高分求翻译课文theme parks,详细些3Q

作者&投稿:虿锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁能帮我找下人教新课标高中必修四Unit 5 Theme parks 的课文内容,谢谢了!~


也许你最熟悉的主题公园是是迪斯尼乐园。在世界的一些地方都可以发现它的身影。它将带你进入一个神奇的世界,使你梦想成真,无论是穿越太空,还是参观一艘海盗船或和你你最喜欢的童话或迪士尼卡通人物见上一面。无论哪儿有迪斯尼乐园,旅游业都是在增长的漫步在。如果你想玩得开心,有趣, 请到到迪斯尼乐园!

A theme park is a collection of rides, exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme. Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks often want to teach visitors something. At the World Park, one of the largest theme parks in China, visitors can look at buildings, castles and statues from more than thirty countries.
At the China Ethnic Culture Park, people can learn about the customs, costumes, and culture of China's fifty-five minorities. There are also theme parks about cartoon characters, animals --even about water. What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something.
Many people come to theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment. But theme parks also try to make sure that visitors leave knowing more about their theme. A good example of a theme park that both educates and entertains is Ocean Park in Hong Kong. Visitors to Ocean Park will find all the rides and attractions that can be found in most parks, but they will also find many opportunities to learn about life in the ocean. More than 50.000 students visit the park every year. The park has a conservation centre that helps protect marine animals and their habitats in the rivers and coastal waters of Asia. Ocean Park is built on both sides of a mountain on the south side of Hong Kong Island. The park is divided into two sections. Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the Lowland. At the Lowland, they can explore the past at the Discovery of the Ancient World and examine giant footprints at the dinosaur exhibition, Visitors can also learn about coral and sharks at Dolphin University, look at the winged beauties in the Butterfly House, or admire An An and Jia Jla, the two giant pandas.
Disneyland in California was one of the furst theme parks to become popular around the world. New Disney parks have opened in other parts of the US and in Europe and Asia. The theme of the Disney parks is the world of Walt Disney and his characters: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and many others. Visitors to the Disney parks can meet Mickey and his friends, enjoy rides and games, and look at exhibitions from all parts of the world. Another big theme park in the US is Universal Studios in Florida. At Universal, all the rides and activities are based on Universal Pictures movies. Entering one of the attractions at Universal Studios is like stepping into the world of your favorite movie. Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the movie.
New theme parks are being built all over the world. It seems that people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures. The parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury. So if you want to know what it feels like to fall through the air, take off in a rocket, fly a helicopter or fight alien creatures in outer space, visit one of the theme parks in your area. If there isn't one where you live yet, don't worry, the theme parks are coming!


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颛券再林: 大家最熟的主题公园大概就是迪斯尼乐园.你可以在世界的很多地方找到它.它将带你进入一个神奇的世界,让你的梦想成真,或者穿越太空,参观一艘海盗船或遇见你最喜欢的童话或迪士尼卡通人物.哪儿有迪斯尼乐园,哪儿的旅游业就会增长.如果你想玩得开心点,就来到迪斯尼乐园吧! PS:绝对人工翻译 部分地方你打错了 我已经按原文帮你翻译满意的话一定要采纳

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