Norwegians (挪威) were the first Europeans to see the island in AD 875, but no one visited

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1-5: DCDCB

高中英语牛津版高二上学期CHAPTER TWO
00:-1.00]Right,Debbie,it's your turn.
[00:-2.00]Please come out and tell us your topic and then show us your objects.
[00:-3.00]My topic is'Fashion'and to illustrate my talk ,
[00:-4.00]I have brought along five objects.
[00:-5.00]Fashion is important to almost all of us.
[00:-6.00]Now we are all wearing school uniform.
[00:-7.00]When we go home,what do we do? We change into other clothes.
[00:-8.00]If we are going out,we like to wear fashionable clothes.
[00:-9.00]So my first object is this blouse.
[00:10.00]It looks beautiful,doesn't it?
[00:11.00]It is my most expensive piece of clothing,and I love it!It cost 360 yuan.
[00:12.00]You may say that is very extravagant,
[00:13.00]but luckily I could afford it with my own savings
[00:14.00]It was not easy for me to earn some money in the summer vacation
[00:15.00]but when you are buying clothes,
[00:16.00]I think the more you spend,the better the quality,
[00:17.00]So you see,fashion is quite important to me.
[00:18.00]However,I am not as keen on fashion as my elder brother Gary.
[00:19.00]Last summer,he won a free trip to London in a contest.
[00:20.00]The organizers wanted to show him some famous sights.
[00:21.00]But he did not appreciate the old buildings.
[00:22.00]He just wanted to spend all his time in the big shopping arcades,
[00:23.00]searching for the coolest pair of trainers!
[00:24.00]For him,fashion was more important than culture.
[00:25.00]These are the trainers he bought.
[00:26.00]Was it worth a trip to London to buy these?
[00:27.00]I don't think so.
[00:28.00]I think it was a waste of time and money.
[00:29.00]We must,however,remember that fashion is very big business.
[00:30.00]Changes in fashion can create or ruin jobs.
[00:31.00]As an example,I have brought this blonde wig to show you.
[00:32.00]Do you like it?It belongs to one of my mother's friends.
[00:33.00]She told me that in the 1960s,
[00:34.00]it was fashionable for western women to wear wigs,
[00:35.00]and our city became the world centre of the wig-making industry.
[00:36.00]But a few years later fashions changed
[00:37.00]and women wore wigs much less often.
[00:38.00]Then the wig factors closed down,
[00:39.00]and hundreds of workers lost their jobs.
[00:40.00]Next,I have something unusual,I'm holding a real top hat in my hands.
[00:41.00]I borrowed it from a drama company.
[00:42.00]Yes,you can pass it around.
[00:43.00]Oh,please handle it more carefully!
[00:44.00]I brought this to remind us about the effects of fashion on the natural world.
[00:45.00]I'm reading a book on fashion at the moment,and it says in the book that Europeans started to wear top hats,
[00:46.00]made from the skin of beavers,in the early 1800s.
[00:47.00]These hats became very fashionable, and as a result
[00:48.00]thousands of poor beavers in Canada and North America were killed.
[00:49.00]Another example of this,of course,is fur coats.
[00:50.00]Finally,we should remember the saying,
[00:51.00]'never judge a book by its cover'.
[00:52.00]Clothes will not make us more or less clever better or worse,
[00:53.00]more or less honest.
[00:54.00]I once saw a film on television about Mother Teresa.
[00:55.00]She spent all her life helping poor people in Calcutta.
[00:56.00]In 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
[00:57.00]When she flew to Sweden to collect it,
[00:58.00]she wore the same old clothes as usual,
[00:59.00]and carried all her possessions in one little bag like this one,
[-1:00.00]which I bought in a market.
[-1:-1.00]It reminds us that fashion is not the most important thing in life.
[-1:-2.00]That's all.Thank you for listening to me.
[-1:-3.00]INTEGRATED SKILLSpage 23
[-1:-4.00]Selecting relevant information(1)
[-1:-5.00]Exercise A
[-1:-6.00]Listen to the speakers
[-1:-7.00]Use information from the conversation to complete the table on page 23. [-1:-8.00]Right,we've finished all the tests on these jeans.
[-1:-9.00]So let's complete the table of information.
[-1:10.00]We've done the Daisy jeans results already,
[-1:11.00]now here is the information about Rose's jeans.
[-1:12.00]Man:How much do they cost? Woman:They're 280.
[-1:13.00]Man:Right.How strong are they?
[-1:14.00]Woman:They performed well in the tests. Give them three stars.
[-1:15.00]And they didn't shrink very much,so give them three stars for that,too.
[-1:16.00]Man:Are they colourfast?
[-1:17.00]Woman:Yes,very good. Give them four stars for that.
[-1:18.00]Man:Right.Now,what about a comment?
[-1:19.00]Woman:Well,they are attractive and not too expensive.
[-1:20.00]Man:All right.I'll put,attractive and inexpensive.
[-1:21.00]So that's Rose jeans finished.Now,tell me about Lily jeans[-1:22.00]Woman:Let me see.Lily jeans,well,they cost 440.
[-1:23.00]But they are not really very strong.
[-1:24.00]We'll just give them two stars for that.
[-1:25.00]Man:Did they shrink at all,in the water?
[-1:26.00]Woman:No,not at all, and the colour doesn't run off either.
[-1:27.00]So,give them four stars for both of these columns.
[-1:28.00]Man:Right,and what about a comment to some of them?
[-1:29.00]Man:Oh,I should say,quite good quality but expensive.
[-1:30.00]Woman:Quite good quality,but expensive.
[-1:31.00]Man:Ok,now the last pair,Iris jeans.
[-1:32.00]Woman:Well,Iris jeans cost 360,and they are very strong,
[-1:33.00]give them four stars for that.
[-1:34.00] but shrank a lot when they were washed,they became much smaller.
[-1:35.00]So,just give them two stars for that,and the same for the next column.
[-1:36.00]The purple colour came out in the water,
[-1:37.00]so they are not very colourfast,just two stars.
[-1:38.00]Man:And a comment?
[-1:39.00]Woman:I think we'll say strong but poor test results.
[-1:40.00]Man:Strong,but poor test results.Good, that's all finis now.
[-1:41.00] SPEAKING page 31
[-1:42.00]A The intonation of lists.
[-1:43.00]When you read a list,your voice should go up at the end of each phrase,
[-1:44.00]and down at the end of the list.
[-1:45.00]There should be a short pause after each comma,and before the last 'and'.
[-1:46.00]Exercise A1
[-1:47.00]1 I like grapes,pears, melons and mangoes.
[-1:48.00]2 My friend Mike collects stamps,
[-1:49.00]coins,tickets, matchboxes,comics and hundred dollar notes.
[-1:50.00]3 Please buy me six cans of Coke,
[-1:51.00]two bottles of lemonade, four packets of gum,
[-1:52.00]ten bags of peanuts and twenty bars of chocolate.
[-1:53.00]4 My grandma went shopping and she bought a long white car,
[-1:54.00]a house with a swimming pool,
[-1:55.00]a small jet aeroplane and three Pacific islands.
[-1:56.00]5 Michelle is wearing a short sleeved white blouse,
[-1:57.00]a long blue skirt,black high heeled shoes and a silk scarf.
[-1:59.00]Reading page 34
[-2:00.00]Uniform fashion good for young students.
[-2:-1.00]In a recent speech,Mr Clinton praised student uniforms as a way to promote safety and discipline in public schools.
[-2:-2.00]Ms Linda Moore,the principal of Rogers Middle School in California,
[-2:-3.00]felt most pleased with the President's comment.
[-2:-4.00]'Everybody is looking for answers,
[-2:-5.00]and here is a district that is doing something that is working,'she said.
[-2:-6.00]The 83,000-student Long Beach district
[-2:-7.00]requires its elementary and middle school students to dress in uniform fashion.
[-2:-8.00]Nearly 60,000 students are affected by the policy.
[-2:-9.00]It is the first public school district in America to do so.
[-2:10.00]Since students at Rogers Middle School started wearing black bottoms,
[-2:11.00]white tops,and red jackets or sweaters,
[-2:12.00]the number of fights has dropped by 40%,
[-2:13.00]and academic performance has improved.
[-2:14.00]A recent survey shows that in the district's 56 elementary and 14 middle schools,
[-2:15.00]violence and discipline problems have decreased dramatically
[-2:16.00]since the policy was introduced. [-2:17.00]Although some students complain that the uniform dress is monotonous,
[-2:18.00]many see a positive side.
[-2:19.00]'The good thing is people judge you on your inner characteristics rather than what you wear,'
[-2:20.00]said Nick Duran,an 8th grader at Rogers Middle School.
[-2:21.00]'Plus,'he said ,'it's easier to choose what to put on in the morning.'
[-2:22.00]Listening page 35
[-2:23.00]Listen and match the column of fashion items
[-2:24.00]with the column of their first appearing time.
[-2:25.00]1 In 1470,to hide a pregnancy,
[-2:26.00]queen Juana of Portugal wore the first hoop skirt.
[-2:27.00]2 Sneakers were first made in America in 1916.
[-2:28.00]3 Nylon stockings were invented in 1938.
[-2:29.00]4 Shoulder-bags for woman first appeared as part of service uniforms in 1940.
[-2:30.00] During the world war two.
[-2:31.00]5 In the 1960s,paper clothes were made for the public,
[-2:32.00]they were disposable and used for underwear as children's clothing.
[-2:33.00]6 The wrinkled look was introduced in the 1980s.
[-2:34.00]Wrinkles are permanently pressed into material of clothing items,
[-2:35.00]such as shirts,skirts vests,blouses,jackets,and pants.



挪威杯(英语:Norwegian Men's Football Cup、挪威语:Norgesmesterskapet i fotball for herrer)是挪威的最高级单淘汰杯赛,1902年成立,是挪威最历史悠久的足球比赛,亦设有挪威女子足球杯。中文名称 挪威杯 外文名称 orwegian Men's Football Cup 创立时间 1902年 级    别...

英语海报关于春节 APRIL_OOL’S_AY When_id_his_ustom_tart?_ccording_o__ell-researched_tory_f_he_rigin_f_he_ay,_t_as_tarted_n1545_y__ather_nfortunate_ccident.__orwegian_cientist,_oof_irpa,_as_taying_n_ondon,_here_e_as_rying_o_ind_he_ecret_f_ow_o_ly.The_cienti...

嘉善县19190397074: 挪威人用英语怎么说 -
滑点乐武: 挪威人 [词典] [医] Norwegians; Norwegian; [例句]像往常一样,挪威人比其他所有人都提前两小时进山. Typically, the Norwegians were on the mountain two hours before anyone else

嘉善县19190397074: Norwegian的读音 -
滑点乐武:[答案] norwegian: [ nɔ:'wi:dʒən ] n. 挪威人,挪威语 a. 挪威的,挪威人的,挪威语的

嘉善县19190397074: norwegian wood(挪威森林)的原意是什么? -
滑点乐武: 有三层意思.1 最后一段指的是挪威森林(“and when i awoke, i was alone, this bird had flown”,就是把女孩比成飞走的鸟,而鸟是生活在树林里的),2 或是挪威木头屋(保罗曾经设想把女孩的屋子烧掉,后来歌词改为“so i lit a fire, isn't ...

嘉善县19190397074: 挪威的英文怎么写 -
滑点乐武: Norway 特指的地名一定要大写首字母

嘉善县19190397074: Norwegians (挪威) were the first Europeans to see the island in AD 875, but no one visited -
滑点乐武: 在公元875年时,在欧洲,挪威人第一个发现了这个岛屿,但直到982年才有人登岛.三年后,一批挪威人前往那里定居.在1261年,格陵兰岛上的人决定成为挪威的一部份.挪威语丹麦在1380年组成联盟.这个联盟在1814年解散,而格陵兰归属与丹麦.格陵兰领土比丹麦大50倍,但他仍旧是这个弹丸之地的一部份.

嘉善县19190397074: norwegian的英标 -
滑点乐武:[答案] norwegian:[ nɔ:'wi:dʒən ] n.挪威人,挪威语 a.挪威的,挪威人的,挪威语的 进入页面,点击耳机图标,就能听到读音

嘉善县19190397074: 挪威森林猫的介绍 -
滑点乐武: 挪威森林猫(Norwegian Forest Cat ) 原产地:挪威 历史起源:该猫祖先栖息在挪威森林种,是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上特有的猫种,其起源可追溯到古代时期,常常是北欧故事的主人公. 关于挪威森林猫的起源流传着不少神话.有的说雷神上天...

嘉善县19190397074: Norwegians和Norwegian -
滑点乐武: Norwegian就是挪威人的意思,后面加S是复数形式.the Norwegians 挪威人 表示一个整体或一个民族的时候,一般用单数 表示具体特指的多个人的时候,用复数

嘉善县19190397074: 挪威森林代表什么意思? -
滑点乐武: 风靡60年代的甲壳虫乐队唱出了名闻世界的曲子Norwegian Wood.“海潮的清香,遥远的汽笛,女孩肌体的感触,洗发香波的气味,傍晚的和风,缥缈的憧憬,以及夏日的梦境.....”这些组成了一种微妙的,无以名之的感受,贴己而朦胧,撩人又莫名的世界.1987年村上春树就以《挪威的森林》为书名写了一本青春恋爱小说.

嘉善县19190397074: Norway和NORWEGIAN+有什么区别
滑点乐武: Norway[ˈnɔːweɪ][名词] : 挪威(国家名)Norwegian [nɔːˈwiːdʒən][形容词] : 挪威的; 挪威人的; 挪威语的[名词] : 挪威人 ; 挪威语例句: Paul comes from Norway and he is a Norwegian.保罗来自挪威,他是挪威人.

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