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ZHANG HAIDI, a national disabled role model, encouraged disabled people in Shenzhen in her speech in Wuzhou Guest House on Tuesday (May 10th).

Zhang flew from Shandong Province to Shenzhen to celebrate the national disabled day with Shenzheners Monday. The national disabled day falls on the third Sunday in every May.

Zhang, a Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) member, recently proposed the focus of the day be changed from soliciting help from society to encouraging the disabled to be more independent.

She told the mainly disabled audience, how she cherished her life as a writer and translator. "I like writing. Writing is the way I use to cheer myself up and tell disabled people how to face the misfortunes," said Zhang.

Zhang became a paraplegic at the age of 5 following four operations that removed tumors in her spine. She has overcome a lot of difficulties in the following 45 years.

"Disabled people should learn knowledge and skills according to their characteristics, for living and for society," Zhang said, "Shenzhen is a modern city with vigor and fierce competition. Disabled persons here should try harder to learn how to survive."

Zhang started to learn English 20 years ago. She published a bilingual book Beautiful English.

She also translated some western literature works such as Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived. The book, about a blind elephant, was awarded a national prize on foreign literature translation.

Zhang also introduced the art of living with her husband who is not disabled. She said the disabled should not lower their standards when seeking true love.

"Don't be self-contemptuous, and try the best to build a harmonious environment for the family," said Zhang.

Zhang visited Shenzhen some 20 years ago. She was very excited about the city's development in the 20 years. "There are numerous tall buildings now, compared with the old low ones in the past," said Zhang. 张海迪,全国残疾人的榜样,鼓励残疾人士在深圳,她在讲话五洲宾馆于星期二(5月10日)。
她告诉观众,主要是残疾人,她如何珍惜作为一名作家和翻译家,她的生活。 “我喜欢写作。写作是我常用的办法自己打气,告诉残疾人如何面对不幸,”张说。
张参观了深圳市大约20年前。她非常兴奋,全市在20年的发展。 “现在有许多高楼大厦,比旧低的过去,”张说。

ZHANG HAIDI, a national disabled role model, encouraged disabled people in Shenzhen in her speech in Wuzhou Guest House on Tuesday (May 10th).

Zhang flew from Shandong Province to Shenzhen to celebrate the national disabled day with Shenzheners Monday. The national disabled day falls on the third Sunday in every May.

Zhang, a Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) member, recently proposed the focus of the day be changed from soliciting help from society to encouraging the disabled to be more independent.

She told the mainly disabled audience, how she cherished her life as a writer and translator. "I like writing. Writing is the way I use to cheer myself up and tell disabled people how to face the misfortunes," said Zhang.

Zhang became a paraplegic at the age of 5 following four operations that removed tumors in her spine. She has overcome a lot of difficulties in the following 45 years.

"Disabled people should learn knowledge and skills according to their characteristics, for living and for society," Zhang said, "Shenzhen is a modern city with vigor and fierce competition. Disabled persons here should try harder to learn how to survive."

Zhang started to learn English 20 years ago. She published a bilingual book Beautiful English.

She also translated some western literature works such as Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived. The book, about a blind elephant, was awarded a national prize on foreign literature translation.

Zhang also introduced the art of living with her husband who is not disabled. She said the disabled should not lower their standards when seeking true love.

"Don't be self-contemptuous, and try the best to build a harmonious environment for the family," said Zhang.

Zhang visited Shenzhen some 20 years ago. She was very excited about the city's development in the 20 years. "There are numerous tall buildings now, compared with the old low ones in the past," said Zhang.

张海迪,女, 1955 年生于济南,汉族,哲学硕士,中共党员,山东省创作协会一级作家,九届、十届全国政协委员,中国残疾人联合会副主席,中国作家协会全国委员会委员,山东省作家协会副主席。 张海迪 5 岁时因患脊髓血管瘤,高位截瘫,她因此没有进过学校,童年时就开始以顽强的毅力自学知识,她先后自学了小学、中学、大学的专业课程。 1983 年,海迪走上了文学创作的道路,她以顽强的毅力克服疾病和困难,精益求精地进行创作,执着地为文学而战,至今已出版的作品有:长篇小说《轮椅上的梦》、《绝顶》。散文集《鸿雁快快飞》、《向天空敞开的窗口》、《生命的追问》。翻译作品《海边诊所》、《丽贝卡在新学校》、《小米勒旅行记》、《莫多克——一头大象的真实故事》等。她的作品在社会上在青少年中引起了很强的反响,长篇小说《轮椅上的梦》已经在日本、韩国出版。 Zhang Haidi, female, was born in Jinan in 1955, Han, Master of Philosophy, the Chinese Communist Party members, Shandong Province, creating an association of writers, Ninth, Tenth CPPCC National Committee member and vice chairman of the China Disabled Persons Federation, the National Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, member of the Shandong Provincial Writers Association Vice-President. Zhang Haidi at the age of 5 due to spinal cord tumor blood vessels, high paraplegia, she did not cross into the schools, when children began to self-knowledge and strong determination, she has a self-primary, secondary and tertiary professional courses. In 1983, Heidi embarked on the path of literature, she's stubborn determination to overcome diseases and difficulties, to create excellence, dedication to fight for Literature, has published works include: full-length novel "Dream of a wheelchair," "In excellent shape." Essays "Hongyan fly as soon as possible" and "open a window to the sky," and "questions of life." Translation work, "the seaside clinic," "Rebecca of the new school", "Miller travel", "Modoc - the true story of an elephant." She works in the community at a young attracted a strong response, full-length novel "Dream of a wheelchair" in Japan, South Korea publication.

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景宁畲族自治县17310355259: 用英语介绍张海迪30词 -
卫晨克林: 张海迪,1955年出生于济南.五岁的时候,因患髓血管瘤造成高位截患.在残酷的命运挑战面前,他没有沮丧和沉沦,而是对人生充满了信心,以顽强的毅力和恒心与疾病作斗争,经受了严峻的考验.虽然没有机会走进校门,但他发奋努力,学完了小学和中学的全部课程,自学了大学英语和日语还有德语和世界语,并攻读了大学本科和硕士研究生的课程.1983年他开始涉足文学,先后翻译了《海边诊所》等10万英文小说,创作了《向天空敞开的窗口》《生命的追问》《轮椅上的梦》等作品,被誉为“当代保尔”.

景宁畲族自治县17310355259: 张海迪英文简介 -
卫晨克林: ZHANG HAIDI, a national disabled role model, encouraged disabled people in Shenzhen in her speech in Wuzhou Guest House on Tuesday (May 10th).Zhang flew from Shandong Province to Shenzhe...

景宁畲族自治县17310355259: “今天我想介绍的励志人物是张海迪”的英语 -
卫晨克林: “今天我想介绍的励志人物是张海迪Today I want to introduce the inspirational figure is zhang haidi

景宁畲族自治县17310355259: 张海迪简介20字,,,急用啊!!求大家给个答案!!! -
卫晨克林: 张海迪,中国著名残疾人作家,哲学硕士,英国约克大学荣誉博士.

景宁畲族自治县17310355259: 简介张海迪的事迹.谢谢! -
卫晨克林: 张海迪的事迹: 1970年,她15岁的时候,跟着父母到农村生活.在农村,她处处为别人着想,为人民做事.她发现小学校没有音乐教师,就主动到学校教唱歌.她先后读完了《针灸学》、《人体解剖学》、《内科学》、《实用儿科学》等医学...

景宁畲族自治县17310355259: 概括张海迪的故事100字 -
卫晨克林: 她无法上学,便在在家自学完中学课程.15岁时,海迪跟随父母,下放(山东)聊城农村,给孩子当起教书先生.她还自学针灸医术,为乡亲们无偿治疗.后来,张海迪自学多门外语,还当过无线电修理工. 在残酷的命运挑战面前,张海迪没...

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