根据所给图画,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容。 ________________________________

作者&投稿:枝胞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

略 这是一篇给材料作文。本题所给材料是一幅图画,动笔前应认真观察图画,根据材料内容组织语言,列出简单提纲,确定句子的时态,关键单词等问题。根据内容可知本文主要是过去时态,人称是第三人称。写作中注意语义通顺,符合逻辑关系。点评:做英语书面表达时,只要注意认真审题,分析体裁,确定时态;分析内容要点,列出一些基本词汇及词组;注意表达的条理性,用好连接词;为丰富文章的文采,可以多用一些复合句。最后,注意不要犯语法、句法以及搭配性错误,写好后多读多修改,我想一定会写出满意的文章来。

One possible version : Last Friday we had a discussion on what to do on Saturday. Different people have different opinions. Some advised going to Children’s Palace to have fun, others suggested going boating in the beautiful park. Finally we decided to to go climbing and have a picnic in the open air. We started early on Saturday morning and reached the top of the mountain. We had a picnic and talked happily. After that we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin. As is known to us all, it’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment. Although we were all tired, we were very happy. 试题分析: 本篇书面表达要求学生正确描述图片,根据图片发挥自己的想象,准确描述。在写作时,应运用正确的时态记述事情,运用词组和丰富的句型。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。【亮点说明】本文行文流畅,语言运用娴熟。恰当使用了一般过去时,并且能熟练运用连词或过渡词:although, finally, after that。同时,能够根据图片,准确地运用词组进行表达。

One day, Linda was on her way home. She saw a man ride a bike in front of him. Suddenly, a car ran against him at a high speed. The man fell to the ground and was hurt badly. But the driver didn’t stop to save the man. Instead, he drove his car away quickly. Linda ran fast to catch up with the car. And she called the police. Soon the policeman came. He scolded the driver. At last, the driver apologized to the man.

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Andy and Jacky had a bad day yesterday. It was sunny when they left school for home in the afternoon. But a few minutes later,it began to rain. It was a storm with lightning and thunder. And the wind was very strong. The two boys had only one umbrella. They decided to ...

it is noodle.

Yesterday was Sunday, and I had a good time with my friend. In the morning, when I got up, I found it's 10 o'clock. It was too late, because I had a lot of homework to do. When I finished my homework, My friend David called me and said that "Would you like to ...

这是一篇看图式寓言性英语作文,主要内容是说“The taste of others may be your poison”别人的美味可能是你的毒药,或者像中国的成语“邯郸学步”一样,表达这个意思,也就是要说明方法的重要性要因人而异,不能人云亦云。写的时候可以这样来描诉:My mother often tellls stories for us.One day...

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图画的英语单词是picture ,其读音为英 ['pɪktʃə(r)]  美 ['pɪktʃər]。具体释义如下:picture 英 ['pɪktʃə(r)]  美 ['pɪktʃər]n. 照片;影片;描述;图画 vt. 想像;画;拍照 过去式: pictured ...

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图画的英文是picture,其读音为英 [ˈpɪktʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpɪktʃɚ]。具体释义如下:picture 英 [ˈpɪktʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpɪktʃɚ]1、名词 n.照片,画像;图画,图片;影片;情景 例:The...

这些明信片上有图画 用英语怎么说
要是非得这么填的话,就得是HAVE 和PICTURES,但是这个句子不准确,应该这么写 There are pictures on the postcards.

图画的英语是:picture。picture 英 ['pɪktʃə] 美 ['pɪktʃɚ]n. 照片,图画;影片;景色;化身 vt. 画;想像;描写 词组短语 in the picture 在图中;在画中 the picture of 是…的化身;与…非常相像;十足…的样子 picture something to oneself ...

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