
作者&投稿:偶良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Join the Fight是什么意思~


smtp 发收电子邮件协议 ftp 文件传输协议 http 超文本传输协议 X.400 用于国际函件分布系统的标准 pop3 接收电子邮件协议 tcp 传输控制协议 IP Internet协议 ppp 端对端协议


英文我在写呢 稍等。。。。
I can't wait till I grow up. I have the right to be happy, to be kept safe, to be kept warm, to feel loved to be listened to, to be heard, to never ever ever ___, tremor or shake, or have my innocence punched, kicked or strained away. I’ll fight for the rights of children like me who don’t have a childhood. I can’t wait until I grow up.


I can’t wait till I grow up. I have the right to be happy, to be kept safe, to be kept warm, to feel loved to be listened to, to be heard, to never ever ever cower, or tremble or or shake, or have my innocence punched, or kicked or or screamed away. I’ll fight for the rights of children like me who don’t have a childhood. I can’t wait until I grow up.
Join the fight for children's rights

ISPCC 全称是 the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 英国爱尔兰儿童虐待预防协会

the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


17376 So, it is done那么完结了。17377 I had not dared to trust my senses. Too many times has Lich King made me to be a fool我不敢相信我的判断。太多次Lich国王让我变傻瓜了。17378 Finally ... He has been made to pay for the atrocities he has opposed upon my people终于,...

2、video resume 视频简历 ; 频简历 3、interlaced video 隔行扫描 ; 隔行视频 ; 交错方式的视频 ; 隔行扫描视频 4、Video Server 视频服务器 ; 影像伺服器 ; 视讯伺服器 ; 影像服务器

At the age of three, he's ascended to the dragon throne.他三岁登基 As a boy, he was the absolut ruler of the feudal China.作为一个男孩——封建中国的绝对统治者。His life filled with cites and sounds never the human beings on the earth could experience.他的生命里充满了平常...

Let's watch a video first.

It sounds really interesting! I wish that I would have seen your video.

英文的叫NEW SOUL ,韩文的不清楚 这个视频原来的音乐比这个更合适,非常的美

剧名:欢乐合唱团\/Glee 由《整容室》(Nip\/Tuck)制片人Ryan Murphy开发的新剧《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)是一部节奏常欢快的情节音乐喜剧。故事讲述乐天派的高中教师Will Schuester(Matthew Morrison扮演)接手校园合唱团后,梦想着率队赢得全国大赛。但摆在Will面前的现实是:来参加合唱团的学生五花八门,绝...

Death is my calling. Vengeance my creed. I will wash away the past, with the blood of Olympus! Chaos will rise again!屠杀是我的职责,复仇是我的信条。我会用奥林匹斯的血洗刷过去,混乱将会再次崛起。

这一段视频原文+译文如下:She's wrong. I can't go back.她错了 我不能回去 What would it prove,anyway?事情都已经发生了 It won't change anything.回去又能证明什么呢?You can't change the past.这又改变不了任何事情 You said you'd always be there for me!你说你会永远在我身边...

Alex:Hey anyone!Hello!(这一句视频一开始就有,不过貌似没读)Alex:Marty,Melman,Gloria.Marty,Melman,Gloria.Marty,Melman,Gloria,Marty,Melman,Marty,Marty,Melman.Melman:Hey,help!Get me out of this thing,somebody!Hello?Get me out of this thing right now!Hello?sSomebody?Alex:Melman!Melman...

湘乡市19297354095: 求这段视频的英文.及ISPCC是什么组织. -
羽奇凯莱: 宣传片中小男孩的自述:I can't wait till I grow up. I have the right to be happy, to be kept safe, to be kept warm, to feel loved to be listened to, to be heard, to never ever ever cower, or tremble or or shake, or have my innocence punched, or kicked or...

湘乡市19297354095: “一段视屏”用英文怎么说啊?、、、、就是“一段视频”a section of screen 就算了.那个是错的 -
羽奇凯莱:[答案] a video clip 指从完整视频中选取的“一段视屏” 如果你就是想单纯表达“一个视频”,直接a video也行

湘乡市19297354095: 求一段视频英文内容的翻译 -
羽奇凯莱: 既然你能听得出大概,以你的水平一定可以看懂文字的,就不用翻译了吧.Hello everybody, this is Yu Ying in Beijing, a city that just celebrated the “One world, one dream” in 2008. And now I have another dream to share with you, to get the best ...

湘乡市19297354095: 求此段视频的 英语原文 30:31——30:4330:44——30:51的原文,主要有几个词听不出来how to …………how to - _______water service,what to do if your_____... -
羽奇凯莱:[答案] 第一个是how to (sign up for) 第二个是 your (sewer) clogs, 第三个是(are available)online, 第四个是to become (cyber) citizens

湘乡市19297354095: 下面请欣赏一段视屏 用英文怎么说 -
羽奇凯莱:[答案] Now let's enjoy a video clip.

湘乡市19297354095: 超爱这段视频英文怎么?超爱这段视频英文怎么说
羽奇凯莱: Love this video very much

湘乡市19297354095: 有谁知道这个视频里的英文歌曲分别什么?
羽奇凯莱: 这里面就一首歌:Gwen Stefani - 4 In The Morning试听:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/tlKbzP_5SeY/下载:http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=Gwen+Stefani+-+4+In+The+Morning&p=1&source=1&t=1

湘乡市19297354095: 英语翻译看完这段视频我陷入了深深的思考,就我自己而言,我是反对吸烟的. -
羽奇凯莱:[答案] 可翻译为:I got caught in the deep thinking after seeing this video,as for me,I am against smoking.

湘乡市19297354095: 接下来让我们先来看一段视频的翻译是:什么意思 -
羽奇凯莱: 接下来让我们先来看一段视频的翻译是:Let's start with a video

湘乡市19297354095: 求这段视频的背景音乐名称? -
羽奇凯莱: 歌名:Lies (Remix) 歌手:Big Bang 韩语不是英文 试听: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/UCmzMfF2T7I/

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