
作者&投稿:溥蔡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请到这里下载: 2015-2016高二英语周报外研综合版1-4期答案
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Book 6 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CBABA 6-10 BACAC
11-15 BACAC 16-20 BABCC
21-25 DAABB 26-30 BCCDD
31-35 CDACB 36-40 FDGEC
41-45 CADBC 46-50 DABCD
51-55 ABCDA 56-60 BCBCD
61. am staying 62. a
63. on 64. who / that
65. Sitting 66. incorrectly
67. embarrassed 68. to play
69. thought / thinking 70. produced
71. ... after school while suddenly ...
while → when
72. ... several people pass by ...
pass → passing
73. ... so no one would ... so → but
74. ... it was none their ... their前加of
75. Seeing that had happened ... that → what
76. ... I take off my coat ... take → took
77. Fortunate ... Fortunate → Fortunately
78. ... carry an old man ... an → the
79. ... who are in the trouble. 去掉the
80. Only with this way ... with → in
One possible version:
An exciting event “Patriotic Song Competition” is to be held from 3:00 to 5:00 inthe school hall this Wednesday. Everyone is expected to be part of the event to show your patriotic feelings.
All participants must choose the songs by themselves and can choose at most two. If you need to be accompanied, please inform the Student Union in advance. All the students have to wear the uniforms while attending the competition. In addition, there will be an award ceremony this Friday afternoon in the school hall.
Why not come to this great fun event? Look forward to your participation!
Student Union

21. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的But I have written some funny things in the newspapers可知,作者在报纸上发表过一些趣闻趣事。
22. A。推理判断题。由第五段中作者的描述可知,是作者幽默的话语把观众逗笑了。
23. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二、三段可知,作者把珠子塞进嘴里是为了使自己看起来很滑稽,逗观众笑的。
24. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的What the audience did not know was that I was quietly choking on a slippery bead可知,作者意识到了要成为喜剧演员并不是容易的事。
25. B。细节理解题。由Robot Dinosaur一节中的Dinosaurs such as ... the price may be just as big可知,机器人恐龙的价格都非常高。
26. B。词义猜测题。由划线词下文中的For instance, the table transforms into a bed可以推知,convertible意为“可改变的”。
27. C。细节理解题。由Motorized Luggage一节中的Sensors in the suitcase keep track of your position by detecting signals from your cell phone可知,行李箱里的传感器通过检测手机信号来追踪人的位置。
28. C。推理判断题。由第一段中的But he didn't ... glass bowls可知,本杰明·富兰克林没有从口袋里拿出口琴来演奏,而是坐在一个盒子状的乐器前演奏,由此可推断,宾客们应该非常惊讶。
29. D。段落大意题。第三段主要讲述了本杰明·富兰克林在听了伦敦音乐家在玻璃杯上的音乐演奏后萌生了做玻璃口琴的想法,于1761年做出了第一个模型,并不断对其进行改进。
30. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的Stephen Forrage, gave the first glass harmonica concert ... the new instrument和Marriane Davies, introduced it in Vienna in 1773 ...可知,Stephen Forrage和Marriane Davies都为观众演奏了玻璃口琴。
31. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的the instrument gradually faded ... to hear in large concert halls and theaters可知,玻璃口琴不再那么流行是因为它柔和的音调在大的礼堂和剧院里很难被听到。
32. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的I start to see it in our 10-year-old as well ... 6 or 7 years old可知,他从四个孩子身上看到了他们沉溺于数字媒体而不再看书的趋势。
33. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的But on the other side, obviously there are many distractions on the Internet可知,A项正确。
34. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Kids with parents who read ... tend to read the most可知,父母可以通过以身作则来鼓励孩子们多看书。
35. B。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了因为大量数字媒体的存在,青少年不再为了乐趣而看书的情况,因此B项符合文章主旨。
36. F。由本段中的The number of birthday candles ... his or her birthday可知,“生日蜡烛的数量代表过生日的人的年龄”这一规则在年长的人眼中并不那么严格,故选F项。
37. D。由本段中的the cake以及the goddess of the moon等信息可知,设空处指“点燃的蜡烛使得希腊人圆形的蛋糕看起来像月亮”。
38. G。由本段的主题句Even today people hold many superstitious beliefs about birthday candles可知,设空处是说另外一种迷信的说法。
39. E。由本段中的Number-shaped candles可知,设空处是指生日蜡烛的不同种类和设计。
40. C。由本段中的Number-shaped candles ...以及Another interesting birthday candle type ...等信息可知,设空处是说蜡烛的一种形状或风格。

41. C。由上文中的laughing可知,圣诞节快来临了,她们“高兴地(Happily)”分享着希望得到的节日礼物。
42. A。由该空前的on his knees可知,哈利正跪在那里“拔(pulling)”草。
43. D。由下文中的His fingers were sticking out of the ends以及女孩们给他买手套可知,哈利戴着一副“破旧的(worn)”手套。
44. B。由上文中的Christmas和his fingers were sticking out of the ends可知,当时是12月,他的手指伸出了破旧的手套外面,因此被“冻(cold)”得发青。
45. C。由下文中的I do this for her every Christmas可知,哈利把院子打理好,以此作为给母亲的圣诞节“礼物(gift)”。
46. D。由with tears可知,他的眼睛是“湿润的(watery)”。
47. A。由上文中的getting the yard in shape可知,哈利的母亲喜爱她的“院子(yard)”和树木。
48. B。由下文中的they were down on their knees helping him可知,哈利的话“感动了(touched)”女孩们。
49. C。由上文中的... weeds from around a tree可知,女孩们帮助哈利拔“草(weeds)”。
50. D。由上文中的pressed a quarter可知,哈利希望自己能多“付(pay)”她们点钱。
51. A。因为常常经过这所房子,所以女孩们“记得(remembered)”房子的样子。
52. B。由下文中的No decorations to add cheeriness were anywhere in sight可知,哈利家的房子状况“较差(poor)”。
53. C。由上文中的Harry sat by himself可知,哈利坐在那里看上去很“孤独(lonely)”。
54. D。由上文中的Harry pressed a quarter into each of their hands可知,当她们走着的时候,有个女孩拿着的那一枚“25分钱(quarter)”似乎让她感到烫手一样。
55. A。这个女孩给其他的朋友们打电话,准备帮助哈利,她们都“同意了(agreed)”。
56. B。由上文中的seek out small jobs及下文中的they earned ...可知,她们找很多工作,目的是为了多“挣钱(earn)”。
57. C。由下文中的they presented him with the gloves可知,女孩们攒够了钱,买了新“手套(gloves)”。
58. B。由该空后的carols可知,圣诞节前夕她们在哈利的家门外为他“唱(singing)”圣诞颂歌。
59. C。由下文中的a mother had just baked可知,南瓜派是一位母亲刚刚做的,因此应该是“热的(warm)”。
60. D。由下文中的held the gloves to his face and wept可知,哈利用“颤抖的(trembling)”手接过手套。
61. am staying。 考查时态。由currently可知,应用现在进行时。
62. a。考查冠词。child是可数名词,且在此处表泛指,故填不定冠词a。
63. on。考查介词。concentrate on是固定搭配,意为“聚精会神,集中精神”。
64. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词teacher,且在句中作主语,故填who / that。
65. Sitting。考查非谓语动词。I与sit之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且sit表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,故填Sitting。
66. incorrectly。考查副词。设空处修饰动词played,且由下文的her efforts to ... the shame可知此处应填副词incorrectly。
67. embarrassed。考查形容词。设空处作表语,表示人的状态,故填形容词embarrassed。
68. to play。考查非谓语动词。desire作名词时,后接不定式作后置定语。
69. thought / thinking。考查名词。由设空处前面的This可知,应填名词。
70. produced。考查非谓语动词。produce与music之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。

I. 阅读理解:1-5 AABDB
II. 完形填空:1-5 BADCA 6-10 DCABC
11-15 BDCAD 16-20 BDACB
1. A。推理判断题。由第二段中的They order clothes and they don't fit. People get very unhappy可知,网络购衣的便捷导致网络购衣者很容易买到一些不合适的衣服。
2. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的They got the idea from ... friends and relatives可知,Wong 和 Zhang的想法来自于她们自己的经历以及亲戚朋友的抱怨。
3. B。细节理解题。由第四段可知,先是用Kinect和Xbox 360 video game player进行扫描(scan)得到图像(image),然后将其转化成体形模特(model),最后进行试衣(try on clothes)。
4. D。细节理解题。由第五段中的With the software developed ... to see how the clothes fit from all sides可知,在试衣间里,顾客能看到他们试穿衣服的样子。
5. B。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,该软件已经得到很好的开发,尽管还不是很完善,但是Wong觉得试衣间有一定的市场。
1. B。2. A。由下文中的the cure for polio would not exist可知,如果“没有(Without)”动物医学试验,人类将不可能治疗小儿麻痹症,糖尿病患者也将“遭受痛苦(suffer)”。
3. D。4. C。尽管有这些“好处(advantages)”,一些人还是认为动物不应该被用来“测试(testing)”医疗技术和药物。
5. A。由下文中的it would be much more cruel to test new ...可知,动物医学试验允许科学家测试和研发“新的(new)”药物。
6. D。猴子和兔子与人类有“相似的(similar)”物理过程。
7. C。由下文中的If a drug produces harmful effects可知,科学家可以测试某些药物的“作用(effects)”。
8. A。如果一种药物对动物产生不利影响,它很有可能“不适合(unfit)”人类。
9. B。由下文中的Animals are easily bred and kept ...可知,有大量可供医学研究的“动物(animals)”。
10. C。由上文中的Animal testing is cheap可知,在人类身上测试的成本将会非常“高(high)”。
11. B。由下文的it would be much more cruel ...可知,很多人认为动物试验是“残忍的(cruel)”。
12. D。13. C。由上文中的medical techniques and drugs可知,然而,在人或小孩身上试验新的“药物(drugs)”或“因为(because)”没有足够的药物信息而让人死亡会更加残忍。
14. A。由上文中的laws in most countries set standards for animal treatment可知,实验室也会“禁止(prevent)”残忍的行为。
15. D。由下文的apply information from animals to ...可知,动物研究的反对者认为从动物身上得到的信息不“适用于(apply to)”人类。
16. B。17. D。“尽管(While)”动物系统与人类系统有所不同,但也有足够的相似性能将动物的信息运用到“人类(humans)”身上。
18. A。由上文中的Many people argue that ...以及People who disagree with animal research also say that ...可知,动物权利倡导者“争论(argue)”我们不需要新的试验。
19. C。上下文表示转折关系,故用“但是(However)”。
20. B。由上文中的new treatments and drugs are needed to ...可知,动物试验是“必要的(needed)”。

现在,根据你可能上到的教材进度,我把book 7 Module 3的答案发给你。如还需要其他期报纸的答案,请另外提问。

Book 7 Module 3参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BCCBA 6-10 ACCBA
11-15 CBACB 16-20 AABBC
21-25 DBAAD 26-30 BACAD
31-35 BBCAD 36-40 GFDAC
41-45 ADCBA 46-50 CDBCA
51-55 DBACD 56-60 BACDB
61. happiness 62. was sent
63. where 64. that
65. had he arrived 66. immediately
67. in 68. him
69. a 70. beautiful
71. ... an Australiateacher.
Australia → Australian
72. Always smartly dressing ...
dressing → dressed
73. ... what was not ... what → which
74. He had bought ... 去掉had
75. ... to me immediate.
immediate → immediately
76. ... can never forgot. forgot → forget
77. ... on business trip ... on后加a
78. ... take some baggages ...
baggages → baggage
79. Since the baggage ...
Since → Although / Though
80. ... how selfless love ... how → what
One possible version:
A lecture on foreign literature is to be held in our school hall from 3:00 to 5:00, October 16th. Mr. Smith, the foreign language teacher from the local university will be invited to introduce the difference between Chinese literature and foreign literature. He will also explain the important influence of reading foreign literary works on English learning. On the other hand, he will recommend some famous foreign literary works that the Chinese middle school students should read. Want to learn more about foreign literature? All of you are welcome to go to the lecture. Don't miss this great chance!
Students' Union

21. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的Getting eight to nine hours of sleep each night is almost impossible when classes begin at 7:30 am和第四段中的starting school an hour later可知,在汤姆看来,学校应该八点半开课,故选D项。
22. B。推理判断题。由该报告的标题“Are Students Getting Enough Sleep?”和后面的Sleepiness disturbs concentration, reduces short-term memory, and causes bad feelings可知,作者在此提到该报告旨在说明睡眠不足的坏处,故选B项。
23. A。推理判断题。总览全文可知,汤姆认为学校开课时间太早,因此学生们睡眠不足,所以他建议推迟一个小时上课。A项说法与文章内容相符。
24. A。写作目的题。总览全文可知,汤姆想通过这封信让学校推迟早上上课时间,并就此提出了自己的理由和建议,故选A项。
25. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的once in a while she passed one on to her friends可知,有时Mary Frye会跟别人分享自己写的诗,故选D项。
26. B。推理判断题。由第一段中Mary Frye所说的I don't think I have any great talent可知,她很谦虚;由第二段中的That poem ... became an American classic可知,她很有才华,故选B项。
27. A。篇章结构题。由该词前面的Do not stand at my grave and weep可知,“I”在此是指逝者,故选A项。
28. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的两个问句可知,Mary Frye总是说自己没有才华,然而有多少人却正从她的诗中寻找到力量和安慰?要是她没有将自己的诗作公开而是一个人保留着,她的才华岂不是白白浪费了?所以我们不应该羞于向别人展示自己的才华,故选C项。
29. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Female lionfish can spawn every few days, producing as many as 2 million eggs per year可知,狮子鱼的繁殖能力很强,所以说他们的数量增长很快,故选A项。
30. D。写作目的题。由第三段中的parrotfish eat certain plants off corals, which allows corals to grow better. But they are now disappearing due to lionfish可知,作者在此提到鹦鹉鱼是为了说明狮子鱼的危害性,故选D项。
31. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中Stephanie Green所说的It's going to be a long-term battle, but the missing sea species will come back someday可知,她对这场反击战充满了希望,故选B项。
32. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的The only things a human passenger controls are a red “e-stop” button for panic stops and a start button可知,谷歌公司的电动汽车为乘客仅仅提供了两个按钮用来控制汽车,故选B项。
33. C。词义猜测题。由下文的For example, the Mercedes Benz cars will stop if the driver takes his hands off the wheel for over ten seconds可知,奔驰汽车还是离不开司机,所以这里是说奔驰、宝马和沃尔沃这些车企还没有完全“去掉司机”,即:实现无人驾驶,故选C项。
34. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的In the near future, Google's self-driving cars may make our roads much safer, and of course drivers may feel more relaxed on the way可知,在不久的将来,谷歌公司有可能在交通工具领域引发一场大的变革,故选A项。
35. D。标题归纳题。总览全文可知,文章主要向我们介绍了谷歌公司正在研发中的无人驾驶汽车,而且这些汽车离我们越来越近了,故选D项。
话题: 个人情况
36. G。由该空后面的Gradually his friends nicknamed him “Chi Chi”可知,G项内容符合此处语境。Juan Rodriguez Jr.经常称自己为Chi Chi Flores,所以他的朋友们逐渐地就给他起了个绰号 —— Chi Chi。
37. F。由该空后面的At the age of seven, he ... earning a dollar a day和his young son always looked for better ways to make money等信息可知,这里是说Chi Chi小的时候很努力地去挣钱,故选F项。
38. D。由该空前面的he learned to play golf和He changed his mind about being a baseball player可知,D项内容符合此处语境,即:现在,他梦想着成为一名职业高尔夫球员。
39. A。由该空后面的Fortunately for Chi Chi, the army had a golf team and he became the best player there可知,Chi Chi参军了,故选A项。
40. C。由第二段中的His father ... gave him another nickname “El Millonario” (the Millionaire)和该空前面的Soon Chi Chi earned the nickname his father had given him可知,Chi Chi挣到钱了,再结合该空后面的He wanted to help those children who were poor or in trouble可知,C项内容符合此处语境,即:现在钱已经不足以让Chi Chi感到快乐了,他想去帮助那些贫穷或有困难的孩子们。

41. A。由下文的it took a really long time to get there可知,这个地方似乎很“远(far)”。
42. D。由下文的it was exactly the same distance可知,这里应该是指“回程(return trip)”。第三段中的the return trip是提示。
43. C。“尽管(even though)”这完全是同样的距离,回来的时候好像就不用那么久了。
44. B。由上文的Scientists have studied these common observations可知,这里是说科学家们通过观察得出了以下“结论(conclusion)”。
45. A。由下文的The more information we are getting, the more slowly time seems to pass可知,我们对于时间过得快还是慢这种感觉取决于我们所处理的信息“量(amount)”。
46. C。由下文的we are faced with unfamiliar sights可知,这里是说去一个“陌生的(strange)”地方。
47. D。由该空前的sights及该空后的smells可知,在去陌生地方的路上,我们所面对的几乎都是不熟悉的,包括看到的,听到的,甚至是闻到的,故填sounds。
48. B。49. C。由上文的On the way to a ... place可知,我们可能在辨别方向,“寻找(looking for)”一些地标,或是设法去找一个“特别的(particular)”路标。
50. A。由上文内容可知,这里是说我们在不停地处理着所“接收(receiving)”到的信息。
51. D。其实,“司机(driver)”和乘客一样都在经历着同样的事情。
52. B。由上文内容可知,这里是说我们回来的时候对“路线(route)”就熟悉多了。
53. A。由上文的we are somewhat familiar可知,由于我们对路线已经有所了解,现在很多信息对我们来说已经不再是“新的(new)”了。
54. C。这时,我们的大脑处理起信息来就更“快(quickly)”了。
55. D。由下文的we screen out the rest可知,这里是说我们已经知道哪些该“留意(pay attention to)”,哪些不必在意。
56. B。这一过程可以被“比作(compared)”开学的第一天和第二天。
57. A。因为是第一天,所以“一切(everything)”都是新的,不一样的。
58. C。在第二天,对于将要发生的事情你就会有所“预料(expect)”了。
59. D。前后句为因果关系,故填Therefore。
60. B。当我们对周围的环境变得熟悉以后,在某种程度上,时间过得也就快了,故填speeds up。
61. happiness。考查名词。由设空处前面的形容词可知,应填名词happiness。
62. was sent。考查时态和语态。David与send之间是被动关系,且send表示的动作发生在过去,故填was sent。
63. where。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
64. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且从句结构和意义均完整,故填that。
65. had he arrived。考查倒装。no sooner引导时间状语从句置于句首时,其后的从句要部分倒装且要用过去完成时,故填had he arrived。
66. immediately。考查副词。设空处修饰returned,故填副词immediately。
67. in。考查介词。put sb. in prison意为“把某人投进监狱”。
68. him。考查代词。设空处指代前面的David,且作raise的宾语,故填him。
69. a。考查冠词。a variety of 意为“各种各样的”。
70. beautiful。考查形容词。设空处与naive并列修饰Dora Spenlow,故填形容词beautiful。

1-5 ADDBC 6-10 ABCBD
1. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的They were thought to be that of a prince and his wife. Recent analysis shows ... her husband可知,这可能是一对夫妇的坟墓,故选A项。
2. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的Some Greeks believe they were descendants of Iron Age settlers. Others thought they came from Lydia, an ancient kingdom可知D项说法正确。
3. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的Unlike Greek women, who were kept in their houses, those in Etruria were independent and educated可知,同古希腊妇女相比,伊特鲁里亚妇女享有更多的自由和权利,所以说伊特鲁里亚社会是进步的,故选D项。
4. B。词义猜测题。由该段中的The Romans followed much of the Etruscans' cultural, artistic and religious traditions可知,这里是说伊特鲁里亚政府的组织形式,他们的书面语言以及他们信仰的神被罗马人所接受,故选B项。
5. C。标题归纳题。文章通过介绍最近所发现的一座古墓向我们讲述了伊特鲁里亚人的相关情况,故选C项。
6. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Crop rotation refers to the practice of growing different types of crops (or none at all) in the same area season after season可知,crop rotation指的是农作物轮作,即:一种种植庄稼的方式,故选A项。
7. B。段落大意题。第三段主要讲述了不实行轮作将会产生的危害,故选B项。
8. C。词义猜测题。由第三段内容可知,these effects在此是指不实行轮作的诸多不良影响;作者接下来在第四段中就轮作是如何减少这些不良影响的进行了分析,故选C项。
9. B。写作手法题。作者在本段中通过解释说明的方法向我们讲述了轮作的好处,故选B项。
10. D。写作目的题。作者通过本文主要就农作物轮作的历史、原因及好处等相关情况作了介绍,故选D项。

由第二段中的Sun Veil Sunscreenreduces the harmful effects of the sun及you are being struck by the sun's powerful rays可知,不管你是在开车、步行去购物还是在户外玩耍等等,很多场合中都很有必要使用Sun Veil Sunscreen,故选B项。2. D。推理判断题。由文中的Sun Veil Sunscreenprovides long-lasting waterpr...

根据第二段的Families should be ableto make the choice for their kids without the government stepping in和第三段的the fight against obesity ismore successful when the government partners with industry可知,针对柏克莱市对含糖饮料征税这一做法,Gindlesperger觉得不合理。2. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的...

由第一段中的As the New YorkYankees' first baseman和He was a shy, modest person以及第二段中的became one of baseball's excellent hitters可知,Lou Gehrig是一名有天赋的、成功的、谦逊的棒球运动员。2. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的He is remembered by thepublic mainly as the Iron Horse who played...

由第一段中的Having five days ...was great和第二段中的One ofthe sessions I enjoyed以及文中的描述可知,作者非常喜欢参加PRSSA的会议。26. A。推理判断题。由第二、三段的描述可知,作者从PRSSA的会议中学到很多,再结合第四段中的also allowed ...know each other better ... always try to help each ...

由第二段中的the judges told her ...if you don't apply for a patent, we will和第三段中的Encouraged, Kristin and her dad ...可知,Kristin在评委的激励下考虑为自己的发明申请专利。23. A。推理判断题。由倒数第三段中的Still, she couldn'tget anyone interested in producing her product可知,在...

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由第一段中的The Oxford English Dictionary has just named its Word of the Year 和第二段中 的the English language has developed more rapidly in the last few centuries, adding many words to its vocabulary 可知,作者通过介绍这几个新词,旨在说明英语这门语言发展得很快,故选C 项。40. ...

由第二段中的there is recorded evidence of archery competitions taking place in China more than 3,000years ago 可知,箭术作为一项运动在三千多年前的中国就已经有记载了,故选C项。64. A。词义猜测题。由第二段中的Then the sport began to develop fast 可知,现代箭术运动很可能起源于十四世纪的英格兰,...

求2016高二英语周报外研综合第45期 高二英语下学期期末综合复习(二...
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广昌县13394557873: 选修六高二英语外研版英语周报2014 - 2015学年第一期答案 -
俞促阿昔:[答案] 的... and may even increase anxiety and ... 以及后面的Unfortunately, as we are suffering our own discomfort, ... 可推知人们对社会活动、商务会餐以及和领居之间的偶然交谈会感到紧张,因此C项正确.44. A.细...

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俞促阿昔:[答案] ell可知,这位女士是在说:“我非常'想念(missed)'你.”35. C.由上文的“And remind me of your name,” I said可知,这位女士在问:“难道你认不出我来了吗?”,故填recognize.36. A.好像是“我”“伤害了(hurt)...

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广昌县13394557873: 求高二英语周报答案
俞促阿昔: 21-35:ABDCC ADDAC DABAD 36-55:CDBCA DCCDA BBCDA CDCBA 56-59:DABC 60-63:DBCA 64-67:BABD 68-71:ADAB 72-75:DCBA 第一张图:brick-by-brick

广昌县13394557873: 求英语周报2014 - 2015高二外研综合第十期答案 -
俞促阿昔: 21-35:ABDCCADDACDABAD 36-55:CDBCADCCDABBCDACDCBA 56-59:DABC 60-63:DBCA 64-67:BABD 68-71:ADAB 72-75:DCBA 第一张图:brick-by-brick

广昌县13394557873: 求英语周报高二外研版2013 - 2014学年第八期总第3192期报纸答案~ -
俞促阿昔: 1-5 BCBAB 6-10 ACABB 11-15 CCABB 16-20. ACBBC 21-25 ACCDC 26-30 AACDC 31-35 DBCAA 36-40 CBDAC 41-45 DACDC 46-50 BBDBA 51-55 ACDAC 56-60 DDCBA 61-65 CACAB 66-70 DABDD 71-75 GBFEA 选做题参考答案 完形填空1-5ACBDB 6-10CCADA 11-15BADBD 16-20CACBD 阅读理解1-5BDBDA 仅供四川成都学生参考

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