用独立主格改写句子!!各位大神请速进啊啊! 1.Our homework has been fin

作者&投稿:挚红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
外语学习 -> 英语翻译~



独立主格结构就是 “逻辑主语 +分词、形容词或介词短语”,只要把前面的句中的谓语动词改为分词或留下形容词/介词短语就可以。

‌1. Our homework (having been finished), we went to play football. 〔时间状语〕
‌2. The meeting (over), he went back home. 〔时间状语〕
‌3. Time (permitting), we shall visit the zoo.〔条件状语〕
‌4. She stood there, tears (rolling) down her cheeks. 〔伴随状语〕
‌5. He left the room, the door (closed). 〔伴随状语〕
‌6. He entered the room, a book (in his hand). 〔伴随状语〕
‌7. Being cold, he put on his overcoat. 〔原因状语〕
‌8. Being no bus,we had to walk home. 〔原因状语〕
‌9. My watch (lost), I didn't know the time.〔原因状语〕

注:7 和 8 两句不属于独立主格结构。

we finished our homework,we went to play football

是独立主格 相当于tom moves outside,and linda follows.

3. 用独立主格改写句子 独立主格结构就是 “逻辑主语 +分词、形容词或介词短语”,只要把前面的句中的谓语动词改为分词或留下形容词\/介词短语就可以。 1. Our homework (having been finished), we went to play football. 〔时间状语〕 2. The meeting (over), he went back home. 〔时间状语〕 3. Time...

但是在最外层的完整的句子中“Heart disease is sometimes the result of a poor diet”是不可能直接就插入另一个完整句子的,所以就要用这样的独立主格结构来保证语法上的正确。这个独立主格结构也可以改写成定语从句的形式 “which has been developing often unnoticed for many years" ,也可以改写成...

在第一句中,分词短语 turning around 的逻辑主语显然不是句子的主语,即 turning around 这个动作根据句意不可能是 an old woman 发出的,因此用法不当。分词作状语时,如果其逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,分词应有自己的逻辑主语,构成分词的独立结构(absolute construction)。独立结构一般位于句首,有时...

英语语法问题!!!谢谢!!! 原题改写句子, Using a non-finite form:_百度...
When the reports arrived, we began to assess them.所以 答案可以是 ,the reports having arrived, we began to assess them.也可以是With the reports having arrived, we began to assess them..前者是 现在分词的完成形式 的 独立主格结构 作状语 后者是 with的复合结构 作状语 其实 前者才...


1.Because all the tickets had been sold out,we had to wait for the next week's show.2..The river looks more beautiful because flowers and grass are growing on both sides.3.The children looked at us with their eyes opening wide.这些句子本身是独立主格,因为前后主语不一样。

各位大哥大姐 帮小弟改写几个英语句子
更正一二楼第3题!1. Surprised, he didn't know what to say.2. There being no bus, I had to walk home.3. It was not until the firemen came to help that the fire was put out.4. We love our library which\/that gives us a good place to learn more knowledge.或:We ...

opening 就成了窗户执行的动作,意思是“窗户自身进行打开动作”,所以不能用 opening 取代 open】.The two started toward the mountains, the old man leading.说明:原句本身就是独立主格结构作伴随状语,第二种只不过是结构形式的转换,或者叫做在第一种结构的基础上改为另一种独立主格结构。

With my mother being ill, I won't be able to go on holiday.With an exam to be held tomorrow, I couldn't go to the cinema tonight.确保正确,还请采纳~~

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招券结核: The Bible was first written in Hebrew and Greek, both using many idoms.

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招券结核: All flights having been cancelled, many passengers had to take a train.希望能帮到你,祝一切顺利!

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招券结核: with +名词(代词)+名词 【例句】 She used to sit reading in the evening with her pet dog her only companion. 她从前总爱在晚上坐着看书,她的宠物狗便是她惟一的伙伴.He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl. 他去世的时候,女儿还是个中学生.

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招券结核: She hearing her mother had come,her face lit up 典型的独立主格结构. hearing现在分词自带主语she,以区别主句主语her face,为现在分词表原因(注意,不是表伴随). her mother had come作hear省略了that的宾语从句,能接that从句的hear一般意思为,“得知,听说” 翻译:得知母亲已经来了,她一脸的喜悦之情.

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