09高考英语口语考试试题及答案 福建

作者&投稿:子丰律 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


1、Do you like your monitor? Why? Why not?
2、Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?
3、How are you getting along with your classmates?
1、What kind of music do you like best?
2、What do you think of your English teacher?
三、Who is your best friend? Say something about him\her
1、Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English?
2、what date is your birthday?
3、How do you like your mother?
1、Do you often play football,table tennis,volleyball Why? Why not?
2、Which do you like better,watching TV or seeing movies?
3、Please say something about your family.
1、Do you enjoy music? Why? Why not?
2、What's your favourite subject?
3、What do you often do on Sundays?
1、Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays?
2、What sport do you like best?
3、What are you going to do during summer holidays?
1、 Do you often listen to English programs? Why? Why not?
2、What do you do in your spare time?
3、Do you like your school? Why? Why not?
1、Do you often watch TV? Why? Why not?
2、What are you going to be in the future?
三、Who is your favourite teacher? Please say something about him/her.
1、How do you usually spend your weekends?
2、Do you have any pen-friends? Please say something about him,her?
3、What do you usually do in your spare time?
1、Do you like sports? Why? Why not?
2、What did you do after the collage entrance examinations?
3、Please say something about one of your good friends.
1、Do you think collecting stamps interesting? Why? Why not?
2、What subjects did you study?
3、What do you do to improve your English?
1、What's your favourite food?
2、How long did you spend on your homework every day?
3、Could you please say something about your school?
1、Is it important to learn English? Why? Why not?
2、How many classed did you have in Senior Three every day?
3、What do you do to keep fit?
1、Do you like English? Why? Why not?
2、How are you getting along with your school life?
3、Who is your favourite teacher? Please say something about him,herx.
1、What subject do you like best? Why?
2、How often do you watch TV?
3、What's your interest? Please say something about it?
第一套 第一份
1、Why do you study English?
2、Which season do you like best? Why?
3、What are your parents?
1、How do you learn English?
2、Which subject do you like best? Why?
3、How will you spend your summer holidays?
1、Do you like English? Why?
2、How do your parents celebrate your birthday?
三、Is your hometown beautiful? Say something about your hometown.
第二套 第一份
1、When will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing?
2、Do you celebrate your birthday? How ?
3、What’s your favourite food? Why?
1、What do you usually do for your holiday?
2、What do you think you can do for the disabled people?
三、How do you spend your spare time?
1、Do you like playing computer games? Why? Why not?
2、Is the computer useful in our daily life? Please give some examples.
3、Say something about your hobby, please.
第三套 第一份
1、Do you think spoken English is important? Why? Why not?
2、What’s your favorite subject?
3、How do you usually celebrate your parents’ birthday?
1、How do you like your Chinese teacher?
2、How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
3、Do you often do something good for your class? How?
1、How much time do you spend on English reading everyday?
2、What does your father do?
3、Is the city/village where you are living beautiful?
第四套 第一份
1、What’s your favorite sport? Why?/Why not?
2、How many classes are there in your school?
3、Are you good at English?
1、Which is your favorite university?
2、What subject are you good at?
3、Could you tell me something about your family?
1、How often do you go to see a film?
2、How far is it from your home to your school?
3、Do you often help do housework?
第五套 第一份
1、What is your favorite subject? Why?
2、How do you usually spend your weekends?
3、What do you think of your school? Please describe it.
1、How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
2、Do you want to take English as your major? Why? Why not?
3、Can you tell us something about your English teacher?
1、Do you often ask your English teacher 2uestions? Why?/Why not?
2、How can you improve your spoken English?
3、Would you please give a brief introduction of your family?
第六套 第一份
1、How do you find your English teacher?
2、Do you love music? Why?/Why not?
3、Which university do you like best? Why?
1、Do you often watch TV at home? Which channel?Why not?
2、How do you usually spend your weekends?
3、What are you going to be in the future?
1、Do you love your hometown? Why? Why not?
2、What is your favorite sport?
3、What do you often do in your spare time?
福建省积年高考英语白话测验题[三] 第一套 Ⅰ.
1、Do you like music? Why?/Why not?
2、What subject do you like best? Why?
3、Why do you learn spoken English?
1、Do you like spoken English? Why?/Why not?
2、Do you listen to music while you are studying? Why?/Why not?
3、What will you do if you have a lot of money?
1、Do you think friends are important to you? Why?/Why not?
2、Please say sth about one of your best friends.
3、What TV programmer do you like best? Why?
第二套 I、
1、Do you often watch TV? Why?/Why not?
2、What are your hobbies? Please say sth about them.
3、How do you celebrate your birthday?
1、How do you spend your weekends?
2、What’s your favorite sport? Why?
3、Do you think money is very important to you?
1、Do you think friendship is important to you? Why?/Why not?
2、What is your favorite food? Why?
3、Do you like animals? Why?/Why not?
第三套 II、
1、How do you spend your spare time?
2、Please say sth about one of your good friends.
3、Do you love your school? Why?/Why not?
1、Do you like to have a part-time job? Why?/Why not?
2、How do you find your English teacher?
3.What is your favorite subject? Why?
第四套 I、
1、How do you practice your spoken English?
2、Do you remember your parents’ birthday? How do you celebrate them?
3、What season do you like best? Why?
1、Would you please introduce your family?
2、Do you like fast food? Why?/Why not?
3、Do you think friendship is important to you? Why?/Why not?
1、Do you share your feelings with your friends? Why?/Why not?
2、Are you ready to help others? Why?/Why not?
3、How do you improve your spoken English?
第五套 I、
1、Do you keep any pets? Why?/Why not?
2、How will you spend your holidays this summer?
3、Do you like traveling? Why?/Why not?
1、How do you spend your pocket money?
2、Where would you like to travel? Why?
三、Do you think that good memory is important in learning English? Why?/Why not?
1、What kind of music do you like?
2、What do you do to improve your English?
3、Say sth about your hobby, please.

1. What’s are you going to be? Why? 2.What’s your favorite sport? Why? 3.Do you often surf the internet? Why or why not? 4.What’s your most unforgettable experience in your life ? Why?
5. What’s your favorite subject? Why?
6.What’s your plan for this summer vacation? Why? 7. Who has so far impressed you most ? Why? 8. What’s your favorite subject? Why?
9. What’s your plan for this summer vacation? Why?




口语考试很简单的,念一段文章,然后他问你个问题就完了比如,WHAT DO YOU LIKE?



高考英语口试满分为5分。高考英语口试1,2,3,4,5分共五个档次,3分以上为及格,5分满分。高考没有参加外语口试,那么你就无法报考要求口试成绩的学校和专业,但不影响你报考其他非英语学校或专业,因为这些非英语专业,一般不要求口试成绩。高考英语口语考试注意事项 1、参加口语考试之前,一定要提前...



1、一、口语越来越重要。2、各大学要求口语分数越来越高。3、 多年来,每到高考前夕,准备报考外语专业的学生和他们的家长都要东奔西走,打听英语口语是怎么回事,如何为口试备考。4、我在这里简单介绍一下高考口试内容、形式、考试方式、过程以及经常出现的问题等,然后推荐一些备考的有效方法,为“临时抱佛脚”的考生...





站前区13570546815: 福建高考英语口试试题和考法 -
暨点赛纶: 2009年福建高考英语口试试题 第一套 I. 1. Do you like music? Why/Why not? 2. What subject do you like best? Why? 3. Why do you learn spoken English? II. 1. Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not? 2. Do you listen to music while you ...

站前区13570546815: 09高考英语口语考试试题及答案 福建 -
暨点赛纶: http://lbb.daai.blog.163.com/blog/static/885694422010524115153536/ 福建历年来的高考英语口语试题及其参考答案.那个答案都是很简单的.所以英语高手就不用看了.

站前区13570546815: 2009陕西高考外语口试试题 -
暨点赛纶: 第一个是朗读一段文章,主要考察你的发音、语调及其是否有无方言口音,分数分为10-20-30三个档次. 第二个是老师设计一些生活中的场景,你用外语来回答.考察的是你的听力、口语能力和反应能力,分数分为10-20-30三个档次. 第三个是给你一个话题,你自由发挥,时间是3-5分钟.考查的是你的口语能力,分数分为10-20-30-40四个档次. 其实他主要考察的还是写基础性的东西,只要你基础扎实,考场上自信、放松,正常发挥,基本都没什么问题的.还有你要提前准备上一片自我介绍,这个一般都要考.口语考试没有笔试环节,如果不参加口语考试,是不能被所有外语专业及要求有口语考试成绩的专业录取的.

站前区13570546815: 福建省高考英语口语试题 -
暨点赛纶: 2008 高考口语试题 第一、二套题 回答问题 1. How do you like your school? 2. What present will you give to your mother on her birthday? 3. What present will you give to your father on his birthday? 4. What will you do to protect yourself when an ...

站前区13570546815: 2009年各省高考英语试题及答案
暨点赛纶: 高考英语真题类资料下载汇总http://club.topsage.com/thread-499451-1-1.html高考英语试题类资料下载汇总http://club.topsage.com/thread-504522-1-1.html

站前区13570546815: 2009年高考英语试题及答案
暨点赛纶: 我这里有一个地址,上面有2009年各省市高考英语试题及答案汇总,希望可以帮到你! http://edu.114study.com/gaokao/article467061.html

站前区13570546815: 09安徽高考英语口试
暨点赛纶:一般高考口语很简单,多数情况都是让你朗读一小段课文,也有老师可能要求你说一两句英文,象What subject do you like most? Do you like sports? Do you think it difficult to learn English?高考口语就是检查你是不是口吃,发音是否标准.如果...

站前区13570546815: 2009年高考英语口试 -
暨点赛纶: 有点学校的英语或者对外汉语专业以及其他相关专业有要求报考该专业需要高考英语口试通过,所以如果你有志报考这些专业的话必须参加口试 同时,参加口试只是对报考这些有要求的专业的一个保障,并不是说过来口试只能报考英语专业,过来口试还是能报考任何专业 这只是你进入某些有限制专业的一个条件 这样的专业还是较少的

站前区13570546815: 需电子版的山东2009年高考英语试题及参考答案
暨点赛纶: 宏章教育网;电子版的,各种格式的都有!!! http://www.hozoo.com.cn/showsearch1.asp?key=2009年全国各地高考试题

站前区13570546815: 2009年福建省高考英语试卷答案
暨点赛纶:http://www.chinahrlab.com/gaokao/ln-shiti/english/249173.html 有详细题目和答案.各个地方的考卷都有.

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