
作者&投稿:厉竹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

把放下这八件事,你就离成功不远了:1、放下压力;2、放下烦恼;3、放下自卑;4、放下懒惰;5、放下消极;6、放下抱怨;7、放下犹豫;8、放下狭隘。翻译成英文:Put down the eight thing, you'll not far from success: 1, put down the pressure; 2, put down the worry; 3, put down the inferiority; 4, put down the lazy; 5, put down the negative; 6, put down complain; 7, put down the hesitation; 8, put down the narrow.

Listening is the people verbal communication ability, also is the important aspect of one of the important ways of learning English. Through the hearing understanding language is a complicated process, it includes accept information, identification, judgment and understanding of voice signal to wait a few levels of psychological activities. People accept information, through the brain to identify and understand the meaning of each voice signal, and then the appropriate feedback. Feedback speed, judgment, the same person correctness of the recognition and understanding ability and personal knowledge, experience has close ties. However, in the actual study, due to the listener is often difficult to even unable to control what you hear the language materials of clarity and speed, speech expression of speaker, to get the characteristics of limited time accurately understanding and mastery of the speaker's meaning is a fairly difficulty learning tasks.

Beginners to master a foreign language, we must improve your listening level. Only heard correctly, can read fluently fluent, said. At first, language is recorded, can reflect the spoken language communicative functions. In verbal communication process with intonation, rhythm, stress, and other means to communication double can better communicate. Learning language is a very important purpose with human communication. But the hearing of level and to hear method and proficiency directly related. For starters, commonly used method is: the hearing is expected, guess, gist-based and coherent memory etc.

thank you
when singing along with you ,it is easy for me to sing harmoniously. I think your song is special and interesting. I could experience different feelings through your songs. it is the reason why I like singing with you .I am happy to sing with you

Thank each prawn, and foreigners sing a song (two fold), he says: like your voicearrangement, sounds really good.
I English not good, sing good, communication problem, I would like to reply to him:
Thank you, when I am singing with you, sometimes I very easy to grasp how to go with you to create a harmonious and sound, (to use the word "harmonious"),sometimes you sing very special, this is very interesting, you can be the most changeful experience different feeling, this is one reason why I love to sing and your. I am very happy to cooperate with you, and highlight your strengths, sing asong.
If more complex, please master to say not too tight, thank you.
Wait 10 minutes and no one came, as if really complicated ha.

Thank you, I sing with you when I can easily grasp how sometimes you go to create a harmonious and sound, (try to use the word harmonious), sometimes you sing very special, it's funny, you can change multiport experience a different feeling, this is one of the reasons why I like to sing with you. I am very happy to meet you and highlight your strengths together to sing good songs.

Thanks for your compliment ! When i was singing with you ,i found it's easy to seize the harmonious monment .Some time ,you had special singing,it's so funny and various that listeners would have excellent and different feelings.That's why i quite like to sing with you.And i hope you can sing better and have your own advantage expressed with my cooperation.

关键是你的中文太罗嗦了,(话说用得着这么谦卑吗? 还有Harmonious真不是这么用的)
Thank you, i'm flattered. I really like singing with you. cus you can make the song felt speical, and make some different feelings to this song. that's awasome. also, singing with you made me felt easy so that we can bring a beautiful chord. shall we try to sing more?

Where will you go?I will go to school.3、你经常去看电影吗?不,不是很经常。Do you often go to cinema?No, I dont.4、Jan每天早上六点起床。Jan gets up at 6 every day.5、地板很脏,我要去打扫一下。The floor is dirty, I need to turn it out.下面的是把英文翻译成中文 6...

the information time,with the development of science ,the information become more and more important.2.Computer changes our lives,facilitates our connection and lessens the world.3.Computer supplies a lot of messages to us and satisfies the needs of people.尽力而为,希望对你有用!

Feminism, from the West, women are a major source of experience and motivation for social theory and political movement. In the West, the first refers to the pursuit of equality between men and women are fighting for the right to vote first. Chinese feminism is for women equality...

这个……楼上的是用机翻的。老实说,这篇文章不难,只是太长,分太少,没有足够的动力,若能加分,定好好帮你翻译。先翻一段……Tea,as the national drink of China,has a long history of thousands of years while it still remains widely popular today.SG Tea Culture Compnay of Xiamen...

I hope to make invaluable friends with you all in this summer trip.Thank you!=== fond of 喜欢,爱好。lead to 是通向,导致,虽然中文是“生”但在英文里不能这么直译,而是要用由什么到什么。开阔:broaden\/widen都可以。invaluable:无价的,价值无法衡量的。这才是珍贵的东西,也是友谊不...

Major in pharmaceutical preparation , I graduated from the pharmacy school of XX university of TCM in July,2009.I am a girl with the character of hardworking, honest,and optimistic.What's more, all of my friends trust me. Taking my characteristics of personality into consideration...

小时後我的梦想是成为超人。这样我就可以飞来飞去,到处参观,还可以拯救人类。但我长大後才知道那不可能会实现,所以我有了第2个梦想。为了完成梦想现在我也会跟著电影一起表演。My dream was to be a Superman when I was a kid. In this way, I could not only fly over here and there ...

你真的是越来越帅了! you are becoming more and more handsome.这真是要多差有多差! it would not be worse.我只是想告诉你,没有最差只有更差! i do wnana tell you, no could be worse.你真是丢人到家了! you are really disgraced.你真是太没出息(起子)了,简直就是饿死鬼投胎...

weather is also decieving people!我们很久没见了,我准备好明天跟你一起喝酒了,等我哦,明晚见~We haven't been in touch for quite a while. I think I am going to have a drink with tomorrow. Please wait for me. I'll see you tomorrow night.已完成翻译了,再次谢谢你的求助。

1. brush your teeth correctly, in March to replace toothbrush. 2. to prevent injury, do not bite hard goods. 3. stay away from cigarettes, to maintain a balanced diet.

舒城县15363961940: 请帮我翻译下面的英文.不胜感激. -
一金盐酸: 不可微错误往往会产生偏见的结果对空.如果医生有更多的警惕,诊断情况后,绕过事件,可能导致我们的结果将偏向于积极的方向发展,然而,这些事件不是宣传的时候发生的.其他污水释放(例如,结合污水溢出) ,也可能会发生在中学时,污水搭桥,这可能也影响腹泻的发病率疾病.虽然我们能够调整的季节性影响和降雨,有可能被其他衡量混淆,我们并没有包括在我们的模型.最后,我们的数据代表的意见仅1医院的教育.这是可能的,列入数据从其他医院在该地区的影响将结果以不同的方式.

舒城县15363961940: 用英语翻译:将不胜感激 -
一金盐酸: I'll be more than appreciated.

舒城县15363961940: 高手请帮忙把中文翻译成英文 不胜感激!! -
一金盐酸: I am wondering whether I can establish direct contact with you and send the related documents to you. If yes, please tell me your mailing address in detail.

舒城县15363961940: 谁能帮我用英文翻译下句子,不胜感激.一:这是玻璃做的,顶多值一百元. 二:玛丽很有志向,她急切... -
一金盐酸: 1..It is made of glass, it is worth at most 100 Yuan. 2..Mary is a woman full of ambition, she is eager to stand out as the best of her work.

舒城县15363961940: 麻烦人工翻译成英文!不胜感激 -
一金盐酸: Hello: I have recently encountered a very serious problem, the following is a description of the problem! I was in Beijing time March 21, 2019 in Beijing Haidian District Domfonton to carry out the examination, the examination is: Vcap. Here are my ...

舒城县15363961940: 谁帮我把这段话翻译成英文下 ,不胜感激!肢体语言是指能够传递某种特定信息的面部表情、手势语,以及其他身体部位的动作等等.它在人际交往过程中起... -
一金盐酸:[答案] Body language is to convey some specific information of facial expressions,gestures,language,and other parts of the body movements and so on.It is in the process of interpersonal communication plays a...

舒城县15363961940: 请帮忙翻译一下英文,不胜感激!
一金盐酸: 您好,请问您找哪位?Hello,who would you like to speak to? 请问您需要办理什么业务?是做什么品牌呢?(手机、上网本、电子书) What bussiness would you like to handle? What brand?(mobile phone,netbook,E-book) 这是我们负责手机的...

舒城县15363961940: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,小女不胜感激请不要用翻译器 -
一金盐酸: 话不能这么说显得太过矫情,建议改为 希望你能原谅我的过错,原谅我.喝醉之后,我都忘了自己是谁,我感到十分自责,我怎的希望我们还能见面,请原谅我.翻译:I hope that you can concern what i make,forgive me please .when i was drunk,i forgive who i am.i feel so blame,and i really want meet you again,pardon me,pardon my mistake.

舒城县15363961940: 请英文高手帮下忙,翻译一下,不胜感激 -
一金盐酸: 朋友:我很感激您能够用英文信件和我交流.谢谢.您的价格合理,但是我妻子改变了主意,不打算立即搬家到美国.我们本打算立即到美国去,但她现在决定在北京做一份咨询工作,所以她会继续待在北京至少4-5个月.我很抱歉我匆忙将房屋闲置的信息在市场上公开,以至于给您(和其他人)带来的不便.当我们一切就绪,准备售房的时候,我一定会在第一时间与您联系.如果到那时您还有兴趣购房,我们会很快将售房事宜办妥.再一次对您和您家人造成的不便表示歉意.祝好 Jas

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