
作者&投稿:古府 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Five days ago, I told the sister and a group of classmates do volunteer work. The
Our first stop is the school of St Mary Luo, visit a friend who is stupid to bishop Hill Center for children. By the time we got there, they gave us a warm welcome. The
There little friend, my physical defects to varying degrees, some kids body bone deformation, to lie on the bed;some serious look stupid, strange, though they are like this, but the heart is very good. One's brother's brother, hehas learned the simple addend and the divisor, sings, the other two are called Dongdong and Mommy's friend,they and we played the monkey ball game, very happy. The
At lunch time, we feed them for dinner, after dinner went on the roof to enjoy the scenery, later we leave the roof,to share.
After that, we went to the canteen to eat lunch. Our lunch of bread and water, before a meal, we pray together,bread to eat, and water to drink, because we are hungry.
After this visit, I deeply feel that happiness is not inevitable. I want to cherish, but also to share everything with people.

Snowball fights

Snow after the snow piling up everywhere, this cola bad for me and my hometown friends, we decided to play a ski pole.
First of all, I ran up a mound behind the ambush and was responsible for the collection of "ammunition", my "comrades" in charge of the "enemy" over primer. However, when the "comrades" to "enemy" over primer, I also wholeheartedly to lie on the floor "clean-up of snow", so I was the "enemy" has become a snowman smashing. In order to "avenge" I rushed into the "enemy" of the "barracks" the enemy caught flat-footed. Ah, colorful winter vacation life, you will become a section of my best memories.


Today, under a snow goose, ground white roof and white, good snow a beautiful world. This is a rare snow made me feel excited, and I can not wait said to his mother: "Mom, I'm going out snowman!" Mama do not agree with a beginning, for fear I would shoes wet, but in my strong request Next, the only thing agreed, but there were requests that asked her to accompany me to play with.
I'm like a mustang off as stiff and quickly rushed into the snow world, my mother and I, as well as an aunt started a snowball fight, playing a very happy father and several uncles also like to see our happy boil do not live, and snowball fights to join our team. Later, the mother proposed to heap a snowman and said do your job, and my father and several uncles played snowball rolling right away, the soon to roll a big snowball, use it as a snowman's body, and then roll the a slightly smaller snowball as the snowman's head, and my father returned to the snowman made it a hat, mother, aunt and I have to help me,
We hired the carrots, charcoal, winding green beans, respectively, as the snowman's nose, eyes and mouth, Li aunt also own Phi in the snowman's scarf off his neck, after all of us some effort, a snow finally completed, about a high meter eighty, which is the most beautiful I've ever seen snowman.

翻译:打雪仗 下雪后,到处都堆满了积雪,这可乐坏了我和老家的朋友们,我们决定打一次雪杖。首先,我跑到一个土堆后面埋伏起来,并负责收集“弹药”,我的“战友”负责把“敌人”引过来。可是,当“战友们”把“敌人”引过来时,我还在一心一意地趴在地上“清理积雪”,于是我被“敌人”砸成了雪人。




我们来到花园里,刚要堆时,忽然听见一个小女孩在说:“小妹妹,我能跟你一起玩吗?”我转过身一看,原来是一位大姐姐,我高兴地对她说:“好呀,好呀!” 我们开始堆雪人了,我们先用铲子把雪都堆在一起,接着用手把雪做成一大一小两个雪球,然后大姐姐拿起几根长长的小木棍插在雪人的头上当作头发、并用一根小木棍...

下面是为大家带来的堆雪人看图写话,欢迎阅读。冬天来了,下雪啦!天上飘着雪花,地上铺着雪毯,树上披着银装,到处-片洁白,三个小伙伴约定在小明家门口堆雪人。你看,他们有的拿铲子铲雪,有的用双手把小雪球放在雪地上滚来滚去,还有的用手拍雪堆。不一会儿,雪人堆完了。他们想雪人没有眼睛、 鼻子...

In winter,the weather is very cold. Two children are making the snowman happily. The smile shows on their faces. Oh, how active they are!

下午放学了,小蓝、贝贝和小亮带着红领巾在高新一小一年级十班里打扫卫生。小蓝在扫地,小亮在洒水,贝贝在擦桌子。他们脸上都带着笑容为班级劳动!小蓝把地扫的`干干净净的,贝贝把桌子擦的干干净净的。篇四:看图写话 在一个中午,三个值日生在教室里做值日。穿粉色衣服的小女孩儿在用抹布擦桌子,...



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拱河脑血: Today, under a snow goose, ground white roof and white, good snow a beautiful world. This is a rare snow made me feel excited, and I can not wait said to his mother: "Mom, I'm going out snowman!" Mama do not agree with a beginning, for fear ...

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拱河脑血: "Five days ago, I told the sister and a group of classmates do volunteer work. The Our first stop is the school of St Mary Luo, visit a friend who is stupid to bishop Hill Center for children. By the time we got there, they gave us a warm welcome. The ...

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拱河脑血:[答案] When I opened the window in the morning,I found it's snowing outside.It's white everywhere.My best friend Mingming and I went to the courtyard to make snow man.We used carrot as his nose,a red bucket ...

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拱河脑血: Today, It is snowy. we make a snowman outside the house. We are happy.内 First. We make a big baII of snow. Then we make another snowbaII. This one is smaIIer than the first. We put this snowbaII on that snowbaII. We make another smaII ...

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拱河脑血: When I opened the window in the morning,I found it's snowing outside.It's white everywhere.My best friend Mingming and I went to the courtyard to make snow man.We used carrot as his nose,a red bucket as his cap,and two branches as his arms.The snow man looks great now.

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拱河脑血: I snowed yesterday evening, so we we went out and made snowman in the courtyard. First we made a big snow ball. Then we made a small snowball and put it on the big one. We use two buttons to make the eyes of the snowman and a carrot for ...

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拱河脑血: In winter,the weather is very cold. Two children are making the snowman happily. The smile shows on their faces. Oh, how active they are!

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拱河脑血: 搜索人人听力网rrting,然后再搜英语作文.·小学英语作文 ·初中英语作文 #$·高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文 ·考研英语作文 ·中考英语作文 ·高考英语作文 ·英语四级作文 ·英语写作资料 ·gre作文 ··留学文书写作 ·雅思 考试作文 ·英语六级作文这里有近两千篇英语作文,作业考试都不用怕了.希望能帮到你,要给分喔

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拱河脑血: Snowball fightsSnow after the snow piling up everywhere, this cola bad for me and my hometown friends, we decided to play a ski pole. First of all, I ran up a mound behind the ambush and was responsible for the collection of "ammunition", my ...

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拱河脑血:[答案] Snow!Earth after the snow covered with a white coat, my little friends come out to play happy school. We run around in the snow, enjoying our footprints in the snow to take the views.Played a while, I...

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