
put down:把…放下;使(飞机)降落;镇压;扑灭;消灭;
put out 拿出;伸出;使出(气力等);
look at 朝......看;
look for 寻找;
look like 看起来像 …;
look the same 看上去一样 ;
look up 查找;
look over 仔细检查;
look after 照顾,照看 ;
look around 到处寻找、查看

Make 短语
1。be made from 由……制造(看不出原材料)
= be made out of
2。Be made of由……制造由……制造(看得出原材料)
3。 be made in 由 ……年、月制造
4。 be made in由……哪儿制造
5。 be made by由……谁制造
6。 制成…… be made into
7。由……制出来 be made out of
8。 be made up of 由……组成 A car is made up of many different parts.
9。让某人做某事 make sb do (He made me go there alone .)
10。 被迫做某事 be made to do (I was made to go there alone .)
11。 充分利用 make (good )use of
12。 给某人做了一朵花 make sb a flower =make a flower for sb
13。 明确表示make it clear that / to do stb
14。 留个好印象 make a good impression
15。 犯错误 make a mistake / mistakes
16。 做鬼脸 make a face / faces at sb
17。 让他开心 make him happy
18。 养成习惯 make a habit of
19。做出决定 make a decision = decide
20。make money 挣钱
21。谋生 make a living
22。成功 make it
23。化妆 make –up
24。 put on your make-up 上装
25。补回失去的时间make up the lost time
26。编造、讲和、补make up a dialogue
27。一定、务必 make sure
28。和……交朋友 make friends with
29。下决心做某事 make up one’s mind to do sth
30。 make one’s way to 往……走
31。给……让空 make room for
32。取笑某人make fun of sb
33。 习惯于……make it a rule
34.让他当班长make him monitor
35。让我父母感觉自豪 make my parents feel proud
36。起作用 make a difference
37。立下遗嘱make a will
38。愚弄某人make a fool of
39。不起作用 / 没有影响 make no difference
40。对……不影响 make no difference to
41。紧要 make a difference
42。Make a difference between 区别对待
43。不能表达自己的意思 can’t make oneself understood
44。让她很开心 make her happy
45。制作电影 make films
46。法国制造 made in France
47。她给自己做衣服 make clothes for oneself
48。给我们沏茶 make us tea
49。葡萄酒是葡萄做的。Wine is made from grapes .
50。葡萄用来做酒。Grapes are made into wine .
51。这件衣服我穿显胖 This dress makes me look fat .
52。给……打电话 make a telephone to
53。朝……走 make one’s way to
54。别拘束 make oneself at home
55。视为常规 make it a rule
56。让位 make room for sb
57。把自己的意见说给别人听 make oneself heard
58。表达自己的意图 make oneself understood
59。进步 make progress
60。和……讲和 make peace with
61.整理床铺 make one’s bed
62。捏造。如:It’s not true. He made it up.
63。和解,言归于好。如:Why don’t you make (it) up with her? 你为什么不与她和好呢?
64。说笑话 make /tell a joke
65。许诺 make a promise
66。吵闹 make a noise

Get 短语
1.穿衣get dressed
2。脱衣 get undressed 3 换衣get changed
4.受伤 get hurt
5.订婚 get engaged 6
.结婚get married 7.离婚 get divorced
8.迷路get lost
9.喝醉get drunk
10.被打碎get broken
11.被车撞死get killed
12被偷get stolen
13被烫伤 get burnt 14。洗澡 get washed
15.去洗洗 get washed
16. 厌倦 get tired / bored of 变得兴奋get excited
17.习惯于get used to doing sth
18.对……满意 get pleased /satisfied with
19.吃惊get surprised
20. 被警察逮get caught by the police
21。领工资get paid
22。受枪伤get wounded
23。被撞 get urn over by a car
24。溺水get drawn
25。修复get repaired
27.受到邀请get invited
28迷惑get confused
29.变得对……感兴趣get interested in
30.被打get beaten /get hit
31。 感冒get a cold / catch a cold / take a cold 感冒
32 get away 逃跑 、走开
33 get back 回来、 取回
34 get on / along well /badly with 和……相处的好、坏
35 get close to 靠近
36 get / catch / seize / take hold of 抓住
37 get in touch with 和……取得联系
38 get off 下(公交)车 39 get on 上(公交)车
40 get into 上(小娇)车
41 get out of 下(小娇)车
42 get to 到达
43 get / take /bring out 拿出
44get up 起床 、站起来
45 get a ticket for sb 给某人买票
46 get sth done 让某事被做
47 get supper ready 准备晚饭
48 get sth / sb adj. 使……怎么样
49 get your shoes dirty 把鞋弄脏
50 变暖get warm 51 生气get angry
52开心起来 happy
53 孤独起来get lonely
54.天黑了下来 get dark
55. 惹麻烦get into trouble
56。 克服get over
57。除掉(坏习惯)get rid of
58 接通get trough
59。聚会get together
60,。生病get ill/sick fall ill / sick
61。收到……的来信 get a letter from
62。到这、那、家 get here get there get home
63。插嘴get in a ward
64。 挡路get in one’s way
65。 开始了解 get to know
66。 给我取些水来get me some water
67。大吃一惊get a shock
68。得到一份好工作get a new job
69。 给某人买一件礼物 get a present for sb
70。从某人那得到一件礼物 get a present from sb
71。去取go and get
72。 收不到5 频道 can’t get Channel 5 got it
73。 遭雨淋 get caught in the rain

get “得到、让、获得、 挣到、买到”
1.get +间接宾语+直接宾语 =get +直接宾语+for + 间接宾语
I’ll get my parents a present .
=I’ll get a present for my parents .
Please get two tickets for us .
=Please get us two tickets .
Get a drink for him .
(注意: get +钱 +for sth “某物卖了多少钱”)
2.get +n./pron + to do sth
We had to get Tom to help us .
Don’t get her to get up so early .
I couldn’t get her car to start .
3.get + n./pron +doing sth “让……动起来”
Can you really get her old car going again ?
4.get +n./ pron +done
He got his bike stolen last night .
=He had his bike stolen last night .
She got her fingers caught in the door this morning .
5.get +adj.
get angry / fatter / thinner / better / longer/ colder /warmer / hungry /fit “健康”/ wet /used to (doing) sth /dark 天黑/ late 天晚/ broken 坏了 /
6.get + done
get married / hurt / hurt / burned / drunk / lost / worried / bored / dressed /undressed /
7.get sb / sth +adj.
Don’t get your new trousers dirty .
Who got my book wet ?
8.receive /get/have a letter from sb= hear from sb
9.get ready for+n.
We are getting ready for the test now .
What are you getting ready for ?
10.get ready to do sth
We are getting ready to start .

11. get a shock “大吃一惊”
When I heard the news I got a shock .
12.get $ 5000 a year
He got a new job in the foreign company and got $ 5000 a year .
13.can’t get Channel 4 “收不到4台”
We can’t get cannel 4 on our television .
14.get (suffers from) bad headache /flu/a cold“患头疼/流感、感冒”
He often gets colds in winter .
15.get to =reach =arrive in /at “到达”
16.get to know sb “开始了解某人”
17.can’t get across the bridge “无法过桥”
18.get on / off / into / out of / in / out “上、下、进、出车、上车、下车”
19.get back “回来;取回”
20.get back to “回到”
21.can’t get the lid on / off “盖不上盖儿;去不下盖儿来”
22.get a taxi = take a taxi “打的”
23.get sb by the arm “拉着某人的胳膊”
24.Got it ? “ 理解了吗 ”
25.You got me there . “你把我难住了”
26.get on well/badly with sb “和……相处好、坏”
27.get along well / badly with sb
28.get together “聚会”
29.get away “离开;逃跑”
30.get down “下来”
31.get up =rise “起床; 站起来”
32.get-up-and-go “干劲十足”
33.get ahead “领先”
34.get tickets for the film弄到电影票
35.get a “C” ;get an “A” “得c”;“得a”
36.get home / here / there “到家、这、那”
37.get the phone =answer the phone
38.get on “进展”
39.get ready “准备”
40.get ready for “为……做准备”

have = be made up of“有” 没进行时,没被动。 have = have got
have 的否定式有两种 ,
用have no(单数、复数、不可数),注意,名词无限定词词修饰, ;
1. 若有限定词(如:a / any / much /many /enough ),用have not
He has no friends . =He hasn’t any friends .=He hasn’t many friends .
2.don’t /doesn’t / didn’t have “没有”
3.have “吃(=eat)、喝(=drink)、拿(=take)、收到(receive)、度过(=spend)”
He is having lunch /breakfast / supper.
不和 got 连用
I want to have a talk with you .
I have breadfast at eight .
构成否定式和疑问句,必须用助动词 do 。
Did you have a good holiday ?
4.have sb do sth = let / make “让某人做某事”
Why not have him come in ?
won’t have sb do sth “不允许某人做某事”
I won’ t have you get in touch with him .
5.have sth done = get sth done“让某事被做”
I had my bike stolen last night .
I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow .
6.have done sth “已经做某事”
We have finished the work already .
7.have to do sth =must do sth “不得不做”
He has to hand in the lost pen .
We had to go there every day .
8.don’t have to do sth =needn’t do
Must we go there ?
No, you don’t have to / needn’t .
9.have sb/sth doing =keep
He had the light burning all night .
won’t / can’t have sb doing sth “不能让、不允许”
I won’t have you smoking at your age .
9.have some /no / little / a little / much difficulty in doing sth
We had no difficulty in finding the building .
10. have a lot of courage “有勇气”
11.have time to do sth “有时间做某事”
12. have a good time (in) doing sth= have fun doing “做……很开心”
13.have no choice in “别无选择”
14.have a duty to care for the children “有责任照顾这些孩子”
15.have a lot of homework to do “有许多作业做”
16.I have got it .“我想起来了”
17.I have a few ideas for it .“对此我有几个想法”
18. have a headache “头疼”
19.have a good time “玩的开心”
20.have difficulty in staying awake “困得睁不开眼”
21.have an accident “出事”
22.have / hold a meeting /party “开会、晚会” have to do sth “不得不”
23.have a swim / cigarette/wash / bath / shower/ baby、rest / break / look/chat / laugh / “游泳、吸烟、洗手、洗澡、生孩子”
24.have a stronge influence on me “对我有很强烈的影响”
25.have / get / receive a letter from = hear from “收到……的来信”
26. have the bill “付账”27.have classes / lessons
28.have orders from all over the world “收到来自全世界的订单”
29.had her bag stolen “她的包被盗”
30.She had some friends with her . “她和几个朋友在一起”

put about 散布(消息);宣称 put across 解释;表达 put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存…备用
put away 储存(钱);储存…备用;储蓄 (= put by) 吃掉;喝掉 put back 拨回;向后移 put by储蓄;储存…备用;储存(钱) put down 写下;记下 put down as 视为;看作 put down for 把(某人)列入(捐款人)名单 put down to 说…因(某事)而起 put forward 提出(意见、建议) put in 打断;插嘴
put in a good word for为…美言几句 put off 延期;推迟 put on 假装;伪装 put onto 向…介绍;向…提供(资料) put out 熄灭;关熄;扑灭 put oneself out 费神;花工夫 put over 解释;说明;表达
put through 接通电话 put to 问(问题);提(建议) put together 商量 put up
举起;抬起;张开(伞) put up to 鼓动;唆使…做… put up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。其他的自己百度去,反正也是抄下来。。比如打,take的词组。。。。就这样吧。



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才秦龙血: 因为 for是介词,所以用放后面,只有副词才放中间,如:put it on, try it on等,但上公共汽车要get on the bus, get on it.

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