求教 与way有关的短语~~~~

作者&投稿:彩采 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

across the way
路对面, 街对面
over the way
路对面, 街对面

all the way
一路上, 沿路
从远处, 特地
all the other way
[口]相反的, 颠倒过来
quite the other way
[口]相反的, 颠倒过来
very much the other way
[口]相反的, 颠倒过来
all the way from... to
be fond of one's own way
自己要怎样干就怎样干; 喜欢自行其是, 独断独行
be in sb. 's way
挡?鹑说穆? 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人
stand in sb. 's way
挡?鹑说穆? 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人
be set in one's ways
死心眼, 脾气固执
beat one's way
[美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车
blaze the way
bluff one's way out (of)
bring up the hard way
by the way
顺路; 在途中
顺便说, 附带说说
by way of
经由, 经过
当作, 作为; 作出...样子
clear the way for sth.
为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件
pave the way for sth.
为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件
smooth the way for sth.
为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件
come in sb.'s way
走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到
落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用
为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长
fall in sb.'s way
走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到
落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用
为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长
lie in sb.'s way
走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到
落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用
为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长
cut both ways
模棱两可; 互有利弊
discover the hard way
find out the hard way
edge one's way
elbow one's way
face both ways
脚踏两只船; 采取两面态度
fall by the way
中途掉队; 中途放弃、退出
feel one's way
prope one's way
find one's way out of
设法走出, 摆脱
fight one's way
奋斗前进, 打开一条道路
fight one's way back (to)
find one's way to
find the way to
find one's way into
find the way into
force one's way
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
push one's way
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
shoulder one's way
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
squeeze one's way
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
thread one's way
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
work one's way
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
force out
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
push out
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
shoulder out
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
squeeze out
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
thread out
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
work out
挤(出去), 冲(出去)
follow one's way (=get one's way)
随心所欲地做; 独行其是

get in the way
get out of the way
让开; 避开
解决(某事), 除去

make way
all the way
give way
in no way
by the way
in a way
by way of
[中考]经由,通过 …… 方式
get in the way
in one's/the way
in the way of
in this way
lead the way
lose one's way
make one's way
on one's way to
on the/one's way (to)
pay the way for
[中考]为 …… 铺平道路
show sb. the way
on one's way to school
on one's way home
on one's way to the hospital
on one's way to the cinema
on one's way to see a film
on the way to..
the way to...
good way to
[中考] 好方法
on one's way to…
[中考] 在谁去那的路上
the way to do sth. = the way of doing sth.
[中考] 做某方面的方法
the way to…
[中考] 到哪的路
inch one's way forward
[中考] 慢慢前进
feel one's way
give way to
go out of one's way
in every way
in the way
make one's own way
in the/sb's way
the other way round
on one's/the way
under way
stand in one's way
[大学] 阻碍,妨碍
from way back
way out
on the way
the way of the world
way station
the whole way
从远道, 从头至尾, 自始至终, 一路上
milky way
way of life
milky way galaxy
right of way
appian way
go a long way
v. 大有帮助,走了一大段路,采取主动
in a bad way
in a big way
every which way
the right way
the other way around

1. 路,通路,道路[C]
Can you show me the way to the Post Office?
2. 方向[C]
3. 路程,距离[the S]
It's a long way to the railroad station.
4. 方法,方式[C][(+to-v)]
Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease.
5. 风俗,习惯;风度;作风[C]
I did not like the way he talked to me.
6. 方面,点[C]
Their plan is recommendable in many ways.
7. 路途,路线[S]
Do you know the way to the post office?
8. 供通过的地方;活动范围;余地[the S]
9. 愿望,意愿[U]
If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight.
10. 前进,进行[U]
11. 状况;健康状况[S]
I'm afraid she's in a bad way.
12. 规模,程度[S]
13. 【律】通行权
14. 生意,职业[C]
ways and means
1. 办法
He hasn't got a job, but he seems to have ways and means of getting money.
by way of
1. 经由
He came by way of New York.
by the way
1. 顺便提一下
By the way, do you have any idea where the post office is?
2. 在途中
get one's own way
1. 为所欲为
I tried to warn him of the danger, but he was determined to get his own way.
give way
1. 让步
Our employer will not give way to our demands for higher wages.
go all the way
1. 完全同意
I can't go all the way with some of the details of your argument.
go out of one's way
1. 特地
They went out of their way to help us.
have it both ways
1. 脚踏两条船
You'll have to decide whether you want to stay with your sister or you want to go on holiday; you can't have it both ways.
in a bad way
1. 病情严重
Amy's in a bad way.
in a big way
1. 大规模地
He always likes to do things in a big way.
in a way
1. 在某种程度上
The work is well done in a way.
in the way
1. 妨碍的
Her social life got in the way of her studies.
learn the hard way
1. 通过艰难困苦而学到
She learned the hard way that life can be cruel for a woman alone in a big city.
look the other way
1. 故意朝另一边看
The teacher just looks the other way whenever the children cause trouble。
make way
1. 让路
All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine.
make one's way
1. 成功
If you want to make your way you must learn to work hard while you are still young.
mend one's ways
1. 改正自身
He will have to mend his ways if he wants to be invited to my house again.
one way or another
1. 以某种方法
One way or another I'm going to finish this work before the end of the week.
on the way out
1. 即将过时
That type of dress is on the way out.
out of the way
1. 不同寻常的
He has done nothing out of the way yet.
pave the way for
1. 为...铺路
Such opinions pave the way for social change.
pay one's way
1. 付分内之款;做到不负债
We are not paying our way.
put sb. in the way of
1. 给某人以...的机会
He put me in the way of a job.
rub the wrong way
1. 惹怒
He's a friendly sort of person so long as you don't rub him the wrong way.
see one's way (clear) to do sth.
1. 有可能(做某事)
I hope you can see your way clear to settle the matter.
set in one's ways
1. 习惯根深蒂固
The older politicians are too set in their ways to understand the importance of these new ideas.
under way
1. 在进行中
Formal negotiations are under way.
wend one's way
1. 离开
I must be wending my way.

in this way 用这种办法in the way ,挡路no way!没门

Which way should I go?我该往哪儿走?

宁河县18832453680: way的短语 -
褒媛艾素: same way, long way, effective way, easy way, right way way to do sth, way of doing sth, way from(or to) ..., across the way在街对面;在…对面, all the way一路上;自始至终,完全地;无保留地,(that's/it's) always the way(表示经常如此,尤用...

宁河县18832453680: 关于“way”的短语有哪些? -
褒媛艾素: 最佳答案 有关“way”的短语 希望以下几条短语能给你帮助. by way of someplace.途径某地 get in the way.妨碍 show somebody the way.为某人引路 lead the way.带路 set in one's ways.旧习难改 mend one's ways.改邪归正 the way of the world.世...

宁河县18832453680: 与way有关的短语,以及他们的翻译,求高人指点 -
褒媛艾素: by the way 顺便说一下 in a way 在某种程度上 on the way home 在回家的路上 all the way 一路上, 沿路 从远处, 特地 自始至终be in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 by the way 顺路; 在途中 顺便说...

宁河县18832453680: 帮忙总结一下WAY的词组,6个以上就好…… -
褒媛艾素:[答案] by the way 顺便问一下 on the way to 去...的路 give way to 屈服;让步;递交;交上;让位于,转变为;听任支配 in a way 有点;稍微;在某种意义上 lead the way 向导;领路;引路 make way (for) 给…让出(地方,路) pass the way (for) 为铺平道路...

宁河县18832453680: 有关way的短语及例句?越多越好~ -
褒媛艾素:[答案] lose the way 迷路 例句: We lost the way in the dark. 我们在黑夜中迷路了. by the way 顺便说一下 例句: Not bad.By the way,how is your mother?Is she all right? 还好.顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样?她好吗? Love to Bob,by the way. 请顺便代我向鲍勃问...

宁河县18832453680: 有关way的短语及例句??越多越好~谢谢 -
褒媛艾素: lose the way 迷路 例句: We lost the way in the dark. 我们在黑夜中迷路了. by the way 顺便说一下 例句: Not bad. By the way, how is your mother? Is she all right? 还好.顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样?她好吗? Love to Bob, by the way. 请顺便代...

宁河县18832453680: 求way的相关短语 -
褒媛艾素:[答案] by way of someplace.途径某地 get in the way.妨碍 show somebody the way.为某人引路 lead the way.带路 set in one's ways.旧习难改 mend one's ways.改邪归正 the way of the world.世俗 just the other way.恰恰相反 in any way.无论如何 in no way.无论...

宁河县18832453680: 请列举一些与way相关的词组~(比如:in the way 挡路,碍事) -
褒媛艾素:[答案] find one`s way 直译 找到某人的路 make one`s way 走,行走,前进 take one`s way 离开 fight one's way 奋斗前进 give way to 让路给 by the way 通过……渠道 in no way不可能

宁河县18832453680: 帮忙总结下与way有关的短语 -
褒媛艾素: make way [中考]让路,开路 all the way [中考]一路上 give way [中考]让路,让步 in no way [中考]决不 by the way [中考]顺便提一下,另外 in a way [中考]在某点,在某种程度上 by way of [中考]经由,通过 …… 方式 get in the way [中考]挡道 in one's/...

宁河县18832453680: way的用法及短语 -
褒媛艾素:[答案]一、in a way的用法 表示:在一定程度上,从某方面说.如: In a way he was right.在某种程度上他是对的. 注:in a way也可说成in one way.二、on the way的用法 1、表示:即将来(去),就要来(去).如:Spring is on the way.春天快到了. 2、...

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