求一英语高手翻译一段文章 在线等 翻译的好另加200分

作者&投稿:琴良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

License Plate Recognition system includes image acquisition, preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation, character recognition five core portion, wherein the character recognition process mainly consists of: (1) the text rightly dividing the image area; (2) the proper separation of a single text; (3) correct identification of a single character part. We introduce image preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation method of three modules. Image pre-processing module of this article is to image gray and step by Roberts operator edge detection. Plate positioning and segmentation using mathematical morphology is used to determine the license plate location method, and then use the color information of the color of the license plate
License Plate Recognition system includes image acquisition, preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation, character recognition five core portion, wherein the character recognition process mainly consists of: (1) the text rightly dividing the image area; (2) the proper separation of a single text; (3) correct identification of a single character part. We introduce image preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation method of three modules. Image pre-processing module of this article is to image gray and step by Roberts operator edge detection. Plate positioning and segmentation using mathematical morphology is used to determine the license plate location method, and then use color segmentation method license plate color information to complete parts of segmentation. After the first character segmentation binarization processing is completed and then the divided character vertical scan projection.

COGNITIVE radios are ideally suited for use in dynamic spectrum access networks in which there may be large variations in channel conditions from one session to the next. Such variations are common in networks that operate in a fixed frequency band, but the variations are more severe if the frequency band is changed for consecutive sessions. Each radio in a dynamic spectrum access network must be aware of its communication environment, and it must provide the information that other radios need in order to communicate with it efficiently. This information should besimple, easy to derive, and easy to send to neighboring radios. We focus on the information needed to adapt the error-control coding, modulation, and transmitter power for half-duplex packet transmissions.
A new session begins when one radio, referred to as the source, has a collection of packets to send to another radio, the destination. At the start of a new session, which may be in a different frequency band than the previous session, the protocol must adjust the transmitter power to provide reliable communications with minimal energy consumption and minimal interference to other radios. As the session progresses, the protocol must adjust the transmissions to compensate for changes in channel conditions. Our results demonstrate the extent to which the adaptive transmission protocol can rely only on code-rate adaptation to offset increased propagation loss. We show that when the cognitive radios must compensate for very large variations in the channel conditions, it is necessary to adapt the modulation also. Power increases are employed by our protocol only if the channel deteriorates so much during a session that changes in coding and modulation cannot provide enough compensation, which occurs very rarely.
The throughput performance of our protocol is compared with theoretical limits that are derived from considering ideal protocols and applying Shannon capacity results. We demonstrate that our protocol performs nearly as well as an ideal protocol that is given perfect channel-state information. The modulation formats that are available to the adaptive transmission system span a range from bandwidth-efficient modulation to power-efficient modulation, which permits the adaptation to compensate for large changes in propagation loss. In order to keep the complexity low, bit-interleaved coded modulation is employed to obtain each combination of coding and modulation that is used by the adaptive transmission protocol. In this approach, it is simple to change the code and modulation independently, because the error-control codes are not tailored to specific modulation formats.

it becomes more and more popular to enjoy musics and watch movies on computers in today's society.therefore,a good multimedia player is supposed to bring an unprecedented visual impact on our society,besides,it'll light our eyes that there're humanistic functions that we can change the user interfaces depending on our personal preferences.according to these,there's going to be a bright future for softwares which absorb the others' strengthes and avoid the others' weaknesses and not only broadcast but also manage and browse as well.multimedia player software is a multifunction software combining browsing with broadcasting images,audios and videos based on Windows platform with microsoft visio c 6.0development platform,c development language,microsoft office access database and the main technique is MFCbasic framework and active .the software is based on MFC basic framework with a developed windows media player component in main windows ,finally designed and developed with c language.multimedia players includes functions that fix interface proportion ,change interface skins,operate and manage the list , and broadcast images ,audios and videos based on windows media player component and activeX component.it's a pretty-looking and multifunction multimedia player software.
multimedia player software with broadcasting functions is a easily operated software for uncomputer majors with humanistic functions that change interface skins .what's more ,it's an open source software so that users could conveniently download it from Internet. 手机打字 有些句首和专有名词词首没有大写 翻完很累的 楼主加分啊 呵呵^_^

In today's society, people use the computer to listen to music, watching movies has become a major trend. Therefore, a good media player will give today's society, people bring unprecedented visual impact. And human skin replacement player function is especially important, according to personal preferences, the appearance of the skin player, multimedia player can be a bright spot, based on these reasons, the development of a can and play, browsing, management in one player, and absorbing the advantages of some modern players to abandon one of the shortcomings, this multimedia players certainly have good development prospect.
Media player software is based on the Windows platform, set photos, audio, video browsing, playback functions into one multi-functional multimedia player, the development platform for Microsoft Visio C + +6.0, development language used is C + + language, the main technology used to MFC framework is based on class and the use of Active Control, the database using Microsoft Office Access database. MFC class framework is based on the software, based on the main form into Windows Media Player control, and which controls development, and finally use the C + + language development and design. Media player software features include ActiveX controls on Windows Media Player control is achieved on the local directory, pictures, audio and video files playback, the ratio of the player interface settings, changing player skin, on the players list operation and management. Finally made a good-looking, full-featured media player software.
Media player software, set photos, audio, video files play with one, simple and fast. For non-computer professionals. More humane replacement player skin function. Media player software to open source software, users can download a free open source web site for users to facilitate the conditions for media player software.


楼主,这就是你要的翻译后的英语作文,祝您愉快 In today's society, people use computers to enjoy music, watch the movie has become the mainstream trend. Therefore, a good multimedia player will give in today's society, people bring an unprecedented visual impact. And the function of human skin replacement players also appears especially important, according to the personal preferences of the player, can become skin appearance of a window, multimedia player based on these reasons, developing a can of broadcast, browse, management in one of the players, and the advantages of some players to absorb today, including shortcoming, such multimedia player will have good prospects for development.
Multimedia playback software is based on Windows platforms of video and audio, images, play the function of multimedia player, development platform for Microsoft Visio c + + 6.0, development of language use is the c + + language, the main use of the technique is based framework class and Active MFC control is used, the database using Microsoft Office Access database. Software is based on the basic framework of MFC, in the form of Windows Media Player controls, insert and controls, finally using expand the c + + language development design. Multimedia playback software functions including the Windows Media based on ActiveX controls Player controls on local directory, audio and video images of the broadcasting functions, document interface Player, replacement ratio for skin, Player operation and management list of players. Finally made a beautiful appearance, complete functions of media player software.
Multimedia playback software sets, audio and video files images broadcast and integration, the operation is simple, fast. Suitable for the use of computer professionals. The more human skin function change players. Multimedia playback software for open source software, users can free in the open source web site users to download, multimedia playback software provides a convenient conditions.

In today's society, people use computers to enjoy music, watch the movie has become the mainstream trend. Therefore, a good multimedia player will give in today's society, people bring an unprecedented visual impact. And the function of human skin replacement players also appears especially important, according to the personal preferences of the player, can become skin appearance of a window, multimedia player based on these reasons, developing a can of broadcast, browse, management in one of the players, and the advantages of some players to absorb today, including shortcoming, such multimedia player will have good prospects for development.
Multimedia playback software is based on Windows platforms of video and audio, images, play the function of multimedia player, development platform for Microsoft Visio c + + 6.0, development of language use is the c + + language, the main use of the technique is based framework class and Active MFC control is used, the database using Microsoft Office Access database. Software is based on the basic framework of MFC, in the form of Windows Media Player controls, insert and controls, finally using expand the c + + language development design. Multimedia playback software functions including the Windows Media based on ActiveX controls Player controls on local directory, audio and video images of the broadcasting functions, document interface Player, replacement ratio for skin, Player operation and management list of players. Finally made a beautiful appearance, complete functions of media player software.
Multimedia playback software sets, audio and video files images broadcast and integration, the operation is simple, fast. Suitable for the use of computer professionals. The more human skin function change players. Multimedia playback software for open source software, users can free in the open source web site users to download, multimedia playback software provides a convenient conditions.

In today' s society, people use computers to music, films have become a trend. Therefore, good media player for the society today is unprecedented in the visual impact. and humane replacement Player skin function is particularly important, under the personal preferences player appearance skin, can become a multimedia player is a bright, for these reasons, to develop a can and broadcast, navigation, the integration of the player, and absorb modern some player of the advantages to abandon the shortcomings, the media player will be a good development prospects. Media Player software platform is based on the set Windows photos, audio, video player, browse functionality of advanced multimedia player in the development of the Platform Microsoft Visio C + 6.0 and the development of the use of language C ++ language, the technology is used in the basic framework MFC Active controls such as well as the use of the database is Microsoft Office Access database. Software is a basic framework of MFC in the main window insert Windows Media Player control, and the control of development, the final use C ++ language development and design. Media Player software for the functions include ActiveX control based on the Windows Media Player control of the local contents of the photos, audio and video playback functions, the player interface in proportion setting

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