急求!谁有英文版的精灵旅社啊。。只想知道51:15到54分钟那一段的英文台词啊,今晚影视配 急求!

作者&投稿:窦成 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

{0:51:14}{0:51:18}Look, honey, there's no falling in love at your age.
{0:51:18}{0:51:20}Mom was my age. Eunice says Mom kissed you first
{0:51:20}{0:51:22}'cause you were too scared to make the first move.
{0:51:22}{0:51:24}Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
{0:51:24}{0:51:26}Forget about me and Mom and kissing.
{0:51:26}{0:51:29}Dad, at some point, I'm going to get married.
{0:51:29}{0:51:32}- I can't be here forever. - What? Why not?
{0:51:32}{0:51:35}You're barely out of your training fangs.
{0:52:08}{0:52:10}Quasi wins again!
{0:52:10}{0:52:14}When you bump with the hump, you land on your rump!
{0:52:21}{0:52:23}But why all the sudden interest?
{0:52:23}{0:52:26}Every time we used to talk about love, it was always,
{0:52:26}{0:52:27}"Ooh, Dad, that's gross,"
{0:52:28}{0:52:30}and "Ooh, Dad, I don't want to know about that."
{0:52:30}{0:52:32}I don't know.
{0:52:33}{0:52:34}- Sir, he made it into the kitchen. - He what?
{0:52:35}{0:52:36}What do I pay you for?
{0:52:36}{0:52:38}I'm sorry, honey. I have to go.
{0:52:40}{0:52:41}He doesn't pay me.
{0:52:46}{0:52:47}Before you kill me,
{0:52:47}{0:52:50}can I please talk to my backpack one more time?
{0:52:50}{0:52:52}I don't want to leave anything unresolved.
{0:52:52}{0:52:54}Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula.
{0:52:54}{0:52:56}Shut your hump hole.
{0:52:56}{0:52:57}Now you are helping him?
{0:52:57}{0:52:59}What is it with you and this human?
{0:53:00}{0:53:02}He is not human. He's a Stein!
{0:53:02}{0:53:04}That's right, little man, I'm a Stein!
{0:53:04}{0:53:08}If he is a monster, let him scare Esmeralda!
{0:53:09}{0:53:10}The mouse?
{0:53:10}{0:53:12}Pfft! Without a doubt.
{0:53:12}{0:53:14}Okay. Here we go.
{0:53:25}{0:53:28}A human! A human!
{0:53:28}{0:53:33}Monsieur has brought a human into the...
{0:53:36}{0:53:40}Esmeralda, help me.
{0:53:52}{0:53:53}Hey, thanks for saving me back there.
{0:53:53}{0:53:56}That guy's crazy! Trying to eat me.
{0:53:56}{0:54:00}That's only happened to me one other time. This weird dude at a Slipknot concert.


{0:51:14}{0:51:18}Look, honey, there's no falling in love at your age.
{0:51:18}{0:51:20}Mom was my age. Eunice says Mom kissed you first
{0:51:20}{0:51:22}'cause you were too scared to make the first move.
{0:51:22}{0:51:24}Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
{0:51:24}{0:51:26}Forget about me and Mom and kissing.
{0:51:26}{0:51:29}Dad, at some point, I'm going to get married.
{0:51:29}{0:51:32}- I can't be here forever. - What? Why not?
{0:51:32}{0:51:35}You're barely out of your training fangs.
{0:52:08}{0:52:10}Quasi wins again!
{0:52:10}{0:52:14}When you bump with the hump, you land on your rump!
{0:52:21}{0:52:23}But why all the sudden interest?
{0:52:23}{0:52:26}Every time we used to talk about love, it was always,
{0:52:26}{0:52:27}"Ooh, Dad, that's gross,"
{0:52:28}{0:52:30}and "Ooh, Dad, I don't want to know about that."
{0:52:30}{0:52:32}I don't know.
{0:52:33}{0:52:34}- Sir, he made it into the kitchen. - He what?
{0:52:35}{0:52:36}What do I pay you for?
{0:52:36}{0:52:38}I'm sorry, honey. I have to go.
{0:52:40}{0:52:41}He doesn't pay me.
{0:52:46}{0:52:47}Before you kill me,
{0:52:47}{0:52:50}can I please talk to my backpack one more time?
{0:52:50}{0:52:52}I don't want to leave anything unresolved.
{0:52:52}{0:52:54}Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula.
{0:52:54}{0:52:56}Shut your hump hole.
{0:52:56}{0:52:57}Now you are helping him?
{0:52:57}{0:52:59}What is it with you and this human?
{0:53:00}{0:53:02}He is not human. He's a Stein!
{0:53:02}{0:53:04}That's right, little man, I'm a Stein!
{0:53:04}{0:53:08}If he is a monster, let him scare Esmeralda!
{0:53:09}{0:53:10}The mouse?
{0:53:10}{0:53:12}Pfft! Without a doubt.
{0:53:12}{0:53:14}Okay. Here we go.
{0:53:25}{0:53:28}A human! A human!
{0:53:28}{0:53:33}Monsieur has brought a human into the...
{0:53:36}{0:53:40}Esmeralda, help me.
{0:53:52}{0:53:53}Hey, thanks for saving me back there.
{0:53:53}{0:53:56}That guy's crazy! Trying to eat me.
{0:53:56}{0:54:00}That's only happened to me one other time. This weird dude at a Slipknot concert.

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