
作者&投稿:仝菊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Twenty years later, at that time, I may be a people's teacher. I will study hard, study a lot of good teaching methods, to make my students to master the knowledge better and faster, relaxed and happy. I will use my diligent brush, teaching, to write more beautiful life. I will hold my painting exhibition in all parts of the country, set up calligraphy class, and cultural exchanges more and more foreign friends, make our country calligraphy culture spread and move towards the world.I will use my painting and calligraphy income to fund the impoverished students in mountainous areas, enabling them to better complete their studies. Twenty years later no matter what I do, all need to culture and knowledge.

20 years after I
20 years later I was a flower to experts, in order to let the flower garden to bright, delicate and charming, I try my best, tactful, and I'm hard work and for no pay for people appreciate a string of vision, one happy face.
One day neighbor Mrs. Lucy bought a batch of new fund rose, I to her home to take care of the flowers. This new rose standout: look a little bit like shape far stars, looking nearly and a little like the sun, golden in color, with the morning dew, yi yi is unripe brightness, is really beautiful! I was deeply attracted by the beautiful flowers, won't look removed from flowers. Wish: I have this beautiful flower this much good! But I know it is uncommon, others can't according to for ourselves.
Once, bolton's uncle bought many black chrysanthemum, please me to his house to enjoy flower. When I walked into the garden, as if place oneself in layers of the black sea, like a young girl of silently conveyed curl, how beautiful! I go to the flower, carefully observe, found that the only fly in the ointment was the black chrysanthemum without natural luster, and the leaf is a little depressed. I think: this black chrysanthemum must have water, or lack of fertilizer, I have to protect it. So, I picked up the water the flowers pot, will water pouring on the flowers, leaves absorbed moisture, proud to raise head, I appreciate to smile; I moved to the fertilizer, in the flower of fertilizer, a few days later, the black chrysanthemum shows its proper natural luster, reproduce it colorful. I was jumping up! This is me, a observant, attentive diligence, devotion to me.
In 2026 China expo is showing a big tree peony, the tree peony is more than ten square meters, and has hundreds of flower peony: red, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown... , each flower a basin so big, send out an inviting fragrance, it's amazing! That's my new derived, in order to it, I neglected, read a lot of books about planting flowers, consult the dozens of experienced teacher, study the flowers in the world of thousands of growth process, using the latest grafting technique, use the most suitable for sunshine, the most suitable humidity, temperature, the most appropriate fertilizer cultivating and into. This is me, a love ideas, does not fear the difficulty, and willing to accept challenge and climb the peak of science, the I.
This is 20 years of I, in the ordinary post, be a brave and honest, can withstand the temptation, observant, attentive hard-working, selfless dedication, thinks, does not fear the difficulty, and willing to accept challenge and climb the peak of science, of me, in the ordinary self, made proud achievements!

20 years after I
20 years later I was a flower to experts, in order to let the flower garden to bright, delicate and charming, I try my best, tactful, and I'm hard work and for no pay for people appreciate a string of vision, one happy face.
One day neighbor Mrs. Lucy bought a batch of new fund rose, I to her home to take care of the flowers. This new rose standout: look a little bit like shape far stars, looking nearly and a little like the sun, golden in color, with the morning dew, yi yi is unripe brightness, is really beautiful! I was deeply attracted by the beautiful flowers, won't look removed from flowers. Wish: I have this beautiful flower this much good! But I know it is uncommon, others can't according to for ourselves.
Once, bolton's uncle bought many black chrysanthemum, please me to his house to enjoy flower. When I walked into the garden, as if place oneself in layers of the black sea, like a young girl of silently conveyed curl, how beautiful! I go to the flower, carefully observe, found that the only fly in the ointment was the black chrysanthemum without natural luster, and the leaf is a little depressed. I think: this black chrysanthemum must have water, or lack of fertilizer, I have to protect it. So, I picked up the water the flowers pot, will water pouring on the flowers, leaves absorbed moisture, proud to raise head, I appreciate to smile; I moved to the fertilizer, in the flower of fertilizer, a few days later, the black chrysanthemum shows its proper natural luster, reproduce it colorful. I was jumping up! This is me, a observant, attentive diligence, devotion to me.
In 2026 China expo is showing a big tree peony, the tree peony is more than ten square meters, and has hundreds of flower peony: red, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown... , each flower a basin so big, send out an inviting fragrance, it's amazing! That's my new derived, in order to it, I neglected, read a lot of books about planting flowers, consult the dozens of experienced teacher, study the flowers in the world of thousands of growth process, using the latest grafting technique, use the most suitable for sunshine, the most suitable humidity, temperature, the most appropriate fertilizer cultivating and into. This is me, a love ideas, does not fear the difficulty, and willing to accept challenge and climb the peak of science, the I.
This is 20 years of I, in the ordinary post, be a brave and honest, can withstand the temptation, observant, attentive hard-working, selfless dedication, thinks, does not fear the difficulty, and willing to accept challenge and climb the peak of science, of me, in the ordinary self, made proud achievements!

When I was a kid,I always had a dream that I could grow faster,so that I can build my own home.I want to be a computer scientist in twenty years.I would also like to marry a beautiful wife and have three children.When my wife and I are out working,the kids' grand parents can take care of them.
If possible,I want to buy a big house with a small garden in the town.We may grow some flowers outside.Also,we can let our kids grow an apple tree so that when they grow up,they can eat apples from the tree that planted by themselves.It would be great if we have a tiny swimming poor in front of our door.We can have a wonderful time there in summer.This is who I want to be in twenty years.I hope my dream may come true someday.
I think I will become a teacher in 20 years. I will live in a modern apartment , that is built in the sky,in New York with my family. I will need't go to school for my work being as a teachers, we will give students classes by means of computers,and students will hand in their homework through computers,it will become easier. On the weekend, robots will help me do housework, then I will go to countrysides with my family , for the country is too darty, but the countryides is beautiful with fresh air. I also oftan go to moon for a trip . I really think we will have a good life in the future . Do you agree with me?
Perhaps 20 year after I, become a genuine nurse.In the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility.At that time, my had to invent one new medicine, let the disabled person again long new thingses the body; I also must invent one kind of new eye drops, lets these not see the bright person, again sees the light, can see our colorful life; I also must establish an electronic technology hospital, utilizes the high tech medical service technology to save from impending death assists the wounded, causes the patient healthily to leave the hospital, lives happily.





this special kind, feeds itself on outrage, on

out because God has better ones.

二十年后的我作文 200字
二十年后的我 我现在已经是一名合格的教师。在20年前,我还在上六年级时,我每天晚上都会想想20年后的我将会从事什么职业。每次想完后,我都会说一声我要做教师。这也许跟我的家庭有很大的关系。我的外婆就是一名教师,是我最敬佩的人。身为教师,我要做些什么呢?我首先要改革教学,决不让学生死...

20年后的我的主题周记1 光阴似箭,日月如梭。转眼20年过去了,这时我已是一名享誉全球的科学家。在我的帮助下,人们成功地找到了第二个“地球”—天火星,并且我还发明了“不老剂”,让人们永驻青春,就连国际科研会会长也对我敬佩有加,称我是“发明狂”。 这天,国际科研会老会长弗莱克·杰克突然打来电话,他在电话...

20年后的我优秀作文5 20年以后的我,已经拥有了一套豪华的别墅,这座别墅里的设计非常先进,里面也有很多设施,比如:花园,游泳池,健身房,高尔夫球场等,我平常总是在健身房里健身,要不就又变成以前的大胖子,到了晚上我总是在花园里散步,呼吸新鲜空气;在炎热的夏天我可以在游泳池内游泳;到了秋天,天气凉爽,我可以打...

二十年后的我 写一篇作文
“再过二十年,我们再相会,伟大的祖国,该有多么美,天也新,地也新,阳光多明媚……”每当我听到这首歌曲时,就会望着那蓝蓝的天空,陷入深思:二十年后的我将…… 二十年后的我,也许成为一名光荣的人民教师。站在那三尺讲台上,为好些天真的孩子们讲课。望着那一双双渴望得到新知识的大眼时,...

给自己点赞 “你可以轻视我们的年轻,我们会证明这是谁的时代,梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑,但那又怎样,哪怕遍体鳞伤也要活的漂亮.”——题记 我们想选择我们未来,努力去奋斗,但这有时也是一个幻想.那时的我们,周末却还在为完成父母报的班而奔波,那时的父母,恨不得我们琴棋书画样样...

20年后的我 二十年后的我也许是工程师、大老板、发明家――。如果我是发明家的话,我会发明出世界上最好玩的、最好看的、最实用的、最便宜的东西。我会带着这些东西走遍世界,把这些东西带到每一个国家,让他们也用一用我发明的东西。如果我是大老板的话,我会投资很多贫困的地方,让他们变了变得...

先从我自己说起: 20年后我42岁,会有一个老婆和一个(或N个孩子,呵呵),会为了家庭忙碌. 其次是每一个人: 20年后每一个人的年龄都会加上20岁,有人出生,有人死去. 最后是社会: 如果照现在的趋势走下去,贫富差距会越来越大;社会发展会越来越快;科技会越来越发达;环境会越来越恶劣;地球...




泰兴市13819667064: 英语作文《二十年后的我》 -
众府头孢: perhaps 20 year after i, become a genuine nurse.in the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility.at that time, my had to invent one new ...

泰兴市13819667064: 一篇《20年后的我》英语作文,60字左右 -
众府头孢:[答案] I am 29 years old this year,my job is to fight against the virus. One morning,I just came to the laboratory to sit down,listen to my assistant Xiao Qing said:"Captain,there is a need to destroy the virus we now.This is the information." I took a look at the ...

泰兴市13819667064: 英语作文,20年后的我80字左右 -
众府头孢:[答案] 我想二十年以后当一名医生,帮助人们.即使当不了医生,我也想当一名宇航员去太空探险.如果能当一名医生就要做一位有名的好医生.做医生有很多好处,比如能帮自己治病.做一名宇航员也有好处,比如能看一看太空是怎样的,能...

泰兴市13819667064: 20年后的我 英语作文30 - 40个词就行,简单点 -
众府头孢: I will become more and more richer after twenty years .Everything will change.For example: I will not go to schoool for study,I won't go out to work. Because I will become an egineer in computer.I will only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer....

泰兴市13819667064: 请以《20年后的我》写一篇英语短文100字左右,我是女孩. 谢谢! -
众府头孢: everyone has his own dream, i also have a dream and i try my best to realize it . when i was young ,i plant to be a singer.because i like singing very much .so i practice singing every day.20 years later ,i am going to be a famous singer .people all ...

泰兴市13819667064: 【20年后的我】英语作文如何写.(要求60词,用一般将来时写) -
众府头孢:[答案] Perhaps 20 year after I, become a genuine nurse.In the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death ... causes the patient healthily to leave the hospital, lives happily. 二十年后的我,也许成为一名真正的白衣天使.在手术台前、病房...

泰兴市13819667064: 请用My life in Twenty Years{20年后的我}为题写一篇60词左右的英文短文 -
众府头孢:[答案] My life in twenty years will be fantastic and wonderful.I will have a job that I like.I will be married and have children.I will get my favourite cars and drive my family around in the city.I will get...

泰兴市13819667064: 《20年后的我》英语作文60字 -
众府头孢: 20 years later, I can not so.Because after 20 years in the earth after I became a great inventor.Since I became a inventor later every day people come to me,This is the 20 year after I.自己写的,希望采纳O(∩_∩)O

泰兴市13819667064: 英语作文带翻译20年后我 -
众府头孢: 我想二十年以后当一名医生,帮助人们.即使当不了医生,我也想当一名宇航员去太空探险.如果能当一名医生就要做一位有名的好医生.做医生有很多好处,比如能帮自己治病.做一名宇航员也有好处,比如能看一看太空是怎样的,能帮助人类证明...

泰兴市13819667064: 英语作文:20年后的我设想下二十年后的生活,以 I want to be…为题,写一篇短文.内容包括:1.What do you want to be 2.Why do you want to be a/an.3.How ... -
众府头孢:[答案] about my future jobI have never thought of my future job before,not because I don't care,but because I don't even have a clue.This morning,when I woke up,suddenly,I felt a kind of worry.If I work in a...


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